Chapter 515

Two yamen servants took over with a smile. One of them joked: "only ours, no others?"

"Yes, it's a big pot in the kitchen. After a while, others will patrol and go to the kitchen to serve themselves."

The Yamen servant smiled: "not to say they, but to say..." The yamen runner's eyes turned away and looked inward.

Mrs. Sheng couldn't hear their jokes. She knocked on their heads: "no matter how serious you are, you can chew the root of your tongue and freeze it for me. Don't eat anything."

"Don't don't don't don't, aunt. We're wrong. We won't say it again."

Shanda's mother just let them go. She looked at the direction of Yamen. She didn't say anything. She left.

As soon as Mrs. Sheng left, the two yamen servants began to talk to each other: "I said that Mrs. Sheng was supposed to be interested in Mr. Ji. We ate so much food for Mrs. Sheng, but we had to help her guard people. The two girls came to Mr. Ji in case of any trouble. What do you mean? Hum, it's not just that you look better, but also that you look older. It's worth a few dollars to get a wife. Sheng is the best. If you marry Sheng, it's also a blessing for Mr. Ji. Do you think so? "

"That's nature." Another yamen runner took a mouthful of lotus seed soup, which was warm to his heart and lungs. Don't mention it. He said happily, "we will all do the same in the future. When those two mothers and daughters come, they won't be let go again. By the way, others will also say it."

"Well, that's settled."

Two people say, a head to drink all the lotus seed soup, finish still not enough to smack mouth, after a long time, one of them just thought of saying: "just that old lady looks like hurt, do you say there will be anything important, don't tell season adult really successful?"

"Nothing." Another one said carelessly, "I went to the thatched cottage just now. I passed by and saw with my own eyes that it was Lord Liu and Lord Rong who hurt the old women."

"Well, what about two other adults?"

"This old lady is not a thing. She scolds Lord Liu's mother and says that Lord Liu is a bastard and a wild seed."

"Damn it, seriously? Come on, let's talk to the brothers tomorrow. Don't talk about the inner Yamen. The mother and daughter will come again. They are not allowed to enter the yamen gate. "

"At the gate of Yamen?"

"Well? What's your idea? "

"First, we robbed Mrs. Sheng, and then we insulted Mr. Liu. Mr. Sun can say that what kind of travel plan we're working on now is the idea of Mr. Liu. When it's done, we can all raise our food and pay. It's said that what kind of staff dormitory we can do is Yamen to build houses for money, marry our own children and give us subsidies. Mr. Liu earned so much for us We don't say that we should offer him as a Bodhisattva. At least other people can't humiliate him. When we enter our ancient Yong mansion, there are still people who bully our Lord Liu. Isn't that looking for death? Call some brothers tomorrow to hang out where the mother and daughter live and teach them a lesson. "

"How to teach?"

"No human life is the bottom line."

"So as long as there is no human life, how can we teach it?"

"It depends on the situation. In a word, they can't be made better."

"Well, that's it!"

At this time, Ji Yunni did not know that her mother and daughter's "evil deeds" had caused public outrage in the Yamen of Guyong mansion, and their continued stay in Guyong mansion only meant that more troubles would follow.

The Ji family stayed in the Guyong mansion and used their hidden identities. Now, two figures that attracted the attention of the Yamen servants of the whole Guyong mansion appear, which is absolutely harmful to the hiding of the family members. So, soon, even if they don't want to, they will be recalled to Lingzhou. In a short time, they are not allowed to appear in the Guyong mansion.

The culprit for their escape is just a group of Yamen servants who protect the short, especially the short and the same.


Liu Wei sat in the lobby of the inn, chin in both hands, face in both hands, and looked at the table full of delicious food. Then he looked at Rong Leng, who was sitting opposite him, and stared at him.

Rong Leng holds chopsticks in his fingers, and holds a clean white porcelain bowl in his other hand. His fingertips are hard to detect.

The waiter sent the last dish, the fragrant steamed pork with flour.

Rong Leng's fingers are very tight, as if they should be broken at any time.

"I've got both of you." The second child fell back.

Rong Ling looks at the full table, takes a deep breath, looks up and asks, "don't you eat?"

"I'm not hungry."

Liu Wei's way was clear and white, then urged Rong Ling: "you are hungry, please eat."

From Liu Wei's concerned eyes, Rong Ling can see that Liu Wei is not joking. Liu Wei really wants him to eat all of them!

Not only are his fingers stiff, but also the corners of his mouth.

Liu Wei did not move. He simply picked up the chopsticks and took care of his dishes. Soon, a bowl full of fish and meat was put into the rongling bowl.

Rong Leng closed his eyes, put down the bowl, and said in a cold voice, "eat together."

Liu Wei looked at him innocently: "I'm not really hungry.""Eat." His tone was accentuated and his attitude could not be refused. Liu Wei hesitates for a moment, but still stops, and asks the second child to take a pair of chopsticks and pick up some vegetables at will and put them into the bowl to eat slowly. Since Liu Wei has eaten it, Rong Ling has to. So, the girl who sleepwalked again in the middle of the night, after waking up Rong Su, who was finally asleep today, pulled Rong Su hard and went downstairs. Rong Su is pulled by the girl with black face. When he goes downstairs, he sees Liu Wei and Rong Ling eating the night snack with the weight of the banquet. The three look at each other. The girl closes her eyes flexibly and goes to the kitchen. She takes an empty bowl and chopsticks and hands them to Rong su. Because I don't like eating, but I've been stared at by the girl's servant steward. I'm standing in the same place with no expression on my face. At this time, Rong Leng discovered the vitality smartly. He invited: "together." Rong Su didn't even have a chance to refuse, so she was pushed to another stool and sat down with a gloomy face. Then, as a brother, Rong Ling The author has said: it's a great pleasure to bully and bully Rong su. The monthly ticket will double today. Some of them will vote quickly. Next time, they will double Twenty-eight No