Chapter 23

They agreed. Guan Shanyue said, "these days I live in the factory. Let's start from the last two heats of steel in each pouring, gradually expand the scale, and solve the problems in time." Duan Ligong said: "it's hard for you. I'll back you up. "

Guan Shanyue wanted to go to the clerk's room to print some record forms, but when she thought of Li Chunmei's sad eyes, she was afraid, so she had to make some with carbon paper. While making a watch, he thought, "why don't you bring Wang Lu to the workshop that day and let her die completely? It's better for the emperor to be a concubine as long as he likes. Hey, hey, remnants of feudalism. "

Duan Ligong is an acute man, and Guan Shanyue is not a procrastinator. He can do the work as he says. The equipment on the site is being overhauled. Guan Shanyue wanted to see several key points affecting the process, so he took a tape measure to the site after making the form. It's a matter of great importance. Do it yourself.

The production site of steel-making is not hot in winter, which can be regarded as the golden season of production, and the work efficiency is also high. Seeing that Guan Shanyue personally measured every point, the monitor of maintenance said, "Xiaoguan, our equipment is a stupid thing. You can't make it too accurate."

Guan Shanyue said with a smile: "what you said has a certain truth. If this equipment is almost here and almost there, is the gap even bigger? On the other hand, the accuracy is OK in general, and we don't have to worry about the occasional error. So we still have to talk about accuracy, and I'm only accurate to millimeter. "

The monitor said, "this is the difference between the academic school and the practical school." Guan Shanyue ignored his sarcasm and said: "academic school and practical school have their own advantages and disadvantages. We should combine them and learn from each other."

Equipment work has been gradually ready, process plan is Guan Shanyue's job. Guan Shanyue sent his plan to the team in the form of paper, and repeatedly asked. Thinking about it, I was still not at ease, so I bought a meal from the canteen, ate it with the staff, and decided to guide and supervise myself to get the first-hand information.

Guan Shanyue didn't close his eyes that night. After pouring steel, he watched the sample in person and felt relieved when the results came out. Then, the data are sorted out, the experimental process and results are recorded in detail, and the next experimental steps and improvement scheme are written.

In the morning, Duan Ligong also came to the factory early. Guan Shanyue just sorted it out and gave him a brief report. Duan Ligong said happily: "good, good! You've worked hard too. Hold on for a while and have a rest after the workshop scheduling meeting. "

At the meeting, Guan Shanyue made arrangements for the next experiment. Finally, Duan Ligong said, "this is the first battle. Thank you for your efforts. At the early adjustment meeting of the factory Department, the factory director affirmed our work and asked all functional departments to actively participate in it, so as to complete the efficient transformation work faster and better. Of course, this is a good thing. We should also listen to the guidance of various departments with an open mind. "

After the meeting, Duan Ligong said to Guan Shanyue with a smile: "I guess they didn't expect us to move so fast, which caught them by surprise. However, I don't need to report to you at the next meeting. Everyone will rush to report the process of efficient transformation, ha ha. But at this time, we have to stabilize. You can see how to reduce production accidents from the perspective of equipment guarantee, which is very important, especially in the near future. "

Guan Shanyue thought about it and said: "first, replace the key equipment with new ones, such as crystallizer; second, launch a short-term labor competition in the workshop, with production accidents as the main assessment basis."

Duan Ligong said excitedly: "good! However, you still have to work hard and come up with a competition plan. I'll treat you later! "

After several tests for two consecutive days, the first step of speed-up work has been successfully completed. Duan Ligong discussed with Guan Shanyue, and was ready to start the comprehensive production for a few days, observe the effect, and then prepare for the next step.

They also divided the work, mainly in charge of meritorious service during the day and Guan Shanyue at night.

That day, Guan Shanyue came back from the scene and thought that it was Wang Lu on the middle shift, so she called Wang Lu. Wang Lu asked painfully, "are you tired?" Guan Shanyue said: "it's a little thing. I'll have a good sleep. Besides, the production is very normal. I don't have to keep a close eye on it anymore. I'm going back to the office. " Wang Lu said, "Mom asked me to bring you a portion of spare ribs. I'll send it to you after work. You can have some supper."

Guan Shanyue's heart is warm. The future mother-in-law still loves her very much.

I haven't seen Wang Lu for a few days. I'd like to have a rest. The production on site is stable, and everyone is familiar with the rhythm of pouring steel, so Guan Shanyue can rest assured. First, I went to the bathhouse to take a bath and brush my teeth.

Without waiting for work, Wang Lu came and said, "the corridor is so dark. I'm afraid." Guan Shanyue hugged her for a while and asked, "why did you come in advance?" Wang Lu said: "you are pouring steel fast here. The dispatcher has given you the molten steel. If I don't produce, I'll run out. "

Guan Shanyue's heart moved. Before he thought about it, Wang Lu asked, "do you miss me?" These days, Guan Shanyue really didn't think about it, but he couldn't tell the truth. He said with a smile, "who don't you think about? Let me see if I'm fat? " Then he put his hand into Wang Lu's clothes.

Wang Lu said angrily, "how many days have you been fat? I'm not a pig, but your salty hands are too bad. No one's coming? " Guan Shanyue said: "generally not. I'll close the gate."When Guan Shanyue came back to the office, Wang Lu said with a smile, "hooligan, what are you doing when you close the door?" Guan Shanyue said, "what do you think this man and woman can do when the wind is high and the night is dark?" Wang Lu took off her coat and said, "let's have a double night in a mandarin duck quilt, and a pear tree will press a Begonia." Guan Shanyue took off her clothes and said, "well, it's poetic. This poem of Miss Su is too coquettish! Although it's not appropriate to use it here, I don't have time to think about it now. "

The two couldn't wait to fight together. Wang Lu died and gasped and scolded: "it seems that you haven't been tired these days. You are still like that crazy donkey." Guan Shanyue touched the smooth skin like silk and said, "accompany me at night?" Wang Lu said: "that's not good. I'm famous for being blocked in my room by them tomorrow morning." Guan Shanyue thought, "well, I'll lock the door tomorrow and you'll sneak out when we have a meeting at eight o'clock. How about that?" Wang Lu is also infatuated with the taste of Guan Shanyue, hesitated and said: "OK, don't let me make a fool of myself."

Wang Lu wants to get up and give Guan Shanyue hot ribs. Guan Shanyue says: "you sleep, I'll do it myself." Guan Shanyue is eating ribs, and Wang Lu has already gone to sleep. Looking at the sleeping beauty, Guan Shanyue felt that this life was enough, gently lifted the quilt and went in.

There was something in my heart. Guan Shanyue didn't sleep soundly and went to the scene at more than four o'clock. After summing up the production situation at night, I thought of Wang Lu's saying, "you pour steel fast here, and the dispatcher gave you molten steel." so I called the dispatcher and asked him. As expected, there was a big gap between the two workshops.

When Duan Ligong arrived at the scene in the morning, Guan Shanyue also reported the situation. Duan Ligong was not very excited. Thinking about it, he said: "this situation can't last two days, so they can't sit in the workshop. They should take the initiative to learn. So we need to speed up and not let them take the lead. One more day of observation today, if there is no problem, we will start the next experiment tomorrow. "

When Guan Shanyue came back to the office after the meeting, he saw that Wang Lu had not left yet. Instead, he went to the canteen and bought some breakfast. Guan Shanyue is very happy. This unforgiving girl is actually very virtuous. Guan Shanyue just sat down to drink two mouthfuls of soybean milk, but Li Chunmei came in with a set of pancakes. Three people are unexpected, suddenly frozen there. Guan Shanyue is tongue tied and doesn't know what to say.

Li Chunmei suddenly said with a smile: "I see you work very hard on night shift, so I bought an extra one when I bought breakfast. I didn't expect that you have already eaten it." Guan Shanyue hates in his heart. Why do you say so much? I had to say, "this is my girlfriend Wang Lu. I'll come and have some next night."

Li Chunmei said sourly, "I know. This is the school flower of our class. Oh, no, you got our school flower? So I don't have a chance? "

Wang Lu understood that this is a pursuer, or a bold pursuer. Unable to be discouraged, he said, "is that what he is? I'm just practicing. If anyone is rare, you can chase him Li Chunmei said: "so I still have a chance? I don't dislike it. Then I officially announce that I'm going after you? " Wang Lu said angrily, "whatever you like."

Guan Shanyue said quickly: "Xiao Li, you are still a joke. You see, it's hard for me to catch it. Don't scare me. She doesn't take me seriously. I can treat her as a treasure. "

Li Chunmei is jealous and protects her like this! Hum! I won't let you worry, said: "is it? But there's no rule that I can't chase you? And you're not married yet. " Wang Lu said: "it seems that you are quite popular. Shall I go? " Guan Shanyue held on and said, "Xiao Li, don't be angry with me. My girlfriend is here this time. Are you angry with me? "

When Li Chunmei saw that the two men and women couldn't get into the sand in their eyes, she was obviously at a disadvantage. If she fought again, it would be even worse for her, so she said with a smile: "ha ha, I'm just joking. Don't mind. You're welcome to come here often. I won't disturb you. " As soon as Li Chunmei left, Wang Lu burst into tears. Guan Shanyue immediately panicked and closed the door to kiss and coax her.

Wang Lu sobbed and said, "this is a deliberate arrangement to annoy me." Guan Shanyue, who was wronged, almost swore to heaven and quickly said, "am I that kind of person? It's too late for you. I don't know what she's smoking today. "

Wang Lu thought about it and said, "this is the first month for her. Won't you change your mind?" Guan Shanyue said, "Why are you so insecure? You see you are smarter and more beautiful than her. How can she compare with you? I want you all my life. "

Wang Lu said: "as long as the hoe is good, there is no corner that can't be dug down. With Zhang Qian's criminal record, I can't rest assured." Guan Shanyue was full of lawsuits and said, "you say how firm I am. In that case, I can still come out of her house. What are you afraid of?" Wang Lu said: "ah! I have been harmed by you. If you change your mind, I will die to show you. "

Guan Shanyue was so scared that she coaxed: "honey, I'll ask someone to go home after these busy days, OK?" Wang Lu's heart was satisfied, but she said: "you are free, I am not rare!"