Chapter 1261

Yang Cuijuan's face began to look ugly after she made several phone calls without anyone answering.

Yang Zhenguo's eyes flashed a little different.

"Master, I called Feier and no one answered..."

Yang Cuijuan said helplessly.

"Then let someone find it quickly..."

Yang Zhenguo said expressionless.


Yang Cuijuan's face seemed more embarrassed after hearing this sentence.

Although she knew that Lin Feier had come to the southeast city at this time, she had not seen Lin Feier and did not know where Lin Feier was now.

At this time, the Wang family even offered to meet Lin Feier. Naturally, she was very nervous. In addition, Zhang Feng's incident made her even more nervous.

Yang Cuijuan frowned, and then said softly, "I'm really sorry, master. Fei'er didn't come with me. She should still be on the road now. She can come tomorrow. Otherwise, let's wait until tomorrow..."

Yang Zhenguo, after hearing yangcuijuan, could not help frowning, but did not say much.

But the expression on his face seemed a little dissatisfied. After all, Lin Feier was not present for such an important thing. What's the matter.

In fact, Yang Zhenguo originally intended to introduce his granddaughter Yang Lulu to Wang Ankang's grandson, but Yang Cuijuan has always asked Lin Feier to marry Wang Ankang's grandson.

Yang Zhenguo knew what Yang Cuijuan thought. In addition, Yang Zhenguo also felt that this could make the situation of their Yang family more stable, so he finally gave the photos of Yang Lulu and Lin Feier to the Wang family.

After seeing the photos of the two girls, Wang Wendong fell in love with Lin Feier at a glance.

Yang Zhenguo felt that all this might be Providence, and naturally did not continue to interfere.

Wang Ankang is not very satisfied with Lin Feier's birth. After all, Yang Lulu is obviously better. In order to match Lin Feier's identity with Wang Wendong, Wang Ankang's grandson, Yang Zhenguo specially told Wang Ankang that he will cultivate Lin Feier as their future heir to the Yang family in the future.

Wang Ankang agreed to the marriage just because he liked it.

Otherwise, according to Lin Feier's background, she is definitely not qualified to marry Wang Wendong.

In this family marriage, Yang Zhenguo and Wang Ankang have their own small abacus, and both sides are for their own interests.

Yang Zhenguo knows that Yang Cuijuan is the most suitable position for the family owner, but if Yang Cuijuan inherits this position, it is obvious that she can't convince the public. Yang Cuijuan's birth is too low and her contribution to the Yang family is very little.

But if Lin Feier, the daughter-in-law of the Wang family, becomes the owner and Yang Cuijuan controls Lin Feier behind, everything will be natural.

As for Wang Ankang, he took a fancy to the energy of the Yang family. After all, as long as the two families are combined, Wang Wendong can reach a very high level in the future.

"Brother Wang, I'm really sorry. Feier's child is a little playful and hasn't come yet..."

Yang Zhenguo said helplessly to Wang Ankang.

Wang Ankang waved his hand, then said with a faint smile: "it's all right. Since he didn't come, I'll see you tomorrow. Don't worry!"

When Yang Cuijuan saw that Wang Ankang was not angry, she was relieved.

"By the way, brother Wang, I heard you..."

But just when everyone thought the topic was going to pass, a beautiful young woman came in and said, "sister Juan, why are you still lying? Isn't your daughter back? "

After hearing the beautiful young woman's words, they turned their heads and looked at the entrance of the lobby.

Yang Cuiping came in with high heels.

"Cuiping, what are you talking about here? Who let you in? "

Yang Zhenguo could not help but frown and scold.

"I have something important to report, so I came in..."

Yang Cuiping said quickly.

"What's important to you? Is it more important than me to entertain guests? "

Originally, the fact that Lin Feier didn't come over made Yang Zhenguo a little angry. At this time, Yang Cuiping's sudden interruption made him even more angry.

"Master, don't be angry. Listen to me first, don't you..."

Yang Cuiping said faintly.

"What do you want to say? Say it quickly..."

Yang Zhenguo frowned back.

"Owner, it's like this. I saw Lin Feier in the housekeeping department, that is, sister Juan's daughter, but sister Juan said Lin Feier didn't come. I think sister Juan should have something to hide?"

Yang Cuiping said directly.

After hearing Yang Cuiping's words, Yang Zhenguo looked a little ugly on his face, then frowned and scolded, "don't talk nonsense here..."

"Master, how dare I talk nonsense when so many distinguished guests are here. I really saw sister Juan's daughter just now..."

Yang Cuiping quickly replied.

"No way. If Phil comes, why don't I know?"

Yang Cuijuan frowned and shouted.

"You really don't know? Or pretend not to know? "

Yang Cuiping smiled faintly.

"Cuiping, what are you going to say?"

Yang Zhenguo asked coldly.

"Master, Lin Feier has indeed come back. Sister Juan lied because she knew Lin Feier had brought a man this time..."

Yang Cuiping shouted.


After hearing Yang Cuiping's words, they looked at each other one after another, and the expression on their face was very puzzled.

"Just now, I not only saw Lin Feier, but also saw a man around Lin Feier. The two seemed very close. I asked Lin Feier what the relationship between them was. Lin Feier told me that the boy was his fiance. I thought the boy was Prince Wang! I didn't expect whether it was...... "

Yang Cuiping said faintly.


For a moment, everyone was stunned.

Yang Cuiping's words were like a time bomb, which exploded directly in the crowd.

The expressions on all faces became very surprised.

Yang Zhenguo and Wang Ankang are relatively calm. After all, they are both people who have lived for nearly a hundred years and have never seen any big storms.

So after hearing Yang Cuiping's words, their performance was relatively calm.

But the expression on Wang Wendong's face was a little ugly, because he had already received a call from LV Wei and heard that Lin Feier was with a man.

At the beginning, Wang Wendong was skeptical about this matter.

But now after hearing Yang Cuiping's words, he knew in his heart that what LV Wei said should be true.

Just because Wang Ankang was in front of him at this time, he didn't say much.