Chapter 809

At present, Emperor Qianling's pulse is weak and unstable, but he is not terminally ill.

Such a sudden syncope, it is impossible to use all the first-aid means without any movement. Liu Wei had guessed before, and now, this guess has come true.

Emperor Qianling is pretending to be dizzy.

On the main hall, when Huang ER was just brought up, and the case was about to come to an end to expose the ugly truth of the rear palace, Emperor Qianling fainted.

In fact, it should not be accurate.

Qianling Emperor may have been really dizzy at that time, but he soon woke up again. But now, Qianling emperor is obviously going to make mistakes.

Although Liu Wei didn't know the purpose of Qianling emperor, and why he reacted so much after seeing Huang Er, Liu Wei didn't plan to let Qianling emperor succeed.

Don't wake up a person who pretends to sleep. That's because the way is not enough. The most extreme way is to use it. Don't say pretending to sleep, pretending to die can trick you into a corpse!

Liu Wei pulls out the silver needle, calmly picks up another silver needle and stabs at the front door of emperor Qianling.

One, two, three, four

It was not until emperor Qianling was almost tied up as a hedgehog that Liu Wei closed his hand, with a relaxed expression on his face, and said, "in a quarter of an hour, he will wake up."

A group of people looked at Liu Wei in disbelief.

The queen wanted to continue to question Liu Wei, but at this juncture, she was worried about the health of the emperor's dragon, so she was restrained in the end.

The doctors shook their heads and said Liu Wei was making a fool of himself, but they didn't stop him.

The reason is very simple. The emperor's dragon body is a hot potato. They are poor and have no way to do it. If they go on like this, they can't escape being questioned!

Now, someone has taken over this hot potato on his own initiative, which is undoubtedly to solve the problem for them. They are so happy to get rid of their relationship, how can they catch up with the disaster again?

Only a few stubborn old doctors, always want to stop, but their students are dead.

The old doctor was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, but the people were selfish. They could not cure the emperor well. It was not only one person who suffered, but also the whole Taiji hospital, as well as all the family members of Taiji hospital.

In this way, it's a big concern. The old doctor is stubborn, but he can't harm other colleagues, not to mention his wife, children and children in the government. Therefore, he has to bear it.

For a quarter of an hour, Liu Wei stepped forward and took out the silver needles one by one.

Liu Wei's movements are smooth and natural, which makes people unable to see anything wrong.

Although acupuncture has long been extinct here in Qingyun Dynasty, it has been said that Mr. Liu is the only one left.

Now I see it with my own eyes. Although I don't know the true geometry, maybe it's a miracle.

And miracles, as expected in front of a public show.

When the last needle was pulled out, Qianling emperor, who had been unconscious, frowned slightly. Then, as if he was suffering, his white face turned red.

"Emperor..." The queen came up at once and looked at it with surprise and joy in her eyes.

But Liu Wei stopped the queen and said, "empress."

The queen didn't like Liu Wei, but now she has to step back for the health of the dragon.

The doctors looked at each other and all sighed. The original acupuncture technique was so well known that these needles could really bring the dead back to life.

Even the most stubborn old doctor put out his anger towards Liu Wei, and his eyes became brighter.

People all think that Liu Wei's art is superior and he can only save people for a moment. But looking at the sad expression of Qianling emperor, Rong Ling knows that things are far from so simple.

In fact, it's not easy.

If Liu Wei wants to wake up the emperor Qianling in the most extreme vicious way, the so-called limit must be the ultimate limit.

What is the most indispensable thing for a person? It's air!

Liu Wei just twisted the silver needle and put it into the dragon's body. He gave thirty-six needles to the emperor Qianling. The purpose was to block his meridians and block the key points. But when the silver needle is pulled out, these places can't be dredged, the air in the mouth can't even reach the respiratory tract smoothly.

To be frank, Liu Wei blocked the emperor's instinctive ability to accept the air directly. If a person lost the air, could he live?

Liu Wei looked at the old face of emperor Qianling, which was becoming more and more uncomfortable, and silently counted, one, two, three

When Liu Wei counted to the tenth, Emperor Qianling suddenly opened his eyes, a pair of tiger eyes, looking at everyone in panic and panic.

When the empress saw that emperor Qianling woke up, she pushed away Liu Wei and walked over. Her eyes were red and she called out, "Emperor Emperor! "

Emperor Qianling didn't look at the queen. He just opened his mouth and wanted to breathe. He couldn't feel the air anyway.

Emperor Qianling's face became more and more ugly, and his face grew more and more red, and his forehead was even full of blue tendons.

The empress saw that the emperor was not right. She took the emperor's hand and asked nervously, "emperor, what's wrong? where are you not feeling well? Taiyi, Taiyi, come and have a look! "A group of doctors immediately came forward. As soon as there were many of them, Liu Wei was pushed to the corner.

Liu Wei didn't care, just stood with her head down.

The doctors came to check around the Qianling emperor, and at last they all said, "the emperor is awake. It should be OK, but the pulse is short. I think it's the syncope that hurt the root. After a while, it's OK."

When Liu Wei heard about it, his pride was not obvious at all. Yes, the problem of respiratory tract can't be solved by general medical skills.

But if these doctors reach out to find out the breath of emperor Qianling, they will find that he is almost out of breath.

Just, a living person, open his eyes to you, how can you think that this person is not angry?

The doctors all said that emperor Qianling was ok, but as a client, Emperor Qianling had only one feeling. He was going to die soon, and he could make a cup of tea in a short time.

Qianling didn't feel angry and could not breathe. It seemed that his whole body was blocked. Only one pair of eyes could be opened. Even he couldn't speak.

Emperor Qianling turned away and glared at Liu Wei, who was standing in the corner.

This is regicide!

This is rebellion!

Emperor Qianling wanted to say it out loud, but his breath was about to be cut off. How could he have the strength to speak.

Liu Wei felt a pair of anger to the extreme, murderous as if the real vision, projected on her body, she slightly hung her head, very clear who was looking at her.

Liu Wei is very clear that as long as she waits a little longer, five minutes in modern times, five minutes

There is a limit to how long a person can hold his breath, especially for an old man like emperor Qianling. Maybe the dog emperor can't last for a minute.

Just wait, wait, and she'll kill the man herself.

Although Liu Wei seldom mentions or talks about it, he never forgets how his father Liu Huan died.

No one can always be calm and peaceful in the face of his father's enemies.

In particular, the other side closed their eyes, no force, completely lost the power of command, in front of you like a piece of dead meat on the chopping board, whatever you want to chop.

At this time, hatred is out of control.