Chapter 579 - He was not ready to die yet

Jeremy watched as Ryn walked into the building. He did not follow his girlfriend back to the office because he needed to go for the meeting with the crews and then the practice. He took a deep breath as he adjusted his sunglasses before he drove the car away.

Ryn smiled and greeted everyone. It seemed like she was not the only late from lunch. She joined two men and a woman waiting for the elevator. She guessed none of the trio knew she came with Jeremy earlier so they treated her casually. A nod, a smile and just that. Ryn did not mind at all.

The two women were gossiping with one of them pressed the buŧŧon for the fifth floor. The man pressed the buŧŧon for the third floor. Ryn who was standing at the back told the man to help her to press the buŧŧon for the top floor. She did not notice that the women and the man gave her a look up and down until their eyes rested on the worker ID she wore like a necklace. 

Jeremy wanted to change the plain chain she used for the ID earlier when he noticed it but she refused. They did not have time for any shopping.

Ryn stood straight and looked at the number changing as the elevator kept going up. First, the man left first before on the fourth floor the door opened for three men to get in. Ryn quickly stood at the corner to give more space for the newcomers. Then, the women left with one of the men. On the sixth floor, both men left, leaving Ryn alone in the elevator.

Ryn let out a relieved sigh she did not notice she was holding when she found herself alone now. She did not know she was actually nervous when she was with them. She kept feeling that all of them were wondering who she was.

When at last the elevator reached the floor she was heading to, she took a deep breath before her feet brought her out from it. She smiled at everyone and went straight to Jacob who was actually talking in his phone.

She knocked the wooden table to announce her arrival, smiled at him before she went to sit on her desk. She put down her handbag into the drawer of her desk and switched on the computer. She already set a password for the computer, just in case. She typed in the password and smiled to see how fast it was setting up. She only blinked her eyes like ten times and everything was ready.

She took out her notebook and checked the note she wrote earlier before lunch. Her lips pursed thoughtfully as her hand held the mouse and clicked to open the email. 

She took out two pieces of papers. One was the list of the phone and another was the phone number. She already chose the number she liked and took a highlighter to hightlight it. For the phone, it took her some times before she decided which one she wanted. Then, she put the papers aside and concentrated on reading the email.

"Ms Ryn, have you chosen your phone and number?" Jacob asked politely.

"Assistant Ryn, Jacob," Ryn corrected with a smile. "Or just my name, Ryn."

"I wouldn't dare," Jacob said in horror. To call Mrs Boss her name? He would be killed by the boss cruelly. He still wanted to live long enough to meet his great-great-great-grandchildren. He was not ready to die yet.

Ryn shook her head in bemused. She was too speechless to insist for Jacob to change the way he was calling her. Besides, she thought to herself, she would not work here long enough for the title to stick to her more than a year. Tomorrow would be her last day here as the ȧssistant and then she would follow Jeremy on the tour. Her practical training would ended during the tour. So, she decided that she would not insist on the title. After the training, she would return as plain Miss Ryn. 

They continued to discuss the work until the time reached 5.00 pm. As Ryn has to follow Mika for the event, she quickly gathered her things and prepared to leave. 

Mika sent a message to her earlier to wait at the lobby if she finished early. Mika had to go somewhere first before she could pick Ryn up. Of course, Ryn suggested that she could take a cab instead, but Mika refused to listen to that. She would not allow her best friend to take a cab when she could very well pick Ryn up.


She decided to take a photo of her notebook and for the caption, she just typed, "Preparing for my practical training."

She posted it without tagging the location. Even the photo, she made sure only to take the photo of the notebook without showing any hint of where she was.

She checked Mika's account and smiled to see how many likes Mika received for her wedding photo. She also posted several photos and even videos during her honeymoon with mostly Ryn was in it. Ryn did not mind at all and quickly like those which she hasn't liked. Lately, she was so busy that she did not have time to check even her IG account. She just posted the daily photo or Mei Li would do it for her if she was too exhausted to do it.

RI'm kept smiling as she checked the photos and videos. Once she was done, she looked at Harry's account. As his senior in the agency, she wanted to help him succeed hence she would like his photos and videos whenever she has time.

She was scrolling happily when she heard someone clear her throat. She lifted her head and frowned to see a pair of women. The one closest to her was ċȯċking an eyebrow with her hands on her hɨps while another woman was tucking her to stop. Ryn frowned.


"Are you a new worker here? I've never seen you before," the woman asked rudely.

Ryn twitched her lips in bemused. Was the woman trying to bully her just because she was new? And who was this woman who thought she could do anything in the company? As far as Ryn knew, the woman was not the manager or anyone in the higher administration. Those who were in charge already knew Ryn, if not as Jeremy's personal ȧssistant, as Jeremy's girlfriend. 

"Do you think you can get close to Jeremy if you work here?" the woman demanded. She could not believe it when she saw this new girl go straight to the boss office. A new worker works so close to her idol and future husband? She, Lily, would not allow anyone to steal Jeremy from her.

She saw him first when she was in school and has always chosen him as her future husband. Once she graduated, she planned to work in his family's company to get a chance to get closer to him but then she heard that he and his sister created another company independently. She quickly applied to work there, only to realize that his requirement was quite high and she did not manage to work with him or in a the department that could give her a chance to meet him regularly. She was unhappy but tried to stay positive. She believed with hard work, she would gradually be promoted and soon enough she would work beside him and has the chance she was waiting for; to win his heart.

She heard that he would join his group for a tour and decided to apply to become his ȧssistant during the tour, thinking with how workaholic he was when working, surely he would not stop his work in the company and would need someone to help him with work. 

Lily was right about Jeremy would need a personal ȧssistant to help him during the tour but she was wrong about the vacancy would be opened for anyone to apply.

Jeremy would not let any chance of having Ryn with him be wasted. Why would he choose someone he did not even know to be his ȧssistant?

"I beg your pardon?" Ryn was taken aback by the accusation. She did not know she was trying to be close to Jeremy when she was working here. Why would she work here for that when she was already his girlfriend?

By listening to the accusation, she knew that the woman was a fan of his.


She was being accused of something she was not doing. So troublesome. 

Jeremy Long, you made me rethink back about us, her heart muttered unhappily.