117 No!

They managed to reach home only at 8 in the morning. As soon as Greg parked the car near the porch, Lana flew from her seat and made a mad dash to their bedroom. Greg chuckled looking at how his now officially Mate, jumped over a few steps, running away all disheveled with a blushing face.

Greg was not in a hurry to hide what they did just an hour ago, so after coming into the house, he first stopped at the kitchen. Nicky was already up and as always was fully emersed in cooking. But as soon as Greg took a step into his domain, the boy turned around and threw a worried glance at the man's face. The second later an understanding downed in his eyes.

"Took you long enough." - drawled Nicky, with a hint of approval in his voice, turning back to his pans.

Greg arched his brow in surprise.

"You're not against it?" - he asked carefully. - " We didn't console with you before that, and just did it on the spur of the moment."

Nicky silently turned off the stove, took to cups of coffee from the coffeemaker and set at the table, gesturing to Greg to take his seat. When the man finally settled down and took a cup, Nicky opened his mouth again.

" Greg, don't make me disappointed thinking that it was on the spur of the moment. Both of you were waiting for it all this time. We - shifters don't need candles, flowers and a whole bunch of unknown people to swear our life to the loved one. It's not about where or when. It's about you and mom being ready for it. It's just a start. Nobody is celebrating the first step of a runner in the race. So better be happy about each day, not just the first one."

Greg silently looked at this boy, with such unusually wise thoughts in his head for his age. Suddenly an idea came across his mind.

" Nicolas, I hope you don't still consider some stupid thoughts about going away when Lana and I patch all the thing together?" - Asked Greg intently looking in the guy's face. Nicky instantly winced, confirming his worries.

Greg expression darkened. He crossed his hands on the chest and stated in a commanding tone.


"What?" - Nicky asked puzzled, staring at an angry man. - "What do you mean - no?"

" That can only mean one thing. I'm against it. And as a head of the family now. I forbid you. You'll be staying here until you won't be able to stand firmly on your own. And even then you'll still be the part of this family. So you'll be bringing your future Mate home for us to judge and scare the hell out of her. And then our future grandchildren to spoil rotten."

Nicky froze with an open mouth.

" Aren't you a bit overstepping?" -Nicky hissed finely gathering his bearing.

"No." - rejected Greg shortly.

"Wha.." - it was the first time to see Nicky so agitated. - " You can't just say no! That's my decision to make! You can't just..."

Nicky leaped up, slamming his cup on the table. He was so outraged that he couldn't even find words to express himself. But Greg expression never changed, and he kept staring at the guy firmly, showing that he won't back down.

" Oh My God! You're so bullheaded!" - In the end exclaimed Nicky, storming from the kitchen.

" That a right decision." - Yelled Greg in his back. He was sure that he heard something like " Go to hell." in a muffled voice. That made him smirk victoriously.