Chapter 124

Before noon, Zhang Xinde arrived in a Passat. Guan Shanyue asked, "did you buy this car by yourself? It's not like a new car. " Zhang Xinde said: "this is the master's car. I wanted to buy it, but Shifu gave me the Passat he eliminated. This time I come to see my niece on behalf of my master's family. "

Zhang Xinde brings a lot of good things. The old man said that he had no other good things but wine, so he sent two boxes of wine for the child to drink at the full moon. This year is the year of the fire rat. To conquer gold, we need to add gold and gold ornaments to balance the five elements. Xie Zhi and his wife gave a golden mouse and Xie Jing a pair of gold bracelets. Zhang Xinde didn't have any good things. He had a big red envelope of 6666 yuan.

"This gift is too expensive," Wang Lu said sheepishly Zhang Xinde said: "I heard that my sister-in-law has given birth to a daughter-in-law. Everyone is very happy. I'm looking forward to my sister-in-law taking my niece to the provincial capital." Wang Lu said happily, "I'll definitely go. I'm going to live in a house in the provincial capital. I'll live in the provincial capital for a while. Don't despise me. " Zhang Xinde said, "what about that? When you go, I'll be your full-time driver. "

Wang Lu was also wary of Xie Jing in the past. When she saw that their family were so hospitable, she got a lot of good feelings and lost her heart. After eating, Wang Lu asked, "does Xinde have an object?" Zhang Xinde: "sister-in-law, I'm not in a hurry." Seeing that Zhang Xinde was clever and liked him, Li Qiushui asked, "do you like the girls in the provincial capital or in our valley? Children's fashion in provincial cities, our duty in the valley, each has its own advantages. If you like your duty, my aunt will pay attention to it. " Zhang Xinde said with a red face: "then I thank my aunt. I'm still young. I haven't thought about it. I'll come back to you after twenty."

Wang Lu asked again, "what is Xie Jing doing? Does she have a date? " Zhang Xinde said: "she's been the boss of a real estate company for a while. She's too busy to get home every day. I don't think she has time to talk about her partner."

Wang Lu was surprised and said, "are you the boss? That's too much. " Guan Shanyue worried that Wang Lu had a gap in her heart, so she said, "what's good about being a boss? I think it's good for a girl to be happy at home and teach her husband and children. " Wang Lu said, "this is a male chauvinism, a feudal remnant, which must be eliminated." Guan Shan immediately took the soft road: "OK, good, now is the feminist society, you has the final say."

Zhang Xinde had to drive away in the afternoon, so he didn't drink. After a meal, they went to their new home. Zhang Xinde said while driving: "brother, I didn't say anything wrong, did I?" Guan Shanyue said: "it seems that I have a lot of shady things." Zhang Xinde said with disdain, "I'll go back and tell my sister-in-law that you almost lost your life because you fought with Ouyang Chen because you were jealous?" Guan Shanyue blushed and said, "what is jealousy? I'm a disaster, right? " Zhang Xinde is happy to say: "hooligans are not terrible. They are afraid of hooligans and culture, and there is no disaster. Who believes that?"

Guan Shanyue said discontentedly: "are you still my brother? Why do you talk like that? " Zhang Xinde said: "I'm for your own good. Don't be restless. When the time comes, the old man will come to you with a gun Guan Shanyue said without confidence: "how can it be? Don't guess."

Guan Shanyue originally only wanted Zhang Xinde to take the jewelry back for auction. Later, she thought that since Xie Jing was short of money, she would give her strong support. She gave Zhang Xinde the Qianlong blue and white porcelain jar with a colorful lid intact. Zhang Xinde was no longer Wu Xia amung. He took the jar and looked left and right. He was surprised and said, "brother, where did you get this good thing from?" Guan Shanyue said, "it's a legend. First, help me pack the antiques in the box. I'll put them in the city. Let's talk while we pack them."

As they worked, Guan Shanyue talked about the supernatural event. After hearing this, Zhang Xinde said with emotion: "brother, I want to believe that Shifu said you have a great fortune. It seems that level alone is not enough. It depends on luck. " Guan Shanyue thought that the past two years have been really smooth. There is an idiom that prosperity will decline. Will Zhang Qian be a turning point this time? Guan Shanyue is upset and annoyed by Zhang Qian.

Picking up the antiques, the two began to walk into the city. First arrived at the construction site, Zhang Xinde looked at the Huabiao column, but also majestic. However, after listening to Guan Shanyue's supernatural events, he did not dare to comment any more. He just said hopefully, "brother, you should turn over here. Maybe there is something good." Guan Shanyue said with a smile, "then bury it here as the treasure of the town." Zhang Xinde praised: "brother, you have a good attitude." Guan Shanyue suddenly sighed: "sometimes there must be a hit, and when there is no hit, don't ask for it."

After watching Guan Shanyue's site, they rushed to Huaxi valley. Guan Shanyue calls Wang CAI and asks her to open the door. At this time, Zhang Xinde realized that it was Wang Cai who was looking after Guan Shanyue's business, so he said, "I say you are always on the move, but you don't want to. Sister Wang Cai finally followed you? I don't think you are normal when you are abroad. " Guan Shanyue said with a guilty heart: "good brother, don't pass it on blindly." Zhang Xinde said: "brother, you are playing with fire. If you let your sister-in-law know, is that good? How will you end up then? " Guan Shanyue sighed: "what else can we do if it's already like this? I'm worried now, too. "

To Huaxi Valley, Wang Cai's horse herders have stopped in the courtyard. Looking at the horse herder, Zhang Xinde said with admiration: "this car is still very impressive, but the master won't let me buy it." Guan Shanyue said: "you just listen to your master. When you get married, no one will take care of you." Just as Wang Cai came out, Zhang Xinde called out, "sister, I'm here." Zhang Xinde knew about them, so Wang CAI was more cordial when he saw Zhang Xinde. He was busy saying, "Xinde is coming. Please come to the room and have a seat. I'll make tea for you."Zhang Xinde visited the villa and boasted: "your villa is no less than master's, and the surrounding environment is better." Guan Shanyue said: "that's different. Your master's villa is in the provincial capital, and the price is double that here." Zhang Xinde said happily: "elder brother, elder sister, I have also seen your villa. I have to go on my way, so I'll leave." Wang Cai said: "then I won't keep you. I can't come in a hurry next time." Zhang Xinde said: "that's for sure. Next time I come, I'll have a drink with my brother."

Seeing off Zhang Xinde, Wang Cai asked, "didn't you make a rumor when you went back to your first love?" Guan Shanyue said: "not yet, but it's more troublesome. This Zhang Qian has come to me, ah!" Wang Cai asked nervously, "what is she doing? Still want to make up with you? " Now mentioning Zhang Qian, Guan Shanyue has a headache and says, "she's very scheming. She's not just making up. I'm afraid she still wants to be in the top position." Wang Cai said doubtfully, "are you that good? Too confident. Besides, can a woman have such great ambition

Guan Shanyue grins bitterly, and tells Zhang Qian that she secretly let herself drink spring potion and takes off the temptation. Wang Cai, like listening to a story, realized that there was such a thing in reality. He asked suspiciously, "just like your little rascal, can you stand the temptation?" Guan Shanyue said with shame: "Wang Lu is waiting downstairs, and I almost hit the road." Wang Cai cackled and said: "I think it's Wang Lu Yingming who knows that your egg is sewn."

Guan Shanyue hugged Wang Caicai and said: "would you like to check the seam on the egg?" Wang Cai blushed and asked shyly, "what do you feel after drinking the aphrodisiac?" Guan Shanyue put her hand into Wang Cai's clothes and said, "let's have a try?" Wang caichen said, "I don't drink that crap." Think about it at that time, ha ha, I scratched you in front of the foot of a pig. I don't understand

Wang Caihong scolded: "go, hooligan, don't trample on me." Guan Shanyue, a thick skinned man, said, "I love to practice you." Then he put Wang CAI on the bed.

He put Wang CAI into practice, touched her naked body, looked at the brand-new sheets and quilts, and Guan Shanyue said, "do you move here?" Wang Cai said: "no, I'm afraid to live alone in such a big house, empty and unpopular. I won't come until you come. " Guan Shanyue said, "if you don't come, don't come. You'll come every two days to have a look." Wang Cai pinched little Guan Shanyue and said, "I'm always your baby sitter." Guan Shanyue brightened her eyes and said, "would you like to get a set of nanny's clothes?" Wang Cai puzzled for a while, suddenly understood, scolded a "abnormal" then got up.

Wearing clothes, Guan Shanyue said, "your mother-in-law will come tomorrow." Wang Cai Leng for a moment, sighed and said: "I'm just a small three, who is qualified to see my mother-in-law." Guan Shanyue's hatred, why are you so cheap? Quickly coax to say: "darling, I didn't treat you as small three, you are also my favorite person, just we temporarily submit to ethics." Wang Cai gave a astringent smile and said, "I know that I asked for it. I never blame you. Ha ha, there is love in life. It's not about the wind and the moon. " Guan Shanyue said shamefully: "let you be wronged."

Wang Cai suddenly thought of a poem by Li Bai: "the fallen leaves gather and scatter, and the jackdaws are surprised again. How long will Acacia meet? At this time, this night embarrassed! The everlasting longing for each other, I know that I am in love, I am so fond of my memory, I am so fond of my memory that I am so short of Acacia, and I know how to trip my heart so much. It's really a mess, but I'm lonely, but I can't say that Guan Shanyue will be upset.

So Wang Cai jokingly said, "shall I go to the railway station to meet my future mother-in-law?" Guan Shanyue was startled: "that's not very good. There's another beautiful daughter-in-law. I'm afraid the old lady can't accept it for a while." Wang Caibai looked at Guan Shanyue and said, "bear like!"