Chapter 724

"Don't copy? Well, I won't beat you either. Let's call your father to judge. "

"No, don't tell the father!" Rong Qian said in a hurry.

Liu Xiaoli looks at Rong Qian in his spare time, calm on his face.

Rong Qian knew that there was no way to avoid it. He could only swallow his tears in his stomach. He silently sat in front of the chair and looked at Liu Xiaoli wrongly.

Liu Xiaoli's response to him was to throw him a pen, then grab his top, wave his whip and play in the room.

Rong Qian knows that the situation is over, and his nose is sore. But the man has tears. He wipes his face and bravely grabs the brush, shivers his fingers and touches the ink.

Just touched ink, listen to behind, Liu Xiaoli's voice rings: "remember to imitate my handwriting, do you remember my handwriting?"

He thought that this man had painted tortoises on his face and those of his two brothers, and wrote big characters. He could squeeze his lips tightly, and tears of humiliation finally fell down. Knowing this, he would not pretend to be ill. He might as well go to school to study, at least better than copying these things at home.

Mr. a can't do so much homework.

With something to play with, Xiao Li doesn't bother her mother anymore.

Liu Wei was so happy that she locked the door, spread out the pictures and looked at them one by one.

At this point of view, I really found some doubts.

In the picture of hunting in spring, a great man in a Dragon Robe stands among the courtiers. The man holds a bow and his eyes are sharp. When the bowstring shakes, he shoots a big eagle.

The eagle came down, the ground was stained with blood, and the courtiers were all happy, smiling.

Liu Wei can guess the plot in this picture. Maybe Princess min follows the emperor to hunt in spring. The emperor hunts in the hunting ground. He shoots too many eagles in the sky. The arrow has no empty hair. His majesty is still the same. He is celebrated by all officials.

At first glance, the painting looks nothing, but Liu Wei finds that among the people around, there is a woman wearing western costumes and even a gold headdress. At first glance, she is not a native Chinese.

Liu Wei read the inscription beside her, and understood that this was painted by the princess of the western regions when she came to visit me. It was spring at that time, so the headmaster prepared the hunting ground, which was also a fun for the visitors of the western regions.

Put the picture aside, and Liu Wei takes out another one.

This is a picture of work and rest. The name of the picture is "flower watcher". The picture is also a scene that Princess min saw. But it is not in the Changyang palace, but in the Zhaoning palace. The plaque of the Zhaoning palace in the picture is vague, but it can be recognized vaguely.

There are spoiled guests in Zhaoning palace. They can't see clearly. It can only be seen that the Queen's mother is meeting several princes' daughters. Each of them has a beautiful appearance, rich clothes, and full of bearing. One of them, Liu Wei recognized that it should be Yu Wenqian, Yu wenminxin's aunt. Liu Wei and Yu Wenjia's aunt have several connections.

The perspective of the painting is a bit like peeping.

But these are also not in Liu Wei's attention. What Liu Wei looks at is the flowers planted outside the courtyard of Zhaoning palace.

I don't know whether it's intentional or not. It's bigger than people's painting, and it's clear. Liu Wei knows all kinds of plants and flowers. At one glance, he recognizes that it's manzhusha Hua.

Manzhusha Hua, also known as the other shore flower or the dead flower, grows in the western regions and is called the yellow spring flower by the local people. Therefore, the flower generally grows in the grave or the cemetery, and grows into a piece of bright red, red like blood, known as the unknown flower, and also regarded as the medium for people to contact with hell.

Many spiritual people, or eminent monks in the western regions, will use this flower as their main use. Whether it is exorcism or sacrifice, it is a wonderful thing.

When Liu Wei was in modern times, he had been to Tibet and met manzhushahua. At that time, he thought it was interesting. He also asked the local people if they could send or buy a basin and take it home to raise.

The man said that flowers on the other side can't leave the land here. Once they leave, they can't live even with the best flowers.

Liu Wei said with a smile that someone had raised it.

The man only said that he must not have raised a pure variety of manzhusha, but had already paid in a bunch. If he liked it, he could also go to the flower market to buy it.

But pure manzhushahua must grow in the western regions, and it coexists with this land.

The man said it was mysterious, and Liu Wei only wanted to listen to it. However, Liu Wei went back and checked the strange flower.

Later, Liu Wei did buy a pot of breeding, and found that although the two kinds of flowers are similar, there are some differences in size, color, or petal shape.

Liu Wei died after a few days. But now, looking at the charming and unrivalled manzhusha in the picture, Liu Wei seems to think of the Tibet flower field again, which is full of bloom.

The manzhusha at the head here is pure, Liu Wei can be sure almost at a glance, but why does Zhaoning palace have this kind of flower? How is it planted?

Liu Wei looked at the signing of the corner of the scroll again. The date of discovery was exactly seven days after the spring hunting map. That is to say, the envoys of the western regions should not have left at that time. So, could this flower be a gift from the western regions?

For the moment, I don't know whether the flower will die or not. Liu Wei put the painting down again and then picked up Xiang Yi.The name in the tip of the tongue around a circle, Liu Wei thought.

Maybe the person behind the scenes is not Xiang Yi.

But those behind the scenes connected Xiang Yi's feelings for Princess min through the two paintings of appreciating spring and never asking where to go.

In addition, in the painting, in recent palace murders, people behind the scenes have brought out the "western regions".

In the picture, the envoys from the western regions once came to Kyoto, but less than a year later, Princess min died. At the same time, Xiang Yi attached great importance to Princess min, which was a little eccentric.

What are the consequences of this series of antecedents that you want to expose?

Liu Wei has a guess in her mind, but it's just a guess.

Now the only thing we can be sure of is that in recent cases, the murderer is indeed seeking justice for the princess Min who died many years ago.

Just, it's been so many years, why choose this time?

Liu Wei thought of the princess.

Minfei's sister is the new owner of the Changyang palace.

So, it was the death of Princess Chang that stimulated the murderer to set up the case of Princess min again in a rage?

In this way, the relationship between the murderer and the concubine should be profound?