Chapter 305

Guan Shanyue coaxed for a long time, but did not see the effect. She anxiously asked, "honey, this is not good, that is not good, how can I do it before you believe it?" Wang Lu sobbed and said, "you have lost your reputation. I don't believe what you do. You count the women who are related to you: Li Chunmei, Wang Cai, Huang Ying, Xie Jing and Lu Caixia. This time there is another Su Xiaomei. Is there another woman? How do you make me believe that? You tell me, what's the point of living like this? There's no love in life. I'll die! "

Guan Shanyue was startled by Wang Lu's words and said softly and infinitely, "good daughter-in-law, don't think much about it. I'm not trinket. How can I have so many women? Besides, how can they compare with you? You are my woman, my queen. They are all clouds. As long as you don't cry, whatever you want me to do. "

Wang Lu scolded: "a man's mouth is a deceitful ghost. You're a big liar. I don't believe you anymore. " Wang Lu kept crying, leaving Guan Shanyue helpless. She had to hold her tightly and comfort her: "good baby, don't cry, I will listen to you."

After a while, Wang Lu struggled to sit up, took a deep breath and asked, "am I not good to you?" Guan Shanyue quickly said: "how can it, you are very good to me, there is no picky." Wang Lu asked again, "then you don't like me?" Guan Shanyue wiped her tears and said, "no, you are my favorite. To marry you is the greatest luck in my life. I repeat, no one can replace you. I'm willing to do anything for you. "

Wang Lu looked at Guan Shanyue and said, "I believe that, but why are you still cheating? Is it because I can't satisfy you? " Guan Shanyue thought, you didn't grasp the current situation, just because people are a little afraid, you have to think I'm cheating? It's a bit of a mess, isn't it? But I really don't know the way to die, so I said with shame, "no, although I have less sexual desire, it's not the reason."

"Then why are you?" Wang Lu asked Guan Shanyue drooped his head and thought for a long time, choking out a sentence: "do I have a mental illness?" One sentence made Wang Lu angry and happy, and said sarcastically: "do you really comfort yourself, or do you have mental illness? It's just a strong possessive desire to own all the beauties in the world. I don't think it's a mental illness. It's greed and anger

Guan Shanyue was surprised. Do you know such a strange word? A look of repentance said: "my daughter-in-law is right. I am greedy and insatiable, and I have no time for anger. In the future, I'll listen to you. I'll make a fresh start and rein in the precipice. "

Which letter is Wang Lu? Don't bother to talk with Guan Shanyue again, pull open the quilt to cover up the head, oneself live sulky to go. Guan Shanyue sat next to him, nagging and persuading. Wang Lu was tired of hearing this. She opened the quilt and scolded, "go away, you say one more word, and I'll be killed here." Then he lifted the quilt and covered his head.

This sentence is so cruel that Guan Shanyue dare not say anything more. Pondering for a long time, I don't know what Wang Lu is thinking. Guan Shanyue is uneasy, and kneels down at the head of the bed to admit her mistake. Wang Lu covered in the quilt for a long time and felt depressed. However, she listened to the quiet outside. When she pulled down the quilt, she saw him kneeling on the side of the bed with his head down and without a word to confess to herself!

Guan Shanyue is also a successful person. If he divorces with himself, more women will stick to him. And he knelt down to admit his mistake, which showed that he cared about himself. Wang Lu couldn't help feeling soft and said, "don't poke here, don't go to see Xiaobao." Guan Shanyue said, "I'm afraid you can't think of it. Come down with me." Wang Lu sighed and said, "although you are not human, I still want to bring up Xiaobao. Go away."

At the end of the day, Guan Shanyue is careful, for fear of Wang Lu's displeasure, but Wang Lu ignores him all the time. At night, waiting for Xiaobao to sleep well, Guan Shanyue came to Wang Lu and said, "I'm sorry, daughter-in-law. I will repay you as a cow and a horse in the future. " When Wang Lu heard this, she had a cocoon in her ears. How could she care for Guan Shanyue?

Guan Shanyue then said, "if you don't want to live here and follow me every day, you'll be relieved." Seeing that she didn't speak, Guan Shanyue brazenly hugged her from behind and said: "daughter in law, don't be angry, it will affect the baby in the belly." Then he put his hand into Wang Lu's pajamas and gently stroked his big belly. When Wang Shunlu said, "I feel more and more angry with you. You just think I'm a fart and you can't be angry with yourself and influence Xiaobao, can't you? "

Also, can't affect the belly of Xiaobao, Wang Luxin let him massage. Guan Shanyue gently rubs Wang Lu's abdomen, because several acupoints on her abdomen can improve her libido. For a while, he pressed juluo acupoint, kneaded Daju acupoint, and then pressed Guanyuan acupoint to input Qi unconsciously.

Although Wang Lu did not speak, her heart was like a mirror. She thought, it's impossible to divorce Guan Shanyue. She really can't bear it. But if you keep crying, you will annoy him after a long time. Maybe you will make him hate himself, which is more than worth the loss. For a moment, I was at a loss and couldn't figure out how to solve the problem.

Let him massage for a while, Wang Lu was hot and dry. Then she knew that she had been cheated by him. She pressed his hand and said angrily, "you are a big hooligan. You think about it all the time." Guan Shanyue was very happy. As the saying goes, the head of the bed quarrels with the tail of the bed, so he wants to make good use of the bed. So he arched to Wang Lu's ear and said, "daughter in law, please forgive me this time, and I'll listen to you in the future, OK?"The heat spurted into Wang Lu's ears, and Wang Lu's stiff body suddenly softened. But he was clear in his heart and said angrily, "do you know why I haven't come here all the time? In fact, I've known for a long time that you are not a good person, and I always cheat myself. I hope it's not true. I'm more worried about meeting them and disillusioning myself. So I don't dare to think about it deeply. I cheat myself every day. "

Guan Shanyue was very ashamed, but she found that Wang Lu no longer pressed her hand. She rubbed it gently and said, "I'm sorry, honey, it has brought trouble to your life. But I really love you, no one can replace you. I'll listen to you in the future. I'll do what you want me to do, OK? "

Wang Lu was burning in the tormented bath fire. Her legs could not help rubbing back and forth. Next to her ears was Guan Shanyue's soft words begging for mercy. Her heart was also crisp, and she said, "I just see that you treat my parents like your own parents, so I have been giving in to you." Guan Shanyue said, "thank you, daughter-in-law. You will follow me wherever I go in the future. I will never leave your sight." While saying this, the salty pig's hand reached into Wang Lu's legs.

Wang Lu clamped his legs symbolically, and then loosened them. She scolded: "you are doing something bad on your hands, can you be sincere in your heart? It's a lot of nonsense every day. " Guan Shanyue pulled out her underwear and said: "I am absolutely sincere to you, heaven and earth can learn from you. If I cheat you, let me impotence Then he straightened his lower body and went in.

Wang Lu "ah", asked: "since you swear that I ask you, after you no longer and Huang Ying good can do?" Guan Shanyue said, "well, listen to you. I'm not good with Huang Ying." The mouth says, the place that can move moves ceaselessly. Wang Lu gasped for a moment and then asked, "if you don't like Su Xiaomei, can you do it?" Guan Shanyue said, "if you can do it, you won't get along with her in the future."

These two women are Wang Lu's biggest worries. Today why out of control, is to see Su Xiaomei too amazing, let her lose confidence in an instant. Besides, this is a free man who has no family and doesn't need to wear a mask to live. If she gets on well with Guan Shanyue, that's the biggest threat.

Men and women don't see infidelity the same way. Most of the time, the logic of a man who is cheating on his wife is: you only belong to me.

I'm afraid what men can't bear is not that their wife falls in love with others, which has nothing to do with their feelings. It's just that their wife's body is occupied by another man, which breaks the monopoly of sex. They are an important part of the private industry. They are forcibly encroached upon and plundered by others. Even if this property was once so despised and ignored by men, once it was infringed by others, it will be destroyed It's about fighting for the protection of property. Cheating on oneself is OK, but cheating on wife is intolerable, which fully reflects the vassal status of women in the relationship between men and women. If vassal goes to other places, the Lord will be humiliated.

And women are different, in the face of men cheating, most women's logic is: only I belong to you. Small three is like unexpected wealth, do not pick up white do not pick up, furtive, hidden tucked in, and his wife and small three small four competing for men's favor seems to be natural.

As long as Su Xiaomei and Huang Ying can't threaten themselves, other women Wang Lu are really not afraid. As for Li Chunmei, it's like she's missing. Even if it's related, it's furtive, let alone worth mentioning. She did not know that Li Chunmei not only appeared, but also with a big fat boy.

Guan Shanyue was surprised to find that Wang Lu was in the same state today as he was on the balcony in Suzhou that day. He was very excited when he talked about other women while he was doing it. He was still standing for a long time with high tides, which made him excited, so he tried to cater to them. Finally, Wang Lu gave a dull drink and stopped fighting.

After a while, Wang Lu said, "don't think that if you cheat me now, I will spare you. We didn't play." Guan Shanyue quickly said: "daughter-in-law, my life is yours. You can deal with him as you want." Wang Lu was tortured by this naughty helpless, said: "I do not know if you are sincere apology, or a two skin face, I also convinced you."

Guan Shanyue thought, just take it. Holding Wang Lu, coaxing and pressing her sleeping acupoint, she soon fell asleep. Guan Shanyue is finally relieved. Let's talk about tomorrow.