Chapter 222

Lu Caixia's idea of becoming a steel trader was soon quenched mercilessly by Wang CAI. Wang Cai said to her, "a steel factory can't support a large steel trader. Isn't it that it's a way of raising a tiger and finally being controlled by the steel trader? Generally speaking, a steel plant is a business model that corresponds to dozens or even hundreds of steel traders. At most, your trade is bigger than others. So you haven't seen anyone who is doing steel trade with billions of dollars, unless you do all the steel trade in the whole country, but this kind of booth is too big and it's very difficult to manage. "

Lu Caixia said disappointedly, "but I don't want to leave you. What can I do?"

Xie Jing thought, this is a rich woman, can't easily let go, flickered: "do you want to do real estate with us? Let's kick Guan Shanyue's shares out to you. Anyway, he doesn't want to be here. Although the current house sales are relatively flat, China's real estate model is similar to that of Hong Kong. House prices will always be affected by land prices. However, the land resources are in the hands of the government, and the more they are bought, the higher they will be.

In recent years, the price of housing in the provincial capital has risen from more than 500 square meters at the time of the initial housing reform to more than 1000 square meters, and the price of good lots has exceeded 2000 square meters, which has doubled or tripled in just a few years. Moreover, real estate has become a pillar industry of the country, so we all think that after this period of adjustment, house prices will continue to rise. Would you like us sisters to do it together? "

How does Lu Caixia understand these? Looking back at Guan Shanyue, Guan Shanyue said, "sometimes we ordinary people can't understand what the country is going to do, but these two aunts and grandmothers are not ordinary people. What did that say? They are "ducks," so you can follow suit. " "Thank you very much," she said Lu Caixia: let him be your duck

Xie Jing succeeded in fooling Lu Caixia away, and Guan Shanyue finally stopped. This time, she really realized that it was troublesome to have too many women.

Next, the first thing Xinlong special steel will do is product transformation. Guan Shanyue, Duan Ligong and Wang Cai held a three person meeting. Guan Shanyue said: "my first step is to shut down the pipe plant and sell billets directly, and change from special steel to ordinary steel, mainly in two directions - mainly focusing on the downstream grade 3 steel and strip steel. It involves the main problems, one is market development, this Wang Cai uses our original resources to solve as soon as possible. Second, our two new rolling lines are planned to be put into operation by the end of the year, so how to arrange the personnel after the production of the pipe plant is stopped? Elder brother Duan is familiar with the situation here. First, let's talk about your opinion. "

Duan Ligong said: "if the production is stopped, the more than 1000 workers will make trouble if they don't work, because they are all local farmers, and some of them still occupy land, which is not easy to deal with. If the enterprise doesn't make money, it's better to say that once other people come to work with wages, but they are unemployed, it will certainly arouse contradictions at home, and maybe block the door of the company. "

Seeing Guan Shanyue's indecision, Wang Cai said, "let me make a suggestion. We can't say shut down, but shut down for maintenance, so they don't have panic in their hearts. During the rest period at home, employees are paid according to the minimum wage standard, telling them that they can only get it after they go to work at the end of the year. " Duan Ligong said: "I agree with the former sentence, but I'm afraid the latter one is not appropriate."

Guan Shanyue said with a smile: "I guess Wang Cai's meaning is to tell employees that you have to come to Xinlong special steel to work, or you won't give them money. On the other hand, it's also to reassure them that this enterprise still wants you. On the other hand, it's worried that if they take money here and go to other places to work, we'll give them money for nothing, right?" Wang Cai said nothing with a smile.

Duan Ligong thought to himself that you still have something in your heart and said, "it's also feasible to say so! I'll ask the personnel department to issue a notice explaining the situation. "

private enterprises have this advantage. The boss has the final say in a few minutes, and he can decide a big event. If you are in a state-owned enterprise, this issue will certainly cause controversy -- from special steel to ordinary steel, isn't this a technological retrogression? Most people can't accept it from the heart.

In her spare time, Guan Shanyue thought that such a big thing should be told to Du Jinghua, otherwise it's not interesting enough, so she called and said, "brother, I've bought Xinlong special steel, and I want to report it to you." Du Jinghua was surprised and said, "so you went to buy it? You're quiet and smooth. But I've been there. I always feel that there is something wrong with Feng Shui. Why else can't anyone do it? What do you say? "

Guan Shanyue has always thought that this is a business problem, but let Du Jinghua say so, the heart also has no root. If you think about it, you can run well, but you can't keep on having accidents. So it's better to believe something than nothing, so he said, "why don't you let the master come and have a look?" Du Jinghua said, "why do you hesitate about this? To be an enterprise, we should talk about idealistic materialism. I'll see you tomorrow, and I'll take the master by the way. "

The next day, Du Jinghua came with the master. The master was very dedicated. When he arrived at the company, he didn't care to go up to the office to have a drink. He climbed up the hill nearby and looked around. After looking at it for a while, the master said, "you have a good geomantic omen. You must have been seen by someone. It's just that I didn't make good use of it

As the master said, he pointed to the surrounding mountains and explained to Du Jinghua and Guan Shanyue, "the four stars refer to green dragon, white tiger, rosefinch and Xuanwu. Have you heard of them?" Both of them nodded, and the master said: "in the Fengshui Bureau, Xuanwu is in the north or in the back, rosefinch is in the South or in the front, Qinglong is on the left, and white tiger is on the right. A good Fengshui environment requires" Xuanwu droops, zhuquexiang dances, Qinglong meanders, and white tiger tames. "That is to say, the mountain behind should droop, the mountain ahead should dance, and the mountain on the left should be continuous Absolutely, the peak on the right side should be subdued. Do you think the mountains around here are very similar to what I described? "Two people look carefully, really is like this! Guan Shanyue suddenly understood and said, "master, do you mean the door is not in the right direction?" The master said, "that's what it means. Don't have to emphasize facing south. It depends on the mountains. You see, does the gate open to the East just conform to the pattern of "Xuanwu hanging its head, rosefinch flying, green dragon winding, white tiger taming"

Du Jinghua said, "yes! A master is brilliant. You can see the problem at a glance. In the past, I always thought, why can't anyone run this factory? Is there something wrong with Feng Shui? indeed! When the master said this, he was immediately enlightened. It's simple. You see, your office building is just in the southeast of the factory building. It doesn't need to be changed to open the gate to the East. It's God's will

"Come on, look at your office building again." As he walked, the master said: "in fact, green dragon, white tiger, rosefinch and Xuanwu originated from the four directions named after the four mythical beasts when the ancients observed the celestial phenomena. Later, people absorbed the expression of this direction in geomantic omen. And this kind of geomancy bureau is very practical, and it is also one of the most famous financial bureaus. " They nodded yes.

Went to the office building, Guan Shanyue said: "let's go up to drink some water?" The master stood in front of the building and said, "no, I'll tell you about the layout first. The big Feng Shui Bureau of your company is "Xingxiu Sixiang", which is built on the mountain. I'll give you another game in the game, and the feng shui of the office building also uses the "stars and four elephants."

Seeing that Guan Shanyue and Du Jinghua were puzzled, the master laughed and said, "it's not that the green dragon, the white tiger, the rosefinch and the Xuanwu all have to be mountains. They can also be replaced by others. For example, on the left side of the building there is running water, which is green dragon, on the right side there is road, which can also be regarded as white tiger; on the front there is a pool, which is rosefinch; on the back there are hills, which is Xuanwu. Such a building is a house of wealth. You see your building is facing a small hill. Don't you feel depressed? "

Guan Shanyue didn't pay attention to these problems all the time. Listening to the master's words, she was really depressed. Although it was morning, the hill opposite blocked the sunshine in front of the building. Guan Shanyue said with a smile: "summer is good, cool."

The master then said, "this is just the opposite of the" four stars ", so you should open the gate to the back, so that there is a hill behind the gate for Xuanwu; a large pool in front of the gate for rosefinch; a landscape belt is built on the left, with a small bridge and water for everyone to rest, which is called Qinglong; there is a road on the right for Baihu, which is the" four stars ". You will keep your money rolling as I think

Master's words are comfortable to listen to. Guan Shanyue feels comfortable. Thank you. Please go upstairs, Guan Shanyue immediately wrote a million check to the master, the master is not polite, then put it into the handbag. Duan Ligong looked at it and thought that the master's income was higher than his one year income when he came here. This is the so-called "Tiekou straight off, one million"? Ha ha, knowledge is wealth in this era!

After receiving the money, the master said, "we can't simply locate superstition in Fengshui. In fact, it's also a science. To be more popular, good feng shui will make us feel comfortable. That is to say, is the place we see beautiful and comfortable. If the place you see is beautiful and comfortable, the geomantic omen of this place is good. "

Du Jinghua said: "it makes sense! For example, what we hear is the same. If the house near the highway is noisy, Fengshui is not very good. Furthermore, the nose, the smell we smell, will also have a great impact. If the home can often burn incense, or put fragrant flowers, a door smell good, Fengshui nature is good. If the local smell is not good, it is not good feng shui, the same principle. Master, is that understandable?

The master laughed: "yes! If we live in a comfortable environment every day, we will be physically and mentally healthy. Of course, this is the most basic and the lowest level of Feng Shui. What I mean is to tell you that Fengshui and superstition cannot be simply linked together. "