Chapter 576 - It is not as hard as you imagine

"Miss Ryn, are you okay?" Jacob waved his hand in front of Ryn's face when he realized she has turned into a statue. Has he been too much handing so many files to her until she became overwhelmed with everything? "Miss Ryn?

Ryn let out a sigh as she put all the folders and papers on the table. She looked at Jacob with a wry smile on her face. "Give me a sec."

"Sure... sure... You can sit down in your seat. This is your desk," Jacob took the files she put down just now and put them on an empty desk beside him. Even though he knew that she would not use this desk at all because the months she would undergo her practical training was during the tour, he still prepared it for just in case she continued to work here as Jeremy's ȧssistant while waiting for the graduation day.

Ryn sat down and took a deep breath. She was still digesting everything. From the phone to the number... it seemed like Jacob was prepared for her to be Jeremy's ȧssistant.

"Ah... this is your office ID card. Once you have chosen the phone number, I will prepare your business card," Jacob said as he ticked as he spoke. He has listed down everything he needed to tell Ryn so that he would not forget anything. Ryn only came here for a day or two. Time was so short for him to teach Ryn everything. 

"I don't think I have to list what his likes and dislikes are because you know him better than I do. I will leave you to study those files. If you have any questions, you can ask me," Jacob said and went to sit on his desk to continue his work. He already set the computer up for Ryn, including the email account so whenever Ryn wanted to check the email, she could just click on it and the username and password would automatically appear.

Later, once Ryn finally digested everything, Jacob would show her several project files and what he usually did before he handed it to Jeremy and what he would do after it. And he also needed to discuss with Jeremy how to carry the files safely during the tour. Or are they going to do it online? The meetings can be done online but for the signature? 

However, instead of discussing it with Jeremy now, Jacob sat on his chair and finished a few files first. He also updated the meeting and event schedule for Jeremy. He gathered the files and went back to Ryn.

She lifted her head and looked at him blankly.

"Don't worry. It's not as hard as you imagine. I will help you if you have any problem," Jacob said when he saw her getting all nervous again. This was new to her, so unlike her modelling career, so he knew how different it was and how much pressure she put upon herself. 

"Can I explain to you what we will do when we receive the file from the manager?" he asked gently.

Ryn took out her notebook and opened the second page. She held her pen, took a deep breath and said, "Yeah, sure."

Jacob explained to her calmly as he watched her taking note of everything he said. He was not worried at all when he saw how serious she was. Yes, the nervousness was understandable but he still needed to give as much information as he could during these limited times. It was better for her to get nervous now and ask anything she doesn't understand than getting flustered during the tour and accidentally missing any meetings.

They were discussing it seriously until they did not notice that Jeremy was standing beside them. He crossed his arms and ċȯċked an eyebrow, waiting for any of them to notice him. However, even five minutes later, the two ȧssistants were still deep in their conversation and did not notice the boss was waiting for them. 

Jeremy narrowed his eyes. He cleared his throat to announce his arrival. In his mind, if this still could not announce his appearance, he would knock Jacob's head with a file hard until he learned to be more sėnsɨtɨvė with his boss.

Finally, both pairs of eyes turned to look at him. Jacob quickly straightened himself and greeted Jeremy nervously while Ryn just leaned back against her chair and smiled.

"Is it lunch now?" Ryn asked calmly. She made a move to check the time and gasped, "It is lunch hour. You must be hungry."

Jeremy watched as Ryn took her handbag, stood up and walked to him. She held his hand and fluttered her eyes adoringly. He snorted and looked away.

"Thank you, Jacob. We'll have our lunch now. You should too," Ryn said with a smile to the nervous ȧssistant before she pulled Jeremy toward the elevator. 

"You... Why are you being childish all of a sudden? He does nothing wrong. He's just teaching me how to help you," Ryn said once they were in the elevator and the door closed. She cupped his face and smiled.

He tried to turn his head to look away but she refused to let him do it. She chuckled and leaned to kiss him on his lips lightly. "Not angry anymore?"


"You..." she squeezed his cheeks playfully. "Stop being angry, okay? I'm hungry. You don't want to let me starve, do you? I only had half-boiled eggs and toast for breakfast."

He sighed and hugged her tightly. He rested his chin on her right shoulder. "You didn't even notice me."

"You..." she sighed. How could he, from being a serious and fearful CEO turned into a childish boy just because she did not notice his arrival? This did not make any sense at all. Has he forgotten that she was learning how to help him with his work? If she did not listen and discuss it carefully with Jacob, how could she do her work during the tour? She did not want to be the reason why some projects failed just because of her incompetence.

"Let's go. I'm starving," Ryn pulled Jeremy out of the elevator once they reached the ground floor. They greeted the others with a nod and a smile, knowing the news that Ryn would work here as Jeremy's ȧssistant has been spread all over the building. And with Ryn already wearing the office ID card, it was evident that the news was true. 

He unlocked the door and quickly opened the door for her before he went into the driver's seat. He pulled the safety belt and started the engine as he listened to Ryn's mumble what she wanted to eat for lunch. He smiled. He did not tell her where they were heading or what type of food they would eat for lunch. He just let her do the talking as he drove the car to their mysterious destination.

"Where are we going?" she finally asked when she realized they were still on the road after fifteen minutes. Surely there was a restaurant nearby the office.

"I've booked a table for us and we will have food once we arrived," he ȧssured her. "Ah, we're almost there."

She looked over and saw a familiar building. Her eyes widened as she looked back at him. "Seriously?"

"Yeah, seriously. You like their steak with rice, don't you?" he smiled proudly.

"Fine. Whatever. We have arrived so what can I say?" she has a lot to say. If their journey just to come here took them a quarter of an hour, then they would take another quarter of an hour to return back to the office. Then, the time for them to reach the restaurant, the time for them to reach their table, and then the time it took for the food to be arranged and the time they took to finish the food. Won't it take more than an hour before they reached back to the office? She crossed her arms and tried not to speak or she would start to nag at him.

He handed the key to the valet and took Ryn's hand in his. They walked together into the building, heading straight to the elevator to get to the tallest floor; The Dragon Palace restaurant.

A man actually escorted them to the restaurant. He helped to punch the floor for the restaurant and kept quiet as he walked with them. He left once they reached the entrance of the revolving restaurant.

Then, another man escorted them to their table.

Ryn's lips twitched at the special treatment. This was not the first time they came here so she was not shocked to see this. She just felt... funny. 

Why couldn't they just go to the nearest restaurant to the office? Or they could just go to the cafeteria. She did not mind at all as long as they could save time during lunch.. She still has a lot to learn and the time was limited. Would she have enough time to learn everything?