Chapter 245

Rong Yun was stunned for a moment. He vaguely felt that the name was familiar to him. But when he was kidnapped, he was only one year old. He didn't have enough memory and didn't know his name, so he just felt familiar to him, but didn't think it was him.

Liu Wei said softly, "Rong Yun, do you miss your mother and concubine?"

A concubine?

Rong Yun's big eyes are full of confusion.

The word "Concubine" seems to have been called.

But what does that mean?

"Your mother miss you very much, yun'er."


Rong Yun suddenly moves. Yun'er is him. It seems that someone used to call him that, although he has forgotten his face.

Liu Wei saw that the time was almost up, and he went to Rong Yun's stall and said, "yun'er, come here. Uncle will take you to see her."

"Mother Mother and concubine... " Rong Yun hesitates, and decides to climb out of the middle of his brothers.

Another little boy grabbed Rong Yun in time: "don't go over, he may be a bad guy."

Rong Yun stops at once, sits in place silently and looks at Liu Wei in confusion.

Liu Wei has a headache. She can't reason with these children.

Liu Wei can't do it at last. He simply pushes and pushes the face of Jin Dong.

Rongjin East do not know why, Ming Liu Wei said nothing, but he seems to be able to understand the meaning of Liu Wei.

So, the nine-year-old boy did the same thing again, sending himself out as a hostage, explaining and successfully changing out the tolerance.

Liu Wei hugs Rong Yun, who takes his finger out of his mouth and asks in a low voice, "the mother's wife..."

"If you answer my uncle's questions, he will take you to see my mother." Liu Wei said.

Rong Yun is holding his mouth. He seems to think that he has been cheated. He said clearly that he would take him to see his mother and concubine. Now he has to answer questions, which is different from what he said just now

And although he is three years old, he doesn't speak much. If he can't answer the question himself, will he not see his mother?

Let work a grievance, eyes a squeeze, squeezed out a big tear.

Liu Wei has forgotten how she raised Xiaoli at the beginning, but she just feels that all kinds of bad intentions are unbearable.

Now, facing a two-year-old child, Liu Wei feels great pressure again.

Rong Ling leans against the carriage nearby, rings his hands, and looks at Liu Wei's busy motherhood. His expression is very leisurely.

Anyway, he used to scare the children, so he just didn't care about anything.

Liu Wei glanced at Rong Leng's natural and unrestrained appearance. He bit his teeth angrily, walked over and threw Rong Yun into his arms.

Rong Leng's condition is to launch him to hold the child, but he has no patience with any child other than Xiao Li, that is, Rong Jindong has no patience.

Therefore, Rong Leng is just holding Rong Yun and will not coax him.

Rong Yun sees Rong Ling, but he is stunned. Then he wipes off his tears, looks at him seriously for a while, grins and says: "brother..."

Liu Wei raised her eyebrows: "does he know you?"

"But I haven't seen this child very much," said Rong Leng, glancing at Rong Yun

"Brother..." Rong Yun seems to recognize Rong Ling. He reaches out to grasp the collar of Rong Ling's clothes. After the meeting, the first smile appears. Maybe because of his age, the smile looks very simple and honest.

Rong Ling: "..."

Liu Wei smiled: "but the child must have seen you. Remember when?"

Rong Leng thought about it for a while, and suddenly thought, "feast of the week."

Before Rong Yun was taken away, he held a one-year-old banquet. After receiving the post, Rong Ling naturally went and gave a gift. However, Rong Ling didn't hold the child close. Probably because of his murderous spirit, Rong Yun's mother didn't plan to let him close.

But I didn't expect that, far away, Rong Yun remembered him.

I can't say how it feels. The Royal brotherhood is weak, but Rong Yun is only three years old after all, and he doesn't know the dirty struggles.

Rong Leng hesitates for a moment, but still reluctantly holds Rong Yun in his arms, which is to say that he has recognized this younger brother.

Rong Yun is very happy. Although he didn't see his mother, he didn't cry when he saw his brother. He just held him tightly.

Liu Wei released his hand, relaxed, and told Rong Ling to hold Rong Yun well. She wanted to check it. I thought, the memory of royal children is really exaggerated!

Liu Wei's hands are soft and hot. Touching Rong Yun, he feels very comfortable. Liu Wei asks, "have you ever been sick?"

Rong Yun knew what the disease meant, nodded, and then held out a fat finger.

"You mean, you sent it once?"

Rong Yun nods.

Liu Wei asked again, "did they give you anything to eat? What did you eat to get sick? "

Rong Yun doesn't know how to say it. He eats every day. Sometimes it's mushy, sometimes it's goat's milk. If he doesn't eat, he will die.

Realizing that the question could not be answered, Liu Wei pressed the chest part of Rong Yun again and said, "does it hurt here when you are ill?"Rong Yun nods at once.

"Will you be out of breath?"

Nod again.

"Do you foam?"

Keep nodding.

There is little information about Rong Yun, which is basically similar to zuolin's symptoms, but zuolin said that he was fed a kind of medicine, a very bitter medicine, probably only one spoon.

Rong Yun doesn't have this memory. It's estimated that if the medicine had been mixed in his food, or he had been forced to fill it unconsciously.

Liu Wei asks Xiao Li to record truthfully, and plans to send Rong Yun back.

Rong Yun bit his finger and said, "butterfly."

Liu Wei looked up and saw a white butterfly flying in the sky.

Make sure the butterfly is not poisonous. Liu Wei reaches out and rolls up a palm wind, grabs the butterfly, pinches its wings, and hands it to Rong Yun: "do you want to play with it?"

Rong Yun's eyes are bright, and she nods fiercely!

Liu Wei handed the butterfly to the child and said with a gentle smile, "take it steadily. If you fly away, there will be no more..."

Before Liu Wei finished speaking, Rong Yun grabbed the butterfly and broke its wings. Then he bolted it into his mouth and ate a living butterfly raw!

Rong Yun has only a few teeth, which are not well developed. Those teeth are the size of rice grains. He covers his mouth and chews them up. After swallowing them, he laughs happily: "delicious, delicious."

Liu Wei: "..."

Rong Ling: "..."

Liu Xiaoli blinked: "why does he eat butterflies? Didn't you have enough to eat? "

Xiaoli has never eaten animals raw, but brother Xiaojin said that when he didn't have enough to eat, any insects and ants could eat, so Xiaoli suspected that the child didn't have enough to eat.

Liu Wei's head hurt very much, staring at Rong Leng: "why not stop?"

Rong Leng is silent. Who would have thought that a three-year-old child would suddenly eat the butterfly.

At that moment, Rong Leng didn't react. When he did, the butterfly was swallowed by the child.

If you eat one, you will not be satisfied with it