135 In a few places at once

When Brian finally came to his senses and finished dressing, all three of them moved into a small area in the corner of the room. The huge closet was turned a little, and behind it, Brian managed to organize a small space for Risa. There was an old sofa, covered with some cloth, a table, and even a few pillows. As soon as the girl sat down, the guy immediately began to fuss around her, putting pillows under her back, placing her legs on the table and starting to do a foot massage.

Doc watched this with surprise. He was ready to explain to Brian that it was still early for Risa to have back pain or sore legs, but having caught the sharp look of the girl, he slammed his mouth shut at once.

"So what happened?"- Doc asked, changing the topic. Brian stopped for the second. Risa, seeing how her man's expression had darkened, sighed and began to retell all the events that had led them tonight to the attic of an abandoned clock tower. With every word, Doc's face ashen more and more.

"Well. Then it's not at all surprising that you acquired a medium form after all this mess." - Mr. Sharp finally responded, recalling the appearance the guy had been in before.

"I don't know how it happened." - shrugged Brian. "And frankly I don't really care as of now. What difference can it make anyway? The fact that now my wolf looks more like a monster from legends and can walk on two legs does not change anything."

"Oh, No, my boy! Now here you are very wrong! It changes a lot of things. Only Alpha can have this form. And this means that your beast has already decided that Ian is no longer your Alpha. You already have your own pack to protect." - with a bit of sadness in the voice said the old doctor.

"Even if it is as you said. I do care what happens to all of you, mom and others are still part of my family. I will not allow my father to use them as pawns in his plans." - Snarled Brian. Doc observed this kid who grew up in front of his eyes and has changed so much lately with sparks of pride in his eyes.

"You're right, Brian." - He finally said. - "It's time to show that this can no longer continue. We should stop whispering, it's time to say it all in a loud voice. I will talk to people. We will find out how things are on the estate and what happened with Mrs. Veronica. I think the Big Council Asamble is the best opportunity to show everyone that Ian Winterborn is no longer an Alpha for us. I am sure that many will support you. "

His voice was quiet and confident. Mr. Sharp was respected by everyone in the pack, many grew up before his eyes, and the old doctor was not ready to see people whom he truly loved becoming a bargaining chip in political games.

"But Brian will have to challenge his father!" - Risa blurted out, trying to get up from the couch, but Brian did not let her, still holding her cuffs in his hands.

" Everything will be fine." - He said soothingly. - "My father is strong and has gone through a lot in life, but I also had to unleash my claws more than once. You just have to believe me."

The girl's face turned pasty, she bit her lower lip and started to blink trying to hold back the tears that had already come to her throat.

" Do you believe me?" - Repeated Brian quietly, looking his beloved in the eye. She hesitated, but still nodded, hiding a tear that rolled down her cheek.


The natural urban landscape behind the car's window was dancing before Lana's eyes merging into some odd mess of bright lights. Her head was empty as if all the thoughts at the moment ceased to exist and only an oppressive silence remained. Greg was also silent, never taking his eyes off the road, but Lana knew perfectly well, without even touching him, that there was a vacuum inside of him that didn't let him make a full breath.

Suddenly, a ring tore an oppressive atmosphere. Lana startled and began frantically rummage through her bag. Greg stiffened as he watched his girlfriend. The display shows an unknown number. Lana looked up at Greg, not knowing what to do. He silently extended his hand, but Lan shook her head and answered the call herself.

Brian's hoarse voice came on the line, which immediately made the girl breathe a sigh of relief. But with each Brian word, the girl's face dimmed more. At some point, she could not stand it anymore and put the phone on the speaker, because she felt that she was no longer able to retell everything to Greg. When Brian finally finished, Lana could not even find the words to answer him. All the most terrible suspicions were confirmed. And the question was no longer about just clearing Greg's name and forcing her father to leave them alone. The outburst in the pack to remove Ian as Alpha became an inevitable reality. For some reason, Lana immediately remembered how she told Daniel she will be there with him when he decided to challenge Ralph to a fight. And what now? Will she have to stand with Brian and bless him to murder her own father?

Revulsion rolled to her throat. Seeing or rather feeling Lana's condition, Greg squeezed her hand and spoke to Brian.

"Listen, you said that you had a recording device connected to your computer, while taping with the conversation of Ian and this Sybil, right?"

"Well yes." - Slowly replied Brian, not knowing what Greg leads to.

" I mean to say that devices of this class automatically save copies of records to your account. Do you still have access to it?"

"This is a work account." - The guy answered deep in his thoughts, - "I can get access either from my laptop, which remained in the estate or from the work computer. But he is in the company, and I cannot go there now. They will undoubtedly be there waiting for us."

Greg thought for a moment and then answered in a calm, cold voice.

"Well then. I have a person who is well suited for this task. Perhaps no fight to the death will be needed in the end. But I will still need your help. You'll have to hurry the widespread discontent in your pack. Let's see how your dad runs will react when his ass starts burning in a few places at once."


Even the morning rays could not make the city cemetery look less depressive. In the morning, Lana woke up in a completely different mood. Heart pounding wildly, and the stomach felt like a prickly hedgehog rolled therearound.

She parked her car at the gates of the old cemetery, and now couldn't sit still, nervously gripping the steering wheel with her hands.

Greg left even earlier, taking the children with him. They worked through the plan all night long to the smallest details, and it was decided to move Nicky and Vicki with Greg's mother. Then he and his friends had to start their part of the plan, and Lana did not even know what to pray for. For them to succeed or not. When I first heard about his venture, Lana almost choked on the stream of curses. Greg had to spend a very long time to convince the girl that he is not planning a fancy suicide and everything is not so scary as it looks at first sight. But even now, Ruslana was quite sure that he and his guys were just crazy if they thought that it would work.

From the heavy thoughts, she was distracted by a knock at the side window. Lana raised her eyes from the steering wheel and looked at the girl, who was leaning over, waving her hand.

"Hi, Lana! What's up?" - with a broad smile greet her red-haired girl, her almost orange almond-shaped eyes were glittering with cunning sparkles.

"Sophia?" - Lana raised her eyebrows in surprise, recognizing in her Daniel's assistant, who helped her last time. - "What are you doing here?"

"Mr. Boyle told me that you need help getting into a dungeon full of bloodthirsty shifters," - she said with a grin and winked. - "And who can be better for this job than a fox?! Hope you are ready for some party time?"

As if in confirmation of her words, the gate to the cemetery opened and several motorcycles flew out at once, followed by a couple of cars. The whole line sped up and rushed away in the direction of the outskirts.

"It seems that rumors are not lying and you got one extraordinary Mate!" - The foxy girl commented enviously. Then she looked at Lana and grinned devilishly. - "Well, since he already started the fun, it's time for us to go dig into this hole! Let's roll!