Chapter 543

Seeing Liu Wei's hands stained with blood, the knife that just turned out to be glittering with silver is also covered with blood gas. Yun Zhimeng takes a breath and asks: "you are here. You are going to send it by hand..."

Is it Liu Wei who knows that the bird's inner abdomen is rotten and unable to go back to the sky, and he simply sends it to the road by hand to avoid the pain of several hours of gut piercing and stomach rotting?

Liu Wei did not return his head, but said, "there is something different in his abdomen. He only has to break the chamber, gouge out the evil and guile, then sew up the wound, and keep warm."

Yunzhimeng has never heard of such a way to save people. It's unbelievable. The way to open up the heart and lungs of people is actually a way to cure diseases.

But if a man's body is so broken, he will not die early?

Where else is it possible to live? It's no wonder it doesn't hurt.

Look at the black bird. It's about to be broken in two, but it's still unconscious, as if it's dead.

Yun Zhimeng can't help but think that the bird is really dead.

Liu Wei seemed to know what Yun Zhimeng was thinking, and explained directly: "the Pearl grew up beside me when I was young, and it has a warm body, which is different from other birds."

At that time, pearl and Liu Wei left together with her master. Liu Wei was not in good health, so master made a medicine bath for her and soaked her every day.

Therefore, pearls have the same treatment.

Later, what Liu Wei ate, pearls almost ate, what Liu Wei did, pearls almost watched what they did.

Shifu is strict. There are always some unexpected thoughts, such as throwing her and pearl into the mountains and forests for ten and a half days. Finally, Liu Wei and Pearl find food together, live together, and suffer together.

Birds have the nature of foraging, and the recipe of pearls, with the accumulation of time, will almost assimilate with Liu Wei.

Even though it has passed through the Qingyun Dynasty, in addition to the fact that pearls continue to be of the same ethnic nature and have a special love for carrion, on weekdays, pearls eat the same meat meal as human beings. Occasionally, pearls also like to grab Xiaoli's ice sugar gourd.

Liu Wei is very clear about Pearl's body, whether it's antibody or nurture. In a word, ordinary poisons don't kill her. It's the poison of rotten intestines. If you want to kill her, it's almost the same. Before opening, Liu Wei gave pearl an anesthetic to ensure that she won't wake up from pain. In this way, as long as there is no other accident, the operation will succeed Of.

To tell you the truth, it's also thanks to Pearl's different physique.

Liu Wei is not a veterinarian after all, especially with such a serious injury. If it's an ordinary bird, I'm afraid that Liu Wei will really miss her life.

The operation is still going on. Yun Zhimeng looks at Liu Wei and asks for the knife, the knife, the thread and the needle.

Liu Wei never heard of that kind of catgut cloud weaving dream, but he found it in the bag and washed it carefully. Then he saw that Liu Wei, after gouging out the rotten meat inside the black bird's abdomen, put on needles and mended its open flesh.

After a while, the operation was over.

Liu Wei raised her arm to wipe the sweat on her forehead and carefully put the Pearl back on the bed.

Goo Goo has already sat on the bed and saw the Pearl coming. He put his head together to probe into it.

Liu Wei patted his head and said softly, "be careful not to touch it, not at all."

Goo Goo understood. He raised his head and called "Goo Goo" twice. Then he put his head down and pointed his mouth at Pearl's body. He looked at it and watched it.

Liu Wei rubs the little feather on his head and turns to look at his son Xiaoli.

Xiao Li's internal injury is internal injury, but because of it, Liu Wei can't see whether Xiao Li's internal organs are damaged, and how much is the extent of the damage. In this era without X-ray, Liu Wei has to make sure that his son's stomach is cut open and inspected by himself.

But surgery, there are risks.

Pearl can be seen from its claws and mouth that it has reached the point where it can't be operated without emergency. But Xiaoli is different. Maybe, Xiaoli's internal organs vibrate and are not damaged. If she suddenly opens her chest and finds that it's not so serious, and then sews it up, the child will suffer another felony.

Liu Wei is reluctant to cry.

Liu Wei looked at Xiaoli's pale face, closed eyes, reached out to touch her head, and gently called out: "Xiaoli?"

The child in coma has no half consciousness, but lies peacefully where his eyelids have not quivered for a while.

Liu Wei's face sank at the thought of who had hurt her son to such an extent.

However, it was also because pearl Li was injured that Liu Wei found the fatal clues to the three murders of the ancient Yongfu.

But just now Liu Wei insists that Zhong Ziyu is the culprit. After hearing this, Rong Ling's expression of surprise doesn't exist. If you want to, what Liu Wei guessed, Rong Ling must have thought of it.

Zhong Ziyu exposed a big flaw.

And this flaw will erase all the efforts made by Zhong Ziyu in advance.

The complicated cases, from ye Yuanliang, to Li Lin, to dozens of people's lanterns, to the disappearance of Xiaoniu, Xiaoli's accident, all have their answers.And all the clues point to the same person. The room is suddenly quiet. Yunzhimeng stands at the back and looks at Liu Wei's thin back. Inexplicably, he feels creepy. Yun Zhimeng thinks that he should not come, because he didn't ask how he found out. Zhong Ziyu is behind the disaster. Actually, yunzhimeng wants to ask, but the reason why yunzhimeng is afraid to ask is related to himself. According to the master, you can't involve yourself in it. You can help them at the critical moment, but you can't get involved in it. This is the order of the master and the grudge between the master and Zhong Ziyu. Yunzhimeng dare not make his own decision. At present, Yunzhi dreams to go, but when he is thinking about it, he listens to Liu Wei in front of him and slowly says, "you know, you have a smell." Cloud weave dream Leng for a while, just realize Liu Wei is talking with oneself, frown to ask: "what flavor?" "The smell of death." The sudden three words made yunzhimeng shocked and froze in place. Liu Wei gets up, turns around, looks at the opposite woman's stunned cheek, goes to yunzhimeng, reaches out his hand, and raises yunzhimeng's jaw. Looking around, Liu Wei said with no expression: "you've been" touched "by the race. I just want to know that since you know my affairs as well as whether I'm a man or a woman, and even Rong Ling is Xiao Li's father, these secrets are clear. Why don't you go to the Yamen to see the dozens of people's skin lanterns and stay for a quarter of an hour?" Yunzhimeng doesn't know what Liuwei wants to say, but she feels cool on her back.