CH extra 1

ーーMy body was burning. I feel like I'm about to melt into a mess.


My hair stuck to my body, which was sweaty and moist. I was carefully loosened up for two hours, so there wasn’t any pain or discomfort. It's been exactly one month since Heath penetrated me, in other words, since we became actual lovers in real life as well.

"Uh, ah... mm, uh, uuh... uh, uwa... ahh"

I cried from the intense pleasure, but more than that, I couldn't help but cry my eyes out from the happiness and satisfaction of being connected. I couldn't help but put my arms around Heath's neck. Then Heath's movements intensified.

"Ahh! Ah!! Hngーー!!"

"Is it tough?"

"Ah, I'm… fine so, ah... a-a… uh, hngーー!"

Heath laughed, looking a little sly. I looked into his fierce eyes and shuddered. My body trembled as he pounded me intensely.

"Ah-ah, ah-aah!"

Immediately, Heath started to pound the place where my sweet spot was.

"No, not there, ah, there... aaah! Ya...a... aah!!"

"You don't like it? Is that what you said?"

"Hng uh… ah... i-it feels good, ah, ah- more... more!"


Afterwards, Heath ploughed my insides again and again. It wasn't long after that that my body arched, and I sobbed while squeezing my eyes shut. The pleasure was overwhelming.

As my mind went blank and I came just from penetration, I couldn't breathe properly and could only shudder as the pleasure swallowed me whole.

◆ ◇ ◆

ーーIt was one month ago.

◆ ◇ ◆

When the door opened, I stiffened. I was afraid to look so I stared at Nachi. Nachi was looking at the door with a relaxed smile. He really is brave...

I heard footsteps approaching us. It became faster and faster, and as he rushed overーー Mao stood next to Nachi.


I recognized him immediately because his appearance was the same as it was in-game. His voice was also the same. Nachi had a big smile on his face.

"You’re early."

"Ah, I couldn't help it, I wanted to meet Nachi as soon as I could."

Mao's expression softened, looking somewhat embarrassed and happy. I felt a presence slowly walking behind him, and when it stopped a step behind Mao, I summoned up the courage and looked in that direction.

My heart was racing. I glanced over and saw Heath standing there, looking just like he did in the game. Of course, it wasn’t just an in-game avatar. He was wearing a stylish olive-brown coat.

Heath was looking toward Mao and Nachi. I frantically thought about how to call him, my heart beating at an alarming rate. At that moment, Heath turned to me in a very casual manner.

...It's the real thing.

I put strength into my lips despite feeling nervous. I was over the moon to see him, and I felt happy just from that. Mao pulled a chair next to Nachi, and Heath walked up to me.

"Please order hot coffee for me."


Heath sat down next to me and said with no sign of nervousness, as if it was a usual thing.

Reflexively, I reached for the menu.

"How have you been?"

I asked Heath after I finished ordering. I desperately tried to start a conversation. Heath then tilted his head slightly.

"We've been in touch every day, haven't we?"

"T-that's right."

My nervousness was at its peak, and I tried my best to smile. What should I say? Between happiness and nervousness, I searched for the words.

Indeed, we kept in touch every day through the talk application. However, we tend to talk quite a bit about trivial things. Heath was surprisingly diligent and always sent me a "good morning" and "good night" daily. I mainly talked to him about what I ate within the day.

"ーーAre you nervous?"


I've been found out. I turned red involuntarily and my gaze started to wander in a fluster. Heath was staring at me.

"I am."


"Because I've always wanted to meet you."

As we were talking like this, our coffee and milk tea arrived. Apparently, Mao had ordered as well. I was so focused on Heath that I momentarily forgot about Mao and Nachi. When I looked over at them, I saw them staring at us.

"You don't seem to be nervous at all."

I turned my attention back to Heath, who had reached for his cup of coffee, and gave my honest opinion. Heath looked the same as he did back then, when he was staying in my house in-game, before we became lovers. In other words, the same as always.

"You’re not all that different from in-game."

"ーーBecause when I first started talking to you, I’ve always felt the same way that I do now. Maybe my facial expressions are the same as well."


"It's probably because you had no idea about how excited I was to be alone with you, Neji."

When I heard that, my eyes wandered and then I turned bright red again.

"Speaking of which, what's the origin of the name Heath?"

Nachi asked in a casual tone. I looked up and Heath answered next to me.

"I took it from my family name."

"Is it your real name?"

"No. My family name is Arechi. Arechi means “Heath” in English."[note]荒地(Arechi) = wasteland, wilderness, abandoned land, devastated land[/note]

"I see."

Nachi nodded, and Mao, who was sitting next to him with an ecstatic look on his face, looked at me this time.

"What about Neji?"

"I've been using the nickname taken from my real name in real life."

"I see. By the way, ah, uhm...After this, I have something important to tell Nachi, and I'd like to talk to him alone… uhh..."

Mao glanced at Nachi and said that. I was sure of it. That "the confession in real-life" that Nachi was talking about earlier would take place.

"Okay. I will..."

I was about to say that I was going home on the spur of the moment, but then I finally met Heath after waiting for a long time. I'd like to talk to him a little more too.

"Neji, come with me. I'm staying here tonight, so the hotel--"

Heath looked at me with his arms folded.

Hotel... I was upset by that word. In my head, I instantly pictured our nightly relationship in-game. Every day, all I did was moan.

"ーーI made a reservation at the restaurant."[note]Continuation from the last one. He made reservation at the hotel's restaurant[/note]


I guess I was overthinking it. I felt embarrassed that I had only thought that we would be making love. Heath said he was nervous, but he only looked relaxed.

"It's just that it's a bit early, so let's go talk in my room for a bit."[note]Lu: “Talk” huh[/note]


Talk... Yeah, talking. It's what I've wanted. I nodded and got out of my seat. Then Heath took out his wallet. And then he put a 10,000 yen bill on the table. Nachi squinted his eyes after seeing it.

"Is Heath one of those people with a questionable sense of money? Mao is pretty much the same. A cup of coffee can't be that expensive, can it? My family's cafe isn't a rip-off cafe."

"I didn't break the bill. Use it to pay for transportation for the two of you, and the bill for the four of us. Mao's story is probably going to be a long one anyway, so you'll still be asking for more drinks, right?"

"I appreciate it, though, because I'm only a poor university student. All right, I'll give it to Neji after I pay up."

Nachi nodded a few times and accepted the bill. Mao didn't say anything. He just looked at Nachi's appearance as if he were absorbed in the moment.

"Let's go."

Heath stood up and I missed the chance to mention that I had a commuter pass.

Then I got up and put on my coat, which I had left hanging on the chair, and put on my scarf. It's time for a new scarf.

Thus, together with Heath, I left the cafe which was also Nachi's family home.