CH 58

It was the day after Valentine’s Day.

Two female students who attend the same girls’ high school as Kanade were walking around the town. And just like Kanade, they were dressed neatly in their school uniforms, and their behavior showed that they were well educated, but their way of speaking and behavior were typical of high school girls seen everywhere.

“Ah~h, I wonder what happened to Kanade, for her to rush home like that.”

“I don’t know. Hey, yesterday was Valentine’s Day, but Kanade seemed busy, right? Maybe she went to meet her boyfriend?”

“Kanade has a boyfriend!? …Well, with her beauty, it’s possible for her to have one or two already, but it’s Kanade, you know?”

Anyway, these two girls were talking about Kanade.

Kanade Doumoto— the daughter of one of the well-known Doumoto Group in Japan— is famous for her beauty and her friendly and approachable attitude towards everyone, making her popular among both sexes. Being in a girls’ high school, there are also some girls who have a crush on her.

These two girls are in the same class as Kanade and are on good terms with her. They often talk at school and sometimes visit each other’s homes. They are close enough, but recently, there have been more mysteries surrounding Kanade.

“…I wonder if Kanade is seeing someone.”

“I’m not sure, but her change in behavior could be due to a man.”

Not only does she have a soft demeanor, but also an explosive body that does not match her polished and beautiful appearance and cute face at all— it seems like God gave her so many things that it can make even anyone jealous.

However, lately, the two girls have noticed that Kanade’s behavior has changed. She sometimes looks out the window and sighs, or puts her hand on her cheek and seems to imagine something, or shows a sad expression that makes them worried.

Of course, Kanade’s changes are noticed by her other classmates as well, and so some of them are starting to wonder what’s going on with her.

“She’s become erotic, hasn’t she?”

“Hey, we’re in class… but yeah, I know what you mean. Her vibe is a bit crazy.”

It feels as though she’s just met a man for the first time, and it’s almost like the pheromones that were bottled up inside her have been released, creating a sense of illusion. Although they realize it may sound impolite to say so. When they tried to ask Kanade about it, she behaved just as she usually does, leaving them unsure of how to question further about the topic.

“Ah~h, I’m curious… Eh?”

“What’s wrong… huh?”

The two of them froze the moment they saw a couple in front of them.

They didn’t know the boy, but they definitely knew the girl well. She was Kanade, who had just been mentioned. She was holding hands with the boy and looking up at him with an expression that clearly showed she was in love, like a typical teenage girl.

“So it was a man after all.”

“I’m surprised.”

Despite feeling bad about it, the two couldn’t resist their curiosity and approached them.

When they got close enough, Kanade seemed to sense something and turned around, but she was more interested in talking to the boy so she kept staring at him.

“I’ve never seen Kanade like that before.”

“Yeah… she seems really happy.”

Her steadfast gaze gave the two a very earnest impression. Even if they had never seen her talk to a boy like that before, Kanade was the type to always put others first and respect them. She never insisted on her own way, so everyone said she would make a really good wife in the future.

“Oh, they separated.”

“He probably went to the washroom.”

The boy left Kanade and headed to the restroom.

Kanade watched him leave and sat on a bench looking bored now that she was alone. The two thought about talking to her since she was currently alone, but they didn’t want to bother her so they decided not to.

Now, who was that boy really? Was he Kanade’s boyfriend or someone else entirely?

“Don’t tell me she’s selling her body?”

“Don’t be silly. Kanade would never do that.”

“That’s right. My bad.”

To tell the truth, they knew someone among their acquaintances who was doing something like sugar dating, but they had already distanced themselves from them. While it was someone else’s freedom, they just couldn’t understand using one’s body to make money.

However, something seemed to be happening to Kanade as they watched her.

She hunched over and put her head down on the bench. Her right hand was on her chest and her left hand was on her thigh…they were worried that she might be feeling unwell. Her body occasionally shuddered, but when she lifted her face, her cheeks were only slightly red and she seemed fine.

“Oh, the guy came back.”

“…but isn’t he too plain to just stand next to Kanade like that?”

They could see the boy’s face now and couldn’t help but voice their honest thoughts.

Compared to Kanade, who could be called a world-class beauty, the boy was really just ordinary. However, he did exude a gentle and charming atmosphere. Most importantly, it seemed rude to intervene when Kanade was like this.

“…What are the two of us doing while Kanade is doing all that?”

“Indeed. It’s pointless to continue like this anymore. Shall we go?”

The two of them thought to indirectly ask about today, and so the next day they spoke to Kanade.

“Good morning, Kanade.”

“Good morniiing~”

“Oh, good morning to both of you.”

Kanade smiled with a charm that could captivate even people of the same s*x, causing the two of them to blush. Kanade tilted her head at their reactions, but quickly remembered the reason they had approached her and asked.

“Hey Kanade, actually we were out in town together yesterday.”

“Oh, really?”

“Yeah. And then… we saw you with a boy.”

“…Ah, I see, you saw me.”

Kanade listened to them, but she didn’t seem particularly flustered. It was just that kind of casual attitude. When asked who he was, Kanade replied with a bright smile.

“He’s the most important person to me… Like, if it’s okay with him, I want to be in a closer relationship than what we currently are, you know?”

“…Huh? Aren’t you already boyfriend and girlfriend?”

“No, it’s more like he’s an older brother to me.”


“An older brother… even with that?”

The atmosphere between the boy and Kanade clearly felt like that of a couple who had just started dating, so the two of them were taken aback by Kanade’s words. But Kanade wasn’t lying, she seemed to really feel that way.

“…But lately, I’ve been thinking about my ‘Onii-san’ more and more… but it’s a really good feeling… ehehe♪”

The two of them couldn’t hear Kanade’s muttering. They had learned a new side of Kanade, but there were even more things that made them curious.

“… Ahh… Onii-san… I want Onii-san to punish me for being naughty♪”

“… Hey Kanade.”

“This is getting too erotic…”

They called out to Kanade, who was emitting a peach-colored aura, but she didn’t respond to them. She was either imagining something, or just smiling to herself. Well, even that kind of smile suited Kanade’s beauty.

“By the way, Kanade, can you tell us about that boy?”

“No way♪”

Kanade cutely stretched out her refusal, and her expression was imprinted in the two’s minds.

“… Onii-san, huh.”

His existence continued to grow in Kanade’s heart without stopping.

When she gave him chocolate a day late, he was very happy. Just seeing his smile made Kanade happy, and it was definitely making her feelings for him stronger.