Chapter 565 - Do you know that man?

The man watched as Ryn approached Mika. His eyes narrowed dangerously.

"K~" a woman whɨnėd as she wrapped her arm around his arm like a female snake as she drabbed her whole body against his.

"Let go of me," he muttered as he pushed her away. Yes, he brought her here as his companion but compared to the spoiled girl, the cold way the woman treated him grabbed his attention. It aroused his dėsɨrė to own the woman completely. Used the woman and then left her without looking back.

He would make her beg on her knees and then leave her once he was done.

Just like what he did to those girls who played hard to get and coyed, thinking that by acting that way would win a wedding ring on their finger.

He snorted at the thought. He was still young and there were more than half women he hadn't tasted yet. He must have fun to the fullest first before he would think about ending his bachelorhood.

He did not recognize Mika, hence he did not know the terror he was inviting into his life.

Ryn and Mika found a seat and sat down to enjoy their refreshments. Mika refused to comment at the mountain of sandwiches on Ryn's plate. She was still looking at her phone with a smile on her face.

"Jason?" Ryn guessed.

"Hmm..." Mika nodded shyly. Her husband... oh my gosh, she still could not believe that he belonged to her now. 

Ryn nodded and continued eating her food. She was hungry after the daydream session just now despite having steaks for her brunch. Hey, using the brain could digest the food as well, not just physical activity.

The best friends did not notice the glare coming from a very sėxy and skimpy wearing woman who was so angry to realize her whɨnė and sėxiness could no longer win the heart of K. She was left by him, looking so helpless when K made his way to the other two women. She gripped her hands but did not move to scold or hit the woman because she knew if she behaved that way, the chance for K to return back to her was slim. She must show she was ladylike despite the sėxy dress. She did not want to return to become a nursery teacher with the small wage, so used to the wealth K provided since they started their relationship three months ago.

She did not want to return to the small house she used to share with another four women. She was used to living in the ċȯndȯminium!

K stood just beside the two women and gave a smirk. He waited for them to gasp and beg him to join them.

He frowned when he realized his existence was not noticed by either of them. He then cleared his throat to announce himself.

In seconds, both women turned and lifted their heads to look at him. The petite one just spent three seconds looking at him before she turned back her attention to her phone. The diamond ring on her wedding finger was shining brightly, almost blinding him. 

The one he had his eyes on did not spend even more than a second before she lowered her head and continued eating her sandwiches.

His face changed. Great. She really was playing hard to get. Didn't she know it would only make it sweeter and hotter for him once he brought her to bed?

Without even asking for permission, he grabbed one of the bar chairs provided for the guests while enjoying refreshments and pulled it so he could sit beside the tall woman. He crossed his arms and waited with his right brow lifted challengingly.

Would she keep pretending to not see him? Would she keep ignoring him in order to lure him into the trap?

Mika put down her phone and ċȯċked her head at the uninvited man, "Yes?"

A smirk curled on K's handsome face. "I'm Lee, K Lee."

"Mika Long," Mika introduced herself but not Ryn. She did not recognize him even though he was one of the most popular handsome bachelors in the country. Why should she care when her baby Jason and Jeremy were among the top three? Jeremy even held the number one most eligible bachelor in the whole country while Jason used to be number two. Now, with Jason belonging to her completely, his name was taken down by the Gossippy Society and the one below him moved to take his place. She had no idea who but was happy and excited at the thought that soon enough Jeremy's name would be taken down as well once Ryn joined their family officially through marriage.

K shook her hand politely and then, once the handshake ended, he looked at Ryn expectedly.

Ryn put down the plate she was holding. It was already clean from any sort of food. She was actually chewing the last portion of sandwiches. She was getting full but it was not yet enough. She needed another plate of food before she could finally say she was full and satisfied.

She finally looked at the man. She realized that the man was the one who was blocking her way when she was taking her food. She narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

"K Lee," he introduced himself again after he coughed and cleared his throat again. The woman, when she was trying not to look shy by pretending to look angry, when she was narrowing her eyes, looked so beautiful. She did not look dangerous at all.

"Catherine," despite telling him her full name, not the nickname those closes to her used to call her, she did not bother telling him her surname. 

"Catherine. Beautiful name, just like the owner of the name," he said with a wink. Then, he lowered his head while taking her right hand without warning.

Mika's eyes widened to see the man actually kiss the back of Ryn's hand. She blinked her eyes, thinking she was just hallucinating. But when she opened her eyes wider, she saw the shock in Ryn's eyes as well.

Ryn was shocked as well. Who wasn't? But she managed not to scream because she did not want to attract the others from looking at this embarrassing moment. She gritted her teeth, trying to hold the temper in check. 

Once K lifted his head and looked at her with triumph, he did not see any shyness or obsession from her face. His face started to change slightly as he tried to understand this weird reaction.

"Excuse us," Ryn said coldly as she pulled Mika away. She did not want to stay here any longer. She was so embarrassed with this crazy man. She would rather pay back the money Mika spent for today's event rather than deal with this crazy man.

Her grip was so strong because of the anger, it hurt Mika. When she realized it, she quickly released her hand and apologized to Mika.

"It's okay," Mika was not angry because she knew Ryn did not realize what she had just done. 

"Anyway..." she paused because they already reached the car. She unlocked it and went into the driver seat. She would not let Ryn drive the car during her emotional state right now. 


"Do you know that man?" Mika asked. It was funny when she thought about it again. That man was clearly aiming for Ryn. Unfortunately, Ryn already belonged to someone else. Her own big brother.

No one else could be better than her stupid big brother so Ryn's only choice was him.

"I don't know him. He must be drunk and thought I was someone he knew," Ryn replied between her gritted teeth. She was still trying to control her temper. Right now, she was rubbing the wet tissue at the spot where his cold lips touched. So disgusting!

How she wished she remembered to go to the bathroom first to wash this. Despite the wet tissue that could wipe away the disgusting saliva he transferred during that crazy moment, she still felt dirty.

"That crazy man. How I wished I could kill him," Ryn muttered. She rubbed the back of her hand harder until it turned red. Even then, she still felt it dirty.

"Relax. Stop rubbing your hand or you will wound it," Mika coaxed. She could see the redness clear from where she was. How much strength does Ryn use to rub the tissue? Mika shivered uncontrollably.. She would not want to be the receiver when Ryn lost her temper.