Chapter 558 - Don't you dare use any trick

They did not discuss it any further once she asked for the time to think it over. Mr Long changed into another topic, this time about the migration of the team from the Full Moon Corp to the main company. It should be completed within this month so all the projects could work perfectly without any interruption and problem.

Ryn changed her seat beside Mrs Long so they would not interrupt the discussion. With Mr Long has to return to the main company while Jeremy got busy for his last tour as a group. Later, he told his family with a straight first, he would just write songs and nurture singers. He would no longer sing in public.

"Why don't we walk in the garden?" Mrs Long suggested. Her mother-in-law was having a nap now, too exhausted to wait for the lunch. With the car show just now, the Cook started to cook later than usual, hence their lunch would not be ready at the usual time.

Ryn agreed. She helped Mrs Long to stand and together they walked to the garden at the side of the building. The garden was filled with all sort of flowers and mostly were roses in every colour and with or without fragrants. 

"I wih you could do the reception here," Mrs Long murmured as they walked between the rose bushes. They also had to walk underneath the roses arch and the elder woman looked at it wishfully.

"Aunty, you can have a party to celebrate your anniversary with uncle," Ryn suggested. She could picture how romantic the party would be with fairy lights in between the roses at the arch. Maybe heart shaped ball or light ball all over the place as decoration? Even the pool, they could fill it with balloon or rose petals. 

If a lazy her could picture so many things for a party, she has no doubt a party planner would have a lot of ideas.

She accompanied the elder woman walking around, enjoying the nature. Then, when a maid came and informed them politely that lunch was ready, they retraced back their walk into the building.

The men were already in the dining room, waiting for them.

Jeremy stood up and pulled the chair for his girlfriend while Mr Long did the same for his wife. They waited for the Dowager to arrive. 

It took almost five minutes before the elder reached the dining room. Ryn automatically stood up to show her respect while Jeremy stood up to pull the chair for his grandmother.

The butler, once he saw everyone has taken their seat, quickly ordered the maids to bring in the food. The maids came one by one bringing steaming food for the family. They arranged everything on the lazy Susan but not the rice. For the rice, the maid would help by bringing the bowl of rice to each of them. For drink, the family has a choice of osmathus tea and coffee. They could have it hot or cold with ice. 

Despite Mika was not there, some of the dishes were healthy and low fat. The Dowager needed to eat less oily and less fat food because of her age and health. But for Ryn, there was meat dish with double portion. However, the helpers were hoping the healthy dishes could lure Ryn to eat some.

They watched the episodes and wished they could help changing Ryn's eating habit. And hopingly, today was the day.

Jeremy twitched his lips when he saw the dishes. One of them seemed to be for Ryn with the meat almost overflowing the plate. He turned the rotating tray until the meat dish stopped right in front of Ryn. "Yours," he said cheekily.

Ryn pinched his side for the tease. How could he do this right in front of the Dowager and his parents? The Dowager hasn't even taken any dish yet to taste and he already turned the tray? This was not funny at all.

The Dowager lifted her chopsticks and took some of the potato dish that was right in front of her. She nodded her approval as she chewed it slowly. And then, she took some more and put it onto her rice bowl. Then, she turned it to get some of the steam fish flesh.

Once the Dowager started to eat, the others lifted their chopstick and started to eat. 

Of course, Ryn's first pick was the meat dish. She closed her eyes and sighed happily as she chewed the tender meat. Of course, she did not make a move to any of the vegetable dishes, which the Dowager and Mrs Long noticed unhappily.

"Eat some vegetables," the Dowager ordered as she turned the turntable so a dish of brocolli stopped right in front of Ryn. "Don't you dare use any trick."

Ryn tried to hide her unhappiness. Her shaking chopsticks took just one piece of little brocolli. She closed her eyes and threw the brocolli piece into her mouth. She gulped it without chewing, rushing to empty it from her mouth. She did not want to taste it at all.

The four members of Long just watched the miserable Ryn with amused smile. Only Jeremy understood why Ryn hated vegetables so much while the Dowager and Mrs Long wished to change Ryn's bad habit. Mr Long? He did not care what Ryn liked or not as long as he could eat on time and his lovely wife pampered him. That was what that matter to him.

The brocolli was not the last rabbit food Ryn had to take. All vegetable dishes she had to taste and again, she just gulped them down without a chew or taste. She gulped more tea that she used to. Anything just to ensure no after taste from the rabbit food!

Ryn never thought she was so relieved and happy once the lunch ended. She watched as Jeremy said goodbye to everyone and she seconded. She held herself from rushing out into her car. She walked calmly with Jeremy. Mrs Long followed behind, trying to change her mind to stay but Ryn was fiimr this time. She wanted to go home. 

The driver already brought Jeremy's car to the front. Ryn went into her car while Jeremy went into his. She started the engine and let out a sigh. She did not drive the car immediately but looked at Mrs Long who was still standing at the door, giving her a sad look. Ryn waved her hand at the elder woman and drove the car away, following behind Jeremy's car.

They went separate way at the junction. Ryn did not drive too fast. She took her time as she thought more about what happened today. The car, her car was no longer what she used to. Well, the driving was still the same but... the dashboard with the monitor... she felt weird driving this car.


Tomorrow, she believed that tomorrow she would feel better. 

The traffic was not bad. Everyone has returned back to their office so it did not take too long before she reached the parking lot near the agency. She parked the car in the empty space and sighed again. She shut down the engine and rested her face against the steering. 

Once she managed to calm down, she got out of the car and straightened her outfit. Then, she walked to the agency. Mei Li already knew she would be coming but she did not tell the exact time. Mei Li would be in the office the whole day anyway so she was not worried not being able to meet her manager.

She greeted the receptionist before walked to Mei Li's office. She sent a message to her manager while walking so when she reached the office, Mei Li was ready to open the door.

"Welcome back," Mei Li greeted cheerfully.

"Ha... ha..." Ryn rolled her eyes but still entering the office. She sat on the couch and crossed her legs.

"Please don't do yesterday's ever again," Ryn said.

Mei Li's lips twitched. She knew she would get the nag from Ryn but the first thing when Ryn sat down, she did not expect it at all. She was hoping they would chat about the future jobs before they moved into this topic.

"I'm sorry. I tried to change the date, of course, but the video should be showed before the wedding video," Mei Li explained hurriedly.

"Wedding video?" Ryn frowned.

""Mika's Youtube's channel," Mei Li reminded dryly. She knew the Young Mistress Long would post at least one video about the wedding in her channel and Mei Li wanted to use the hype to promote Ryn. Yes, she was being selfish but she did not think she was being in the wrong. It was her job to promote her models and luckily for Ryn, she has Jeremy and Mika as her boyfriend and bestfriend. Their story in the media actually helped Ryn's career. But of course, Mei Li would not say anything about this to Ryn or the model would get angry at her.

"Nest time, discuss with me first," Ryn warned. She really could not believe the nerve of her manager to agree with the recording without discussing it first with her.. She really did not like it.