22 Chapter 21

"I don't understand Hailey? Where is this all coming from?"

"I thought about it and I know it's you whom I want to be with. This whole seeing two guy is not my kind of thing and today made me realize that I belong with you." Hailey replied.

"Are you sure?"

"Would I be here if I wasn't sure."

"Sit here on the porch swing, I will get you some tea and we can talk fully and what happened today."

Hailey nodded as she went and sat on the porch swing. She sat there and waited for him to come back.

A couple of minutes later he emerged with two steaming cups in his hands. "I bought some sachets of sugar because I didn't know how many you wanted."

"Thank you." Hailey smiled up at him. She put two sachets in and stirred her tea. She took a sip, "chamomile tea, how did you know that I liked it?"

"Just a good guess." He smiled at her,

"Thank you." She smiled at him, and love the twinkle that came to his eyes.

"Tell me everything that happened today and made you come to the conclusion of your decision." He asked her eagerly.

Hailey gave a solemn smile and took another sip of her tea before going into her lengthy story.

"Well I couldn't sleep well, and I tried to brush it aside from that it wasn't the stress of having two guys in my life. I sat today at work and I knew I had to make a decision for my own inner peace and so I thought hard, who I really wanted to be with. Who made me happy and all of that lead me here to you."

"How did you know I was the one?" he replied.

"When I thought about us I felt very much complete."

"So is it just me and you from now onwards?"

"Yes, it is," Hailey smiled at him whilst taking a big gulp from her tea, "This is good."

"Thank you I try my best." He replied.

Hailey felt him stare at him, and she searched his eyes, "What?" when he didn't seem to flinch or look away.

He chuckled, "Nothing."

"No, you have to tell me." Hailey insisted.

He placed a hand on her cheek, "I feel as if I'm dreaming."

"I am really here with you," Hailey replied.

"I know, and I'm so happy right now. I need a little sweetness in my life," he replied.

"Then I will be your sugar." Hailey smiled at him.

When they were done with the tea, he moved closer to her and put his arm around her shoulders and Hailey leaned into him and she loved his scent. His warmth ebbed into her.

She felt his hand tracing the sides of her hands, Hailey shivered a bit from his touch.

"Are you cold?" He asked her.

"No I'm fine," Hailey replied.

"Are you sure."

Hailey nodded, and she snuggled closer to him and buried her face in his chest.

She felt a kiss on the top of her head and she smiled, she felt so cherished and protected in his arms. She knew that this was where she was supposed to be.

Hailey drifted off to sleep and she felt herself being lifted and being carried.

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"Thank you for picking me and I promise you won't ever be sorry."

Hailey felt strong arms around her and so much warmth that she closed her eyes for the first time without any worry or doubts and for the first time she went to sleep without any tossing and turning, no overthinking or any doubts in her mind.