Chapter 784

"Don't worry. I'll never forget what I promised you. Just let them prepare."

Lu's face was very happy. He bowed to Liu Wei in succession. Thank you very much.

Liu Wei waved her hand, but did not bear the great ceremony of Lu's family. "Go back," she said

"Yes, sir, please walk slowly!" Lu should.

Even if Lu wanted to exchange greetings with Jin Nanyun, he didn't dare to stay. She turned around and hurried back to the house with her skirt. She still had several kinds of jewelry in her hand, which could make Yao'er and feng'er live better for a while at least.

Looking at the back of Lv's departure, Jin Nanyun came to Liu Wei and said, "you..."

"Shh." Liu Wei gestured to her, looked left and right, and said, "change the place."

Liu Wei said, turning to go out.

Jinnanyun also looked at the nearby area warily, and made a look at Fusheng. Fusheng understood that as soon as he turned, he went to another direction.

Liu Wei takes jinnanyun to the rockery cave behind the garden. He is sure that he has no eyes or ears. Then he says, "I will know that you will come back."

Jinnanyun looked at Liu Wei, frowning tightly: "you scared me to death, and I don't say a word, come here so blatantly, don't cover your face, you are crazy?"

Liu Wei touched her cheek and said, "do you think anyone will recognize me?"

"I can recognize it at a glance!" said Jin Nanyun

"That's you!"

Jin Nanyun asked, "what do you mean?"

But Liu Wei said, "no one will recognize me, or dare not recognize me. Now the Liu family is like this. Everyone is the Savior and the hope of their lives. Lu is a wise man. He knows what to guess and what not to guess."

"But it's too blatant. You're not afraid that they will die, pull you into the water and tell you your identity? Then I'll see what you can say! " Jinnanyun is worried about Liu Wei. This man, Mingming, is always cautious. Why did he disappear for a while and become bold.

Liu Wei thought that she had always been brave, maybe now she is even bigger. When a person, with backstage, with dependence, more or less courage, will be fatter.

"Don't talk about me. I have something to ask you."

Jinnanyun listen to her.

Liu Wei took out a jade pendant and handed it to her: "do you recognize it?"

Jinnanyun took the jade plate, looked at the vivid patterns of the beads and sand on it, and was stunned for a moment. He raised his eyes in amazement: "this is..."

"Do you recognize it?"

Jinnanyun nodded: "how can I not recognize it? I have it, too."

"You have?" Now Liu Wei is stunned.

This jade pendant was given to Liu Wei by Lu Shi just now. It should be the princess of the western region who brought it from the western region and sent it to Liu Wei in person. It is reasonable to say that there should be no one else except a few famous women of not low status. Moreover, Jin Nanyun was not in Kyoto at that time.

"This jade pendant is made of lanolin jade. It's made of superior materials and exquisite workmanship. Last time, a tourist who traveled all the year came back with one piece. He said that it was the talent of a small Royal family in the western region. He originally brought three pieces. However, due to the Road investigation, he had to hide the other two pieces in a safe place. He only ate the pain of skin and meat and brought one piece back. He sold them very expensive, But I really like it, so I bought it. I haven't worn them for a while. You need to see them. I'll get them for you. " Jinnanyun said, he was going out.

Liu Wei grabbed her and said, "are you sure this thing is from the western regions?"

"Nature." "I don't often buy such expensive jewelry," said Jin

He is a businessman. Jinnanyun knows that the merchant's tongue is full of lotus flowers. Usually, she doesn't spend too much money on these things. But the jade pendant is really beautiful. It makes people like it when they look at it. When they have it, they don't think they cherish it. After buying it several times, they put it aside and don't care anymore.

Liu Wei, hearing the words and thinking for a moment, took the jade pendant back and rubbed the patterns on it, saying, "I know."

Jin Nanyun asked, "what do you know?"

Liu Wei didn't explain.

Jinnanyun didn't know what Liu Wei meant. He asked Liu Wei if he wanted to see the jade pendant?

Liu Wei said yes.

Jinnanyun was about to go out of the rockery when he saw a slender figure on the small bridge in front of him.


Liu Wei also saw it, only once saw it, he recognized it, but also surprised that she was so thin.

"It seems that life is worse than I thought."

Jin Nanyun said: "the soldiers sent by the emperor are all hungry wolves who eat money. I listen to you and fill them in. They mostly take care of the old lady. How about the main courtyard? I haven't asked."

When Liu Wei saw the direction of Liu Yao's going, it was the main courtyard, so he didn't think about it any more. He turned around and said, "I'll go to Xiaoci courtyard to have a look. You take the jade pendant and come to Xiaoci courtyard."

Jinnanyun nodded, looked around and asked, "can Fusheng open the way for you?"

Liu Wei shakes her head.

Since you dare to enter Liufu in person, you will be prepared.Although he hasn't been back to Liufu for a while, Liu Wei was able to meet with Rong Leng in the middle of the night. Liu Wei was familiar with the size of Liufu, the routes and the back of Liufu. Now, it's time for these paths to work.

Liu Wei arrived at Xiaoci hospital all the way, probably with the support of Jin Nanyun. From the outside, Xiaoci hospital is indeed much brighter and cleaner than other places in the house, even more popular.

Mammy Yang is feeding the starlings outside the yard. The birds chirp and take a bite of corn. Then they begin to shout: "good luck, Mammy good luck."

Mother Yang looked funny and taught her to say, "the old lady is in good health."

The Starling bird ate another corn and was happy. Then he said, "the old lady is in good health, and the old lady is in good health." Said, and changed a sentence, said: "mammy well-being, Mammy well-being."

Mammy Yang smiled more happily, but heard the bird say at this time: "the eldest miss is in good health, the eldest miss is in good health."

Mammy Yang was stunned. I wonder how the bird still knows the eldest lady?

But then I remembered that it was the old lady who had been talking about her for a long time. The spirit of the bird was also remembered.

Shaking her head, Mammy Yang gave all the corn to the birds as a reward.

After feeding, Mammy Yang turns around and plans to go back to the house, but as soon as she turns her head, she sees a man in white standing still behind her. She doesn't know how long she has been standing.

Mammy Yang made a bluff and nearly fell down.

Liu Wei hurried forward to hold mammy Yang, smiled a little, and said, "Mammy, be careful. It's not fair on the ground."

Mammy Yang looked at Liu Wei in amazement, avoided Liu Wei's support, stepped back two steps, frowned and asked, "who are you, who knows where this is, and who allows you to rush in disorder?"

Liu Wei looked at mammy Yang and said, "I have no malice."

Mother Yang frowned and shouted, "come!"