166 News

Greg was sitting at his desk in the office, which for some reason after so much time seemed somehow outlandish. Before him, a whole mountain of unsolved cases and unsigned documents lay untouched, but he didn't feel like working at all. His thoughts constantly drifted away to a certain person. As if he still couldn't believe that everything is over, and now she is really his. And would stay, forever.

Greg started to rise from his seat, ready to go and check how Lana was doing. No point in trying to concentrate if his heart was calling him there. Besides he could lift his mood by annoying Mrs. Bright and maybe even steal a couple of kisses in the dark or whatever corner. But the knocking on the door made him pause and sink back. It seems his diabolical plans would have to wait, at least for a while.

Without waiting for an invitation on the threshold appeared Tony, as always smiling broadly. And behind him stood the figure of Frank. Seeing friends, Greg immediately realized from the shining face of Anthony that they came with the news and with a sigh gestured them in.

"Well, what have you got for me?" - He asked with ill-concealed notes of irritation.

" Darling! Do not make such a joyful face, or I really start believing that you are glad to see me." - Said Tony, sailing into the office and immediately occupying the comfiest chair. Frank followed, sending Greg an apologetic look. Gregory just shrugged and smiled at his friend.

At first, he was anxious about a friend who lost his arm. Greg still remembered in which stat Frank had returned from the army. Most of all in life he didn't want to see again how his best friend is literally rotting from the inside out. But this time it didn't seem that Frank was in depression or out of sort. He still laughed and joked as before, even allowed Marina to start developing a new prosthesis for him. Although Greg sometimes caught a strange shadow, zipping in his gaze when Frank thought no one was looking. But maybe it was just his imagination...

"You know Tony. I sit here all day and only think when will my day be illuminated by the most beautiful Anthony with his radiant smile?!" - with a wry grin spoke Greg.

" Oh! Stahp it u! Don't make me blush, you rascal!" - Tony giggled bashfully, slapping Greg coyly on the shoulder.

"Ugh! That was a disgusting laugh. Forget about what I just said." - Greg said immediately, cringing, making friends burst out laughing.

"Ok, let's talk business. I also have news. Besides, Lana promised to bake some new type of muffins today. If we do not hurry, then we will not get any."

Hearing this, Frank immediately jumped up from his chair, but Greg's sharp order stopped him.

" Sit down! If I am not going, then you neither! So let's make it fast."

Frank looked at his friend like a beaten puppy, but when Greg just folded his arms across his chest, and his expression showed complete resolution, the big guy with a sigh had to return to his place.

"In short, that woman, Interpol agent, came in today." - Franky began hastily. - "She tried to find out who was so kind to infect one of our dear friends with an unknown nanochip, which not only indicates its location but also can be transmitted to other people through sexual intercourse. The trick is that Mr. Leib took all the blame on himself for his good for nothing daughter. But in the end, after receiving a device that can read the Interpol nanochip signal, everyone was surprised to find our naughty girl, not anywhere, but in a terrorist camp. And there were already a lot of signals there. Were they having an orgy there or something? Well anyway, our lady agent is quite puzzled right now how to feel about it. They were able to get a whole bunch of bad guys in one scoop, but on the other hand, these methods still make her worried. "

Greg smirked crookedly, hastily closing a letter on his screen with a strange photo of a naked girl tied down by a huge red bow, and a dozen bearded men with machine guns which were taking her out from a wooden box. The letter had only one line.

" Thank you, general. We enjoyed your gift! "

And it was addressed to Mr. Leib's personal mail.

"Who knows. Maybe she suddenly wanted some thrill in her boring life." - He replied, shrugging. His expression was totally uninterested. Frank chuckled not noticing strange sparks that appeared in Greg's eyes just for a moment. Tony narrowed his eyes slightly but didn't ask any questions.

"Speaking of nanochips. Marina already examined you?" - Frank asked, staring anxiously at his friend.

Greg sighed heavily and nodded.

"Yes, as soon as we returned. I don't want to infect Lana with this stuff. Who knows how this can affect a werewolf ?!"

" Yeah. Even now she looks threateningly in the wolf's form. If she also would receive the power over computers, then it will be quite a disaster." - Tony said winking at Greg. - "What if a suspicious message will come to your phone, she will immediately see it in her head and tear your ass into thin ribbons."

"Ha ha ha! Very funny." - Greg replied with irritation, grimacing, making a note for the future, just in case, once again double-check Lana. - "So, Marina said that these damn chips made themselves at home in my brain so deeply that she can not remove them. Both types of these mechanisms somehow merged in my blood, creating an entirely new one. But she doesn't yet have all the result. The signal they transmit is excellent, and now they can even receive information from almost any devices if my blood gets on it. But if my blood gets into another living organism, the chips immediately shutting down and are destroyed into components that are harmless to the body. Marina said that this should be because they are already tuned to my DNA or some special features. While she can not say anything more specific, we decided to leave everything as it is."

"You're just like a superhero now." - Tony laughed. - "Let me help Marina with the development of a new costume? Please! She does not understand a thing about fashion. I can even come up with a beautiful collar for Lana. And nicknames! How about the Mighty Techie and His Good Girl or the Techno Brain and a Woof Girl. Or ..."

The guy did not have time to finish the sentence. The first slap came from Franky, who barely restrained laughter. And Greg presented him with a kick, at the same time snatching his phone from Tony's hands and ran off to the side. Tony's eyes widened when he realized what a friend was going to do, as soon as Greg snorted and saliva appeared on his lips, hanging right above the screen of the smartphone.

" No, don't you dear, Greg! Believe me, you don't want to know some details from there. Does your head have any filter? Are you really ready to see all those vulgarities from my mail? There are even a couple of photos. From me. Without clothes on ..." - warned Tony and Greg immediately grimaced with disgust, throwing the phone back to the guy, as if it was a dead fish.

" Ok, that's enough." - Franky tried to calm the friends still keeping in mind that the longer they sit here, the less baking in the end he will get. - "By the way, Tony, how is your mother? Has the doctor already examined her?"

Anthony immediately grew serious and straightened.

"Yes." - he answered signing. - "And he was shocked. I still can't believe that mom hid such a severe illness from us."

"Mothers always try to protect their children and often even to their own harm." - Said Greg with a sigh. - "But is she okay now?"

"Yes. The doctor said that there was no trace of the disease. He even said that now her body looks 15 years younger." - answered Tony, having a little cheered up. - "This is just a miracle! What did Marina say about this medicine?"

Greg paused for a moment, leaning back in his chair, but still answered.

"She is still exploring all the components of the small sample that she left for herself. She said that this substance is clearly of organic origin. It is somewhat similar to what Ian's lab on the island worked on. At the last moment, they managed to isolate some biological material formed in the process of transforming a normal shifter into Alpha. This essence literally renews the body and makes it much stronger, adding some unique qualities. But what they found and this medicine is incomparable. This is like comparing antiflu drugs and the elixir of immortality."

"Is it really such a cool thing?" - Frank asked, trying to understand what Greg was hinting on.

" It is so cool that if at the moment when shifter tore off your arm, you would anoint the wound with it and put the severed limb back together, the next day there won't be even scar left. It is actually on the verge of being fantastic stuff, that could exist only in legends. And Marina has no clue how it can be produced." - Greg replied, smiling sadly.

" If I would have known, I'd dress up more sex before meeting with Ian." - Frank laughed in response. There was no sadness or regret in his eyes, which Greg expected. That was a good sign but a little strange at the same time.

"The problem is that we can't figure out where and how Ian got this thing." - Greg continued, rubbing his temples. - "The council gave me the opportunity to dig into the documents of Ian. Brian, Ryan and I have already spent several days to sort things out. But there is so many stuff... This old wolf was a genius and a psycho at the same time. We are fortunate that he never spoke out against humans. Then he would have found much more support among shifters. His goals, in fact, were quite good and clear, but only from the human's point of view. Shifters with all their inertia and separation by different packs and clans begin to howl and snarl at the mere mention of reform. Not surprisingly, Ian, who grew up at the bottom of human society, knew only one way to force his ideas. And that was his biggest mistake."

" I kind of feel sorry for him." - Greg added looking at his friends. - "He never had what I have, just because he did not let anyone near him. He knew how to control and order. But has never learned to trust, share joy and problems with his loved ones. He saw only the bad side of both worlds and reacted accordingly. It would be so good if there were someone who was able to guide him to the right way. But he had only this snake Sybil who swayed him to the dark side even more."

Friends were silent for a bit, each thinking about his own.

"In any case, we still have a lot of work, and I need your help." - emerging from heavy thoughts, Greg spoke up again. - "Can I count on you guys?"

"Only if this time you let me participate in the fun from the very beginning." - Tony laughed, nodding.

"Greg, you know that we're with you to the end." - Frank nodded too, rising. - "And now, can we already go for my muffins? They are getting cold!"

Greg smiled and nodded, rising, feeling that even if many issues had not yet been resolved and perhaps there were still many difficulties ahead of them, but with such friends, he could fearlessly challenge even an immortal being.