Chapter 30

Nobody but Liu Wei and Liu Xiaoli had a good lunch.

At the end of the lunch, Liu Wei took the first person into the room.

Qin Zhong sat nervously on the soft couch covered with white cloth. He was in a state of mind and his palms were all sweaty.

Liu Xiaoli handed him a bowl of specially prepared anesthetic: "drink it!"

Qin Zhong took the small bowl and his hands couldn't help shaking.

Liu Xiaoli's soft little claws were placed on the back of his hand and whispered, "don't be afraid, it's sweet. I put sugar in it, not bitter!"

Qin Zhong can't laugh or cry. A child is a child. When someone wants to make a hole in his head, the medicine is not bitter Is that the point?

However, Qin Zhong did slow down for a while because of his interruption. He took a deep breath and poured down the bowl of medicine.

The medicine juice with the fragrance of jasmine flowed into the throat. It was sweet, sour and a little crisp, which made him pick his eyebrows.

After a bowl of medicine was drunk, Qin Zhong didn't feel anything different. However, after a long time of fragrant Kung Fu, he began to feel dizzy and distended. After another half of fragrant, his eyes became confused and he began to feel sleepy.

"Almost." Liu Wei said, and laid him flat on the couch.

Qin Zhong is not completely asleep at this time. He has no clear consciousness. His limbs are crispy and numb, but he has clear consciousness.

He wants to open his eyes and tell them that he hasn't fainted, and that he still has feelings. But doctor Qing Jun in white has already shaved his hair with a razor.

When his hair is shaved, Qin Zhong finds that he is still not dizzy. He is going to cry. He doesn't mean that he will fall asleep. Then he can't feel any pain? Why didn't he sleep?

He wanted to talk, but found that he could not open his mouth, he wanted to stop, and found that he could not lift his hand.

He didn't seem to be aware of the whole body, but he was aware of it.

Qin Zhong was very afraid. In his impression, only extorting confessions by torture can make prisoners watch themselves being cut off one by one, thus causing psychological shadow of prisoners.

Now he doubted whether the doctor was the traitor sent by the enemy. Maybe they were too stupid. He believed the wrong man. He was not a good man at all. They may not have been poisoned. The doctor said this on purpose, just to torture them or kill them for such a bright reason.

It's too dangerous. At the thought of himself, there are three other companions who will also be devastated by such inhumanity. His heart is full of fire and Qi!

But in the middle of Qin Dynasty, Liu Wei began to cut his scalp when the brain hole opened. Half an hour later, Liu Wei could see the black caterpillars swimming in his brain by the light outside the window.

It has been implanted.

This caterpillar is very small. The body of the former caterpillar is the size of a carapace. This living one is only a quarter of the size of the former one.

Liu Wei tried to catch this greasy little thing with his pliers, but it had a keen action, like being aware of the danger, and it moved a little faster.

Liu Xiaoli has never seen a worm parasitizing a living person. He was very surprised. He held a small bottle in his hand and said excitedly, "Dad, give it to me. I want it..."

Liu Wei is still. When the bug comes back, she grabs it out with a pair of pliers and quickly puts it into the bottle.

Liu Xiaoli jumped up excitedly and quickly plugged the bottle cap. Her face was full of joy.

Liu Wei also breathed a sigh of relief. She checked whether there was any damage to the temporal lobe and frontal lobe in Qin. After confirming that there was no serious problem, she used the self-made substitute for the catgut to sew up his head.

Then bandage.

Her technique is slow because she has to make sure it's all right.

By the end of it all, it's been an hour and a half.

Outside the door, Rong Ling waited there with cold face.

The rest of the three bodyguards were also in panic. When they were only comforted, Qin Zhong in the room did not scream. Does this mean that it really doesn't hurt?

But even if someone comforts himself like this, but after all, it's a brain opening, doesn't it hurt? What's more, can you really live after brain opening?

Their mind was in disorder, and they were more and more restless. At last, they had to cross back and forth to try to calm their anxiety.

"Mr. Duwei, Dr. Liu, he Really? " At last, someone approached Rong Leng carefully and asked.

As soon as this question was asked, the remaining two also raised their ears.

"He is not a doctor," said Rong Ling lightly

The three of them were stunned for a moment, and stared at each other for the next second.

"Not a doctor?"

"He is a masterpiece."

Three people were in a uproar.

Work? Isn't it for the dead? Is that man going to cut them like a dead man?

They are living people!

"Lord Duwei, can Qinzhong survive?"

The door in front of us was opened.

Liu Xiaoli's pink face appeared in the room.Rong Leng immediately coagulates his spirit: "how?"

Liu Xiaoli said, "my father told you to go in." Finish saying, bounce to run back inside.

The four quickly entered. As soon as they entered, they saw Qin Zhong lying flat on the soft couch, half empty in both eyes. He was tied with a white belt on his head and wrapped his head. He should not wake up. He looked delirious and couldn't open his eyes.

But he didn't die. Yes, he breathed. His chest was still up and down.

The three companions rushed around, determined and determined. They found that Qin Zhong was alive except that he could not move. They immediately looked at the big one who was washing his hands No, it's not.

"How is he?"

Liu Wei wiped his hand and said lightly: "the poison has been detoxified, but the overpowering drug hasn't passed. You take him back to his room. Be careful not to touch his head, so that he can have a rest. He will wake up at night. By the way, he is conscious now. He can hear what you say."

This medicine was specially developed by Liu Wei. It was successfully developed a long time ago for use in craniotomy.

Once a person's consciousness is completely asleep, the possibility of waking up is only 50%. The ancient medical conditions are insufficient, and she dare not take such a big risk. Therefore, in cooperation with traditional Chinese medicine and some special medicinal materials of this dynasty, she refined this kind of medicine that can make people anesthetize, but keep consciousness awake.

Speaking of this, she should not mention these herbs.

She didn't expect that in a dynasty that didn't exist in history, there were many rare herbs that had been lost and extinct in later generations. If any of these herbs were taken to modern times, they could subvert the field of traditional Chinese medicine and make those 80 or 90 year olds crazy about it.

But these things are all for her now. She will have a lifetime to study their properties slowly. Combined with traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, it is necessary to dig out all the effects of these herbs.

Just think about it, it's exciting!

When the three men carefully carried Qin Zhong out, there were only three people left in the room: Liu Wei, Liu Xiaoli and Rong Ling.

Rong Ling didn't say a word after she came in. Liu Xiaoli was there to pack up. After a three-hour operation, Liu Wei was a little tired. She sat on the stool and poured herself a cup of tea.

After drinking the cool tea for half a cup, she raised her head and looked at Rong Ling: "Rong Du Wei, you've been staring down. Is that enough?"