119 Hrs



Ishaq, who kicked the table, muttered like a chew.

"Useless guy."

[…… I beg your pardon.]

Sitting on the couch opposite, Henri, who was closing his eyes, pressed the temples.

"Shut up. Sit down."

"You missed the Trigon! If you miss him here..!"

"The important thing is who took him."

Ishaq sweeps his head with a whiff.

John at the top looked at the Communication Stone.


[Some of those gathered here felt the divine power faint, but the one who took the target was not the Crusader.]

Ishak narrows his glans.

"There was someone else besides the temple?"

[At least five assassins were on the move. One of them used the ambo here.]


When John murmured, the messenger of the Stone of Communication was silently positive.

Ishaq asked.

"What are the others?"

[They seem to be mercenaries. One of them belongs to the 'Crow of Western'....]

"The Great Lady Camilla calls."

As Henri mutters, Ishak frowns.

"So what are the other two?"

"…… that's the problem."

John, who touched the communication stone, said in a low voice.

"Assemble the armies. Find out where the Trigons are somehow. I don't forgive two mistakes."

[Yes, Lord.]

As soon as the communication was terminated, Ishaq hesitated to sit on the couch and chirped.

"If my father grows up to give orders, is he the deputy commander here? The deputy commander here and the commander of the big brother's immediate unit are skilled people who won't even notice the basics. Who the hell is he?"

"I don't know. But the obvious thing is that going back is going to be fun."


It also means that you can no longer bend over to protect the family's backwardness.

The Three Brothers' gaze sank deeply.

That time, Hope Top.

The shipped to the office, Seria, who opened a huge box without a sender, hardened her face.

"Oh, my God."

There was a trigon tied all over the box, wearing eyelids and earplugs.

"I was worried that the water we sent failed, and the target was in my office."

At her words, the Chairperson nodded.

There was a note in the box.

[Prophecy. Make Trigon our side. He reveals his money, he's scared, but he's not that bad. The keyword is his father. Hyoja. Because.....]

Scarily reading the letter, the letters glow red and soon begin to burn. The Chairman, who was looking at the letter that had become ashamed soon, lost his mind.

"You're the baby."

"What do we do?"

"Do as you're told."

The Chairman releases Trigon's earplugs and mouth restraints.

"What the hell! Who do you think I am...!"

"Wale Anderson. Distant relative of the senior court wizard Aragon."


The Wizard's pupils narrowed.

'Uh, how.....'

"I don't think you've taken the position of chief wizard just because you're dressed like a senior. I'm changing my appearance to perfect my dead son's behavior even when I sleep."

"How did you know.....! Oh, no, what are you talking about!"

Seria laughs at Cookook.

"He who dares to deceive His Majesty is so easily shaken."

"What, what did you say... Me, I...!"

The Chairman asked.

"You're the one who killed Trigon."

"No! That's really....."

Trigon, no, I'm tired of Wales' bluish face.

"Don't tell your father. He has heart disease. If he knows that Trigon is dead...!"

It is true that Wale did not kill Trigon.

It was Aragon, a superior court wizard, who brought him here who was gifted, but who couldn't dream of a wizard because of his small family.

Wale was like a brother to Trigon, and Aragon, who took care of himself, was like a parent.

Knowing that he had a gift for magic, he was incomparable with his parents who tried to sell him to the temple as an experimental object.

[What do I do by learning magic? Throw away the idea that I would be as loyal as a slave if I rescued you from your parents.]

[Don't make useless noises, just do the assignment.]

[Such a hopeless thing for me..!]

[Trigon! Bring the scissors! I have to sit at my desk with my mouth torn out for talking nonsense!]

People said Aragon was a miserable old man who was filled with money, but Aragon was a man who gave all his life to Wales and gave him a gift he could not repay.

Trigon's death was 10 years ago. He was strong in 'any experiment', knowing it was dangerous, and his whole body rotted.

Trigon, who feared death, asked Wale for his father.

Trigon's father Aragon had dementia and even heart disease.

That one. Relatives, like Aragon's parasite, would swallow the Flying Family if the Trigon died.

Wale could not abandon Trigon's request and disguised his death as the death of Wale Anderson.

It was the same as killing yourself, but my life as a Trigon was happy.

Every day I was filled with a deep love that my parents had never received.

I know my limbs will be torn apart if I get caught, but even if I go back, Wale would have chosen his life as a Trigon.

His wind was one.

[Ewing, ugly guy. If you don't learn more, when will you become rich and achieve my great ambition? Where's your ambition to put my name on the textbook?]

The refusal of his father to speak jokingly and to establish the Aragon Foundation for the Money and the Powerless.

However, in LeBlaine's first life, Wale ended up being strangled by a guillotine and not a Trigon.

Afterwards, Aragon, who is deepened by dementia, takes all his wealth away from his relatives as Trigon fears, and then passes on the streets to Asa.


Wale pleaded to hang on the chair's leg.

Seria and Chairman exchanged views with each other.

Seria bends one knee and looks at Zigsy Wale with her back.

"If you don't want to be caught, you'll have to follow our men."

"... Are you threatening?"

"Or what?"

The Chairman shakes his head in disdain, looking at Seria with a nasty expression.

'The shareholders look alike.'

If LeBlaine had seen this scene, he would have said, 'My first-rate subordinate!' You must have laughed.

* * *

When he saw me rolling around in Oxa, the soldier cried out.

"Please go. Please! Trigon testified that it was defensive magic, so the restraints were released, so why are you doing this!"

The soldier almost cried.

"I get full and I digest it."


"Okay, okay."

I turned on the Burr base, and came out the Tabasc iron spear.

'It seemed like a vacation in its own way, but it's too bad.'

There's a lot of headaches out there.

As the soldier said, thanks to Trigon's testimony, the restraints were released. And, of course, there was Dubled's stubborn support.

'You have to go home and be investigated anyway.'

I went out to Oxa with a annoying face. There was an escort outside with my family.



Henri and Ishak came running to me. Ishak grabs me and turns around to check my condition.

"Damn it! He's halfway there!"

Eat well and sleep well, grabbing a puddled bowl and frowning.

"My cheeks are getting thicker!"

It can't be.

"I ate four meals a day."

"I only gave you four? To a kid who usually eats six!?"

The family stared at the rooftop in a stiff moment.

"Oh, oh, no. Yes, but you've always had two bowls!"

"Two bowls? I usually eat three bowls."

The bread was bigger than the mansion. The bowls were so big that I was satisfied with the two.

I dragged Ishak to run to the rooster right away.

"I want to go home."

"Oh, yeah. Let's go get some rest."

The three maids cried and said,

"I've organized the sheets."

"I put the baked stone in the blanket, and it was heated."

"I've got tons of snacks!"

I really eat well, and I don't know why everyone is so upset.

Anyway, I said, "Yeah." I followed my family and went to the Imperial Palace.

Upon arriving at the mansion, I heard that I had been released, and the social worker sent me tons of letters.

"Why are you here so much?"

I don't usually pretend to know anyone who's trapped in Oxa.

When I covered Mina's murder attempt and was locked up in Oxa and released, I was almost treated like a bug.

"You are the hero who stopped the curse of the Imperial Palace with a small body."

In Henri's words, I tilted my head.


It's my family I've kept, not the Imperial Palace.

Even if there was a curse in the Imperial Palace, I had no heart to save it.

"It's easy for public opinion to turn around a little bit."

"Aha, that's what Henri did."

And Ishaq said, "Little brother is special for such a vile thing!" I got hit by Henri with a smile.

'Henri, too. I don't have to move. Comfortable!'

Thinking so, she laughed and said, "My aunt used to put me in bed.

"Rest in peace today. I'll ask you what happened next. We'll sort it all out."

It felt protected. I was a little embarrassed and said, "Yes..." I said in a crawling voice.

They were family and full of grief in the eyes of the employers.

'No, I was really well....'

My father laid me down, and my family kept me by my side until I fell asleep.

Only after the sound of my breath darkened did everyone leave the room.

And I opened my eyes and stabbed under the bed.

'The Stone of Communication..... is here!'

I quickly grabbed the comms stone and communicated to Seria.

"What happened?"

[Trigon is completely in our hands.]

"Good job. What else?"

[I'm ready as you said.]

"All right, then blow it up."


After the conversation, I looked out the window.

I have been well in Oxa, but Duke Valois will not be drawn.

'I'll tear you apart.'


The demon who kept hiding from me in my voice was modern.

"Are you a hitchhiker again? (What else do you intend to do?)"


"Moya! Why are you howling at me? (What! Why are you looking at me like that?)"

I never said it myself. I didn't know, but the animal's fangs are stuck on my lips, but I'm not really good at talking....

"No, I just need to understand."

"My Songhoni is a danger! (My fangs are a symbol of majesty!)"

"Yes, yes. Do you want to go to the Imperial Palace?"

"… why? (Why?)"

"Go and bring down the Imperial Palace."

When I smiled and spoke, the demon dreaded my eyes.


"That way the Imperial Palace will turn on the lights in your eyes and not find you."

Eyes for eyes, this one here.

If you get slapped on the cheek, you're gonna have to rob me of my teeth.

He tried to frame me for treason, so I'll punish him for it too.