Chapter 846

There's something wrong with this bird.

Liu Mo thought so.

Fu Zichen was curious about his appearance and explained, "the pearl is fed by a friend of mine. It is different from other birds. It is very spiritual and human."

Liu Mo to return to the line of sight, half against the car wall, closed his eyes and said: "again through human nature, is also a beast."

Fu Zichen smiled: "if you let my friend hear this, it's me, and you can't be protected."

Liu Mo doesn't care.

Just silence down, full of the black bird's figure, especially the eyes, always like, what mystery.

But with Liu Mo to feel the same, there are still pearls left in the broken temple.

After seeing that the carriage had disappeared, pearl came down from Gugu. He stood there and looked at the fog like rain outside the door. He hesitated for a moment, but he still plucked up his courage and rushed out.

Goo Goo saw that the delicate pearl even went ahead in the rain, and he couldn't help bluffing. After a moment, he was stunned at the top of the Buddha statue, and then rushed out, followed by the Pearl.

The flight route of birds is different from that of people.

Goo Goo flies, but finds that the direction pearl flies is not Hanshan Temple, which has to continue to eat vegetarian scriptures after the new year.

It's headed for Kyoto.

So he called out to remind pearl that he was wrong.

But the little blackbird in the front, keep moving forward, it doesn't mean to stop at all.

Goo Goo can't help but follow.

Just as the sky was blackening, they flew to the gate of the city, and then they flew over the city wall in a familiar way, and then moved forward quickly.

After a whiff of incense.

Liu Wei is discussing things with Mingxiang. At this time, she sees two sharp black shadows flying towards her.

Liu Wei was stunned for a moment. When he saw them clearly, he recognized that the two wet birds were just cuckoo and pearl.

The pearl is small, and now it is wet. It shivers and stands by the fire. It warms its feathers and shouts anxiously to Liu Wei, "Jie Jie, Jie Jie Jie..."

Liu Wei listened to Pearl's words, and it took a long time to respond. She asked, "you say you are going to die?"

Will pearls die?


In this world, all living things have a life span.

The lifespan of crows, if carefully raised, will be as long as 20 years.

Liu Wei didn't know the age of pearls when she took them in, but even from then on, pearls are at least 20 years old now.

But pearl lives well, and six years ago, she came to a different world with her.

All these make Liu Wei think that pearl is different from all the birds in the world.

Once Liu Wei asked pearl, how old do you know?

Pearl said, three years old.

Because Xiaoli was two years old at that time, pearl had to say that she was three years old.

Liu Wei understood that Pearl had no concept of life span, just because she wanted to be Xiao Li's brother, so she said she was one year older than Xiao Li.

Today, pearl hurried back to see her first moment, not coquetry, not miss, but to say such a word to her.

Liu Wei's first reaction was that Pearl was ill.

Therefore, Liu Wei almost immediately walked over, picked up the black bird, looked back and forth, and made sure that he had no injury on his body except being wet, and didn't look like he had internal injury, so he was relieved.

Liu Wei took a piece of dry cloth to wipe his body. As he wiped it, he asked, "is it frozen?"

Pearl nest in Liu Wei's hand, a pair of black eyes fixed to look at Liu Wei, for a while, soft body, very attached to Liu Wei.

Liu Wei put it on her knee, and her hands were light.

Pearl is silent, so is Liu Wei.

After a long time, when Mingxiang gave up a lot of energy to wipe the cuckoo clean, he heard the Pearl, and Jie Jie called again.

Mingxiang can't understand what pearl is talking about, but when she sees the face of young master Liu, she changes quickly.

Mingxiang was worried, but did not dare to disturb, so she had to continue to toss the cuckoo in front of her, but listened to the noise.

Liu Wei cleans the Pearl and holds it to the stove to make it warm all over. Then he asks, "what's your name? You're damn? What does that mean? "

Pearl looks at Liu Wei innocently, and Jie Jie makes two voices.

Liu Wei touched his head and said, "you see a man. Do you think he will kill you?"

Pearl thought for a moment, shook his head, or Jie Jie's call.

Liu Wei smiled: "that person will not kill you, you will not be hurt, so how can you die? Pearl, you will live a hundred years! "

Pearl slowly can only silence down, obediently in Liu Wei's arms.

Liu Wei hugged it.

This night, Liu Wei did not sleep well. Because of the delay of the cabinet meeting, Rong Ling was unable to leave the palace when the Palace door was locked.Liu Wei is sleeping on the bed alone. It's already midnight. She hasn't closed her eyes yet. She just touches the black bird's bright and clean back hair with her fingers. She is not sleepy.

At the same time, there were people in another part of the outskirts of Beijing who didn't sleep well.

Originally thought that the rain would not increase, in the night, after all, or increased.

More than that, this originally drizzle turned into sleet after entering Zishi.

Liu Mo with the whole person shrink in that thick quilt.

He was not very well since he was young. Although he grew up, he was in a lot of health, but he had never experienced the situation of sleeping outside and in the carriage for the night.

Especially in the cold weather, there is still wind moving the curtain around, blowing in the rain and snow outside, which makes him even colder.

Fu Zichen, who was sleeping well, opened his eyes a little, reached out, patted the youth on the opposite side and said, "is it cold? Go to sleep. "

Liu Mo didn't speak.

Fu Zichen asked again, "look at me, it's not cold."

Liu Mo is angry. He feels that his present obsession is not to find brother Shan Sheng, but to kill this man in front of his eyes. He will die in pieces!

Fu Zichen still smiled and said patiently: "if it's really cold, let's build a quilt and fold it two times? Or do you sleep with me? "

Liu Mo is full of anger.

Fu Zichen soon fell asleep again.

Liu Mo can't stand it after all. In such a cold and sleepy situation, close his eyes.

When I opened my eyes again, Liu Mo was awakened.

A female voice came in from the outside of the carriage, and then there was a laugh.

Liu Mo frowned and reluctantly sat up.

A cold night's sleep made his limbs sore, his head splitting and his nose not clear.

Liu Mo presses his eyebrow, pulls up the curtain, wants to see what's going on outside, but fiercely looks at a pretty face close to him.

Looking at Fu Zichen, who was about to come in, he also lifted the curtain. Liu Mo stepped back half a step later, and his face became more and more ugly.

"Are you awake?" Fu Zichen smiled, saw Liu Mo with the expression some uncomfortable, then asked: "last night but did not sleep well?"

Liu Mo thought, in this case, who can sleep well?

Fu Zichen said: "I sleep well, but if you don't sleep well, don't sleep, and then sleep in the house."