Chapter 583 - Too exhausted to do anything

"And I want you to be happy like Jason and me," Mika said as she held Ryn's hands.

"I am happy," Ryn said.

"Are you?"

"I guess my poker face is so on point that you can't see behind the mask," Ryn patted Mika hand reassuringly. She would not tell Mika about the times she was worried about the future of her life with Jeremy. It was from her own insecurity and she knew once she could believe in her worth, then she would bravely accept his love. Right now, she was half letting him into her heart and the other hand pushing him away. She found herself suspicious about the reason why he wanted to return to her and whether he would repeat back what he did last time. Her little fragile heart could no longer bear the hurt the second time.

Mika sighed. She could guess it was Ryn's insecurity that stopped her from truly accepting Jeremy and resulted in Ryn being unable to return back to what she used to be.

The car cruised smoothly as the best friends were deep in their thought. Mika kept glancing at Ryn but her lips were refusing to open to coax her. Her heart told her to give Ryn some space to understand what she truly wanted in life. Of course, Mika would prefer for her best friend to accept Jeremy fully; body and soul. Ryn deserved all the happiness in the world.

The car finally stopped in front of the entrance of a hotel. Ryn took back her phone and smiled to see it almost full. Good.

The driver quickly went to open the door for Mika and Ryn. Mika and Ryn thanked her after they adjusted their dress. Then, walking hand in hand, they walked into the luxurious hotel.

Mika handed their invitation card to the woman who was at the reception desk and she led Ryn into the hall. They stopped at the media stage to let the media take their pictures. Then, they went to the hall and Mika led Ryn to mingle with everyone. Mika knew almost everyone and they seemed to treat her so courteous and a bit enthusiastic. Ryn kept a calm smile on her face as she followed her best friend.

They went to their seat when the host announced the program will start soon. Ryn's lips twitched when she realized their table was toward the front, just beside the VVIP. She guessed either the Long or the Wu was quite important for the organizer that their seating was quite close to the VVIP.

"You're representing Long while I'm Wu," Mika announced suddenly, pleased with herself.

"Wait... What?" Ryn sputtered. "Aren't I your plus one?"

"Nope. You are under Long," Mika repeated. "Mom said it's better to have you to represent us because I'm representing my hubby."

"Mika..." Ryn sighed heavily.

Mika grinned proudly.

Ryn could not complain or argue with Mika when the host started the show. As they were quite in front, even though their voices were quite low and others could not hear them, it was inappropriate for them to speak all the time during the show. Ryn leaned back and watched the host welcoming everyone before he invited the chairman of the foundation to speak.

Almost three hours later, the program ended. Ryn followed Mika to the exit tiredly. Mika was smiling happily as she almost skipped toward the exit. She received a message from Jason earlier that he was waiting outside.

"Love, you must be tired," Jason said as he opened his arms to catch Mika who threw herself into his arms. Ignoring anyone who could see them and Ryn, he cupped her face and kissed her lips gently. Then, he rubbed her back affectiously after the kiss ended.

"Ryn," he nodded his head at Ryn who was standing not far from the newlywed.

"Jason," Ryn greeted. She was beyond exhausted and wanted to lie down on her bed to sleep. Of course, she could not urge the couple to hurry in front of everyone.

"Come in, babe," Mika called as she pulled Ryn into the car. Both of them sat at the back.

Ryn reached for the small decorative pillow and hugged it tiredly as she closed her eyes. As she already found a place to sleep for the time being, she no longer care how long Jason took to chat with others.

Mika too stole the time for a nap. She was exhausted too. She rested her head against Ryn's shoulder and yawned as her eyes closed sleepily. Her hand reached for the other pillow to hug.

The best friends ignored everything around them as they napped peacefully at the passenger seats.

When Jason opened the door to check at the girls, he found them both deep in their sleep. He smiled as he rubbed Mika's head lovingly before he took a small blanket in the secret drawer and arranged it properly over Mika and Ryn. He was careful enough not to wake them up.

Then, he went to the driver's seat and pulled on the safety belt. He adjusted the temperature and switched off the radio to make their sleep more peacefully. Once he was satisfied with everything, he drove the car.

His destination?

Ryn's house.

It was quite late at night when the program was over, plus the time spent talking with the others, the traffic was clear and they did not take long before they reached Ryn's house. Jason stopped right outside the house and turned to look at the sleeping women behind. He smiled to see Mika already resting her head on Ryn's ŀȧp. Mika, in his eyes, looked so adorable right now and he wished he did not have to wake them up. But Ryn must go into her house. It was not appropriate for her to sleep the whole night in the car.

Ryn just mumbled her goodnight and goodbye as she pulled herself and went to unlock the door of her home. She did not look at whether Jason has driven the car away. She simply closed the door and made her way to the bedroom without even switching on the lights.

She was too exhausted to even switch on the lights. And she also did not have the energy to wash the make-up off her face. The only thing that she did do was to untangle her hair from all the pins and then jumped into the bed. In just five seconds, she snored.

Tomorrow... Tomorrow she would wash everything but right now, all she wanted to do was sleep.. She was too exhausted to do anything else but sleep.