Chapter 574 - Don't be nervous

Ryn was checking her outfit when the bell being rang. Her head turned to look at the door, her eyes widened. He's here?

She gulped hard.

The door opened to reveal him in his working attire. He lowered his head and caught her lips as a good morning.

"Good morning, beautiful. Are you ready?" he rested his left hand on her hip while another stroked her back gently. "You look so beautiful today."

"So I'm not beautiful before?" she asked with a ċȯċk of an eyebrow.

"You are always beautiful but the you right now really make me wish I don't have to bring you to the office and we can go straight to the bed, just you and me..." his words trailed off as he leered.

"Jeremy, why every time we meet recently you keep trying to pull me to bed?" she cried. "So horny."

"Not tried because we always have a good time in bed," he pointed out cheerfully.

"I hate you," she muttered and stormed to the kitchen, muttering under her breath about how shameless he has become recently.

So he was not worried at all.

She was drinking a glass of water to calm down when he wrapped his arms around her slim waist. She snorted as she put down the glass and turned to look at him. "You..."

"I can't wait for you to officially become mine," he murmured.

"That... one..." she sighed. "Mika just got married, J, and I don't think the family is ready to go through the preparation again so soon."

"How about we get engaged first?" he suggested. He refused to believe that he has to late that long for their engagement and wedding. Why did he have to follow what his grandmother heard from the man when it was Catherine and his life. 

"J..." she sighed heavily. Why was he being like this today? Has he lost his mind? She pulled herself from his embrace and went into the bedroom to recheck her clothes. Then, she grabbed a handbag that she chose to pair with her clothes. Now, she was ready.

"Can we talk about this later? I don't want us to be late," she told him when she saw he was still wanting to talk about their engagement. Engagement? They were just starting back their relationship. She was not ready to go to the next level when she was trying to understand her own feeling. Yes, she knew he still has a spot in her heart. But to say, love? She was scared to say the word love after what happened last time. She was scared.

Hence, she would postpone anything regarding their relationship whenever he tried to venture to that topic.

He looked deep into her eyes before he sighed heavily. Every single time he tried to discuss this with her, she would change into another topic or walk away.

He must do something about this. He must make her realize that this discussion was important for their relationship. She must understand that he was not playing around. He was ready to be a husband to her and a father to their children. He wanted them to create a family of their own quickly. He wanted to be able to wake up every morning with her in his arms, and then sleep with his arm around her body. He wanted to share all her happiness and sadness and helped whenever she faced any trouble. With the current label as her boyfriend, she did not open her heart enough to share everything, not like when they used to. 

He sighed as he followed behind her. He unlocked the car and wanted to open the door for her but her hand already reached for the door and he could only watch helplessly as she got into the car. He locked the door and quickly went into the driver's side. He glanced at her and saw she already closed her eyes. Was she pretending to be asleep in order to avoid this conversation? He did not know. All he knew right now was that their fragile relationship was strained again when he was given cold shoulder.

He needed to do something to solve this. First, what he should do was to make her forgive him. Secondly, to make her finally understand how serious this relationship is for him and they really need to have a discussion of their future. Heck, his family already went to see hers and discussed their relationship but the couple hasn't even managed to talk about engagement. 

The journey to the office... it was quiet and tense.

He let out a heavy sigh when the car reached the parking lot. He parked the car and looked at her without shutting off the engine. He sighed again and his eyes softened to see her really has fallen asleep. Her big hand reached to tuck the hair behind her ear gently. Then, he leaned forward to kiss her cheek gently.

"I love you, Ryn. I really love you," he whispered, careful not to wake her up when he uttered the words.

Then, he pulled back and took a deep breath to calm down. Once he was ready, he leaned forward again but this time his movement was deliberately a bit heavy in order to make her wake up. Heavy as in the movement. He deliberately rubbed the corner of her lips and then cheek. He also touched her nape when she started to sigh and stir. He pasted a smile on his face as he watched her wake up.

"Have we arrived?" she asked as she forced herself not to rub her eyes sleepily. As today would be the day she was introduced as his personal ȧssistant, she put a very light make-up to look more grown-up and mȧturė. She wanted to be seen as professional and serious when meeting them. She wanted those who see her forget the fact that she was a model and Jeremy's girlfriend. She wanted them to see her as a capable ȧssistant to Jeremy, helping Jacob shoulder the responsibilities on the road. And today, apart from introducing herself to them, she also planned to ask Jacob what she should and shouldn't do as an ȧssistant, and what to expect when shouldering the work with Jacob. And... do they need to have a special group just to discuss and inform each other of what was happening? 

So many things to do. She smiled at Jeremy who was still watching her and reached down to get her handbag. Inside, she has a small notebook and a pen that she would use to jot down everything. She also would need to write down important numbers as well as put them into her mobile phone.

"Are you ready?" he asked her slowly. He could see her getting nervous now. He wondered why. It was not the first time she came here, and even to his office. Why was her face so pale?

"Ryn," he put his hands on her shoulders. "Calm down. Don't be nervous."

She took several deep breaths to calm down before she nodded her head.. She was ready now.