154 Battle part 1

With bated breath, Marina watched as the werewolves rushed at Mike and Paul like a wave. Beside her, lights started to flash on the control panel. The small table was entirely filled by hastily connected devices and several screens.

The girl looked at it and then back at the battle raging below. Marina struggled only for a heartbeat. Then throw all the emotions aside and turned to her technique.

"Maddy, I need your help," - she threw over her shoulder, her sister stood frozen at the balcony fancy and seemed like she didn't hear anything at first. Her hands on the handrail visibly trembled, and the face turned pale.

But the next moment, Maddy inhaled deeply, bit her lower lip and rushed to her sister without looking back. Her eyes were sharp again when she looked with determination on Marina.

"Mike and Paul's exoskeletons, although already finished, have not achieved particularly fantastic results." - Marina quickly began to explain. - "If you operate them manually, as the guys are doing now, their movements will be too slow and heavy. Shifters move much faster. Therefore, we must help them. Hold this."

Maddy took from her sister headphones with a microphone and immediately put it on herself.

" I have already explained to the guys that if they want to do something quickly, they will have to give an order by voice. You have to keep track of both of them and help in case they do not have time to react. I created a program that tracks their movement pattern. But Michael and Paul are more accustomed to street style fights, so their movements can be chaotic and confuse the program. Do not act at random, try to see the chain and consistency in how they fight."

"Wait, Mar! It is too complicated." - Cried Maddy in a panic, peering at the symbols and pictures on the screen. - "I can't follow two at the same time!"

"I will help." - Marina tried to calm the girl down, in a severe tone, taking her seat at the table. - "But Greg is on me. His suit was just designed, and we did not even have time to try it. The design is too complicated. It consists entirely of smart nanomaterial. Thickness, strength, flexibility, even slickness - everything is programmed. This is both an exoskeleton, and armor, and much more. Now it is in autopilot mode since it would be too difficult for Greg to control it fully. Greg manages it only partially. And this is just one-tenth of the costume's capabilities. Therefore, I have to do everything else."

Maddy looked at Marina's screen and was already dizzy from the myriad of numbers, signs, and commands. She has always been good with computers. But its domain was software, programming, logic chains, and algorithms. All the mechanical parts, screws, and bolts caused her an instant migraine.

"Okay. Let's help our boys make a bloody mess from those puppies. What can they do without us, right?" - Maddy agreed with a sigh, diving headlong into the numbers flashing in the screen.

A battle was raging underneath. Mike and Paul, as if two giants robots were spinning, scattering the werewolves to all sides. Tony and Greg stayed behind, engaging in a fight only with those who managed to break through the first defense line.

New machine guns were specially designed so that they could fire almost continuously, but due to the slowness of the Exoskeletons and the speed of the shifters, it turned out to be practically useless in close combat.

The first to give up using these were Paul. With curses, he started to use it like a sledgehammer. It worked much better like this, for he even managed to hit a pair of wolves, slamming one into the wall and cracking a skull to the second. But the first beast recovered at frightening speed. The werewolf bounced off the wall like a tennis ball and rushed forward as if nothing had happened. Distracted by him, Paul did not even have time to notice another shifter, which crept from the side.

Leaping the beast clawed in his shoulder and back. Luckily it was protected by thick metal armor. But shifter still managed to stick his claws in between the plates. Paul tried to shake him off, but the creature held on like glue, snapping his maw in mere centimeters from Paul's face. Fangs slipped on the helmet, leaving deep scratches. Paul recoiled and saw a paw ready to strike him in the neck.

Instinctively he tried raised his hand to defend himself somehow, but in the same second the second shifter dug into it stopping the movement. Paul cried from a burst of pain in the back. The first wolf struck so accurately that his claws managed to penetrate deeply between the plates of armor. Paul felt the warm blood running down his back, soaking his inner suit.

"I'll shove your tail in the ass, you trashy bastard!" - He growled, seeing red. His put all of his straight in the hand on which the second beast gnawed and threw it up, trying to slam both shifters into each other. The one who was still on his back screeched and fell back, receiving a direct hit with the other shifters butt. At the same moment, Paul heard the sound of a shot, and the wolf, clinging to his hand fell to the floor, dead. A bloody red wound bloomed at his forehead between instantly darkening eyes.

Paul whirled around and found Tony's wide-smiling face. The guy winked cheekily at his friend, saluted him with a gun, and then turned around, looking for the next target. But what surprised Paul the most was that Anthony was now comfortably settled on the shoulders of Mike, or rather over his armor, using a friend as a combat horse.

" Come on, my Bucephalus!" - Shouted Tony, his voice full of excitement, pointing in the direction of the five shifters a little distance away, preparing for the attack. Mike shook his head slightly and only a barely noticeable spark in his eyes showed that he was smiling somewhere deep inside.

Meanwhile, Greg seized the moment and seeing how his two friends were distracting most of the attackers, rushed in the direction of Ian and his three assistants. Lana followed closely behind.

Running in a straight line was simple enough; the suit adjusted to the movements, acting like additional muscles, accelerating the movements. Greg felt like flying. The body felt so light, and the heart pumped like mad. Noticing the shifters that were about to jump him from the side, Greg leaped but did not calculate the forces. The body shot like a spring, he flew almost two meters up before losing balance and starting to twirl in the air. He smashed on the ground and rolled over a few times before finally stopping, face down.

"Oops." - Greg chuckled, looking up at the frozen in front of him Ian and his assistants, who were staring at him in astonishment as if at some monster.

"I should probably cut down on steroids. You know, they say love can give you wings. But if you add to this a couple of protein shakes, you can create a pink hulk. Cool, isn't it?" - He said jokingly, throwing aside the remnants of his tattered clothes and getting up. - "So, are you ready to feel my love?"


Authors note: