Chapter 1238

Chen Tai listened to the howling of the beast for the most part of the night, and his heart was also seized for the most part of the night. Later, he couldn't wait any longer. He hurried to the nearest Tongyue village and asked the villagers for help.

The villagers in the same month village know that Chen Tai, an old man, has agreed to let a child go into the mountain alone. They stare at him with reproachful eyes. Then they change their clothes roughly and take the guy to the mountain.

They entered the mountain at the fork of Tongyue village, so they walked smoothly and knew the road. However, when they heard the howling of different kinds of beasts from far to near, they hesitated.

"Why do you cry so happy all of a sudden?"

"Is something wrong?"

"Is there an earthquake? Or the tsunami? "

Generally, only natural disasters and man-made disasters can make animals so crazy.

The villagers in Tongyue village were worried.

Those who cherish their lives are beginning to feel less eager to enter the mountain.

Chen Tai told them at the fork for a long time, but at last only two or three people were willing to go into the mountain together. More people said they were waiting at the fork.

Chen Taiqi can't do it. He is just about to rush in with a stick, but he hears the footsteps coming from inside.

There are some disordered footsteps, which are loud. They are coming towards them.

Chen Tai was stunned. The others in Tongyue village immediately pulled him aside, stood far away, and lit the torches.

They thought there was some wild animal running out, but after a while, they saw a figure in a hurry.

It's a little boy. His face is a little black and his hair is messy.

"Xiaoli!" Seeing the child coming out, Chen Tai excitedly pulls him forward and looks up and down.

Xiaoli has suffered a lot for the most part of the night, but her younger sister hasn't found her. She is surrounded by wild animals. Now it's going to be dark, and he finally runs out.

Seeing the people at the intersection, Xiao Li knew that these should be the helpers Chen Tai had been looking for. After all, she had been in for almost a whole night.

In addition to his gratitude, he hurriedly expressed that he was ok, so that everyone did not have to worry.

Some people also asked, "what's the call in the forest?"

Xiaoli sighed, pointing to the moon on the top of her finger, which was not completely replaced by the morning light. She exposed the culprit, the wolves howling towards the moon all night.

The villagers nodded their heads one after another, and some people were curious: "it's not the first day of the new year, it's not the 15th, how can it still be the full moon?"

The mystery of the sky is not something ordinary people like them can explain. In a word, children can come out safely.

The villagers in Tongyue village saw that they were OK, so they resigned and went back to the village.

When they left, Xiao Li took Chen Tai's hand and said, "Uncle Tai, you can help me this time."

Chen Tai was shocked: "what's the matter with you? Is it hurt? "

Xiao Li shook her head and looked bitter. "My sister hasn't found her yet. I don't know where she has gone. I have to go to the mountain. Uncle Tai, please go back to the village and call more people. After daybreak, everyone will go to the mountain to find her."

At first, Xiao Li knew the location of the leopard's nest, and also determined the specific coordinates of her sister. But now after last night, the mother leopard's family scared away the barking animals in the forest. Xiao Li stayed in the leopard's nest all night and never saw them come back.

Now her sister's coordinates have been lost and her pearl has not been found. Xiaoli cannot find the whole mountain by herself, so she has to ask for more help.

Chen Tai agreed immediately, but he didn't trust Xiao Li. He told him that Xiao Li was not allowed to enter the mountain alone until he brought someone back to meet him.

Small Li Eye Bead son turned, knew that oneself does not agree uncle Tai affirmation not to rest assured, nodded to agree.

Chen Tai didn't know that the kid had a ghost idea, let alone that after he drove away with the donkey cart, he turned around and the little guy sneaked into the forest.

As the sky grew brighter, the animals who had been barking all night were tired.

There was no more howling in the forest, only the chirping of insects.

Xiao Li goes all the way along the steep mountain road. He deliberately finds it hard to walk. When animals encounter danger, they instinctively follow a more tortuous, steep road with more shelters.

Because they subconsciously think that the zigzag road is more secure than the plain road. Just like people, when you are chased by enemies behind you, you will subconsciously go into some lanes with seven turns and eight turns instead of running straight on the flat long road.

Xiaoli's direction is to the West.

Last night, the wolf howled from the East, so he guessed that the mother leopard would take her cub to the farthest direction from the wolf howl.

After walking for a quarter of an hour, he found the leopard's footprints in a damp soil. Next to the messy plum footprints, there were two strings of small plum footprints, which should be the little leopard.

But go further, and soon the footprints will be gone.

In front is a miscellaneous bush, with many shrubs and leeches.

Xiaoli scratched his face and scratched a few red pimples on his neck. He tragically found that these insects and ants were poisonous, and the pimples on his skin were getting bigger and bigger.Quickly picked the nearby cool grass to stop itching, took off his coat and wrapped his head around it, so Xiao Li continued to walk hard.

After another walk, he saw a puddle.

It should not be considered as a water pit, but a natural pit. Because the pit is stored by rainwater all the year round, it looks more like a reservoir.

Xiaoli thought that the wild animals around the mountain forest probably drink in this water reservoir.

Thinking that he was thirsty, licked his lips, he fell on the ground, took half a handful of water with his hand and drank it. The water was clear, but it didn't taste good. After drinking a little Li, he didn't want to drink it.

Then when he left, he began to collect wild fruits around him.

Wild fruit can quench thirst and satisfy your stomach, much better than the water in the reservoir.

Gradually, the surrounding environment becomes worse.

At first, there was still a way to go, but later, there was no way. After leaving the reservoir, the more ahead, the deeper the bush.

At the end of the day, Xiaoli was afraid to walk on land. He began to climb trees. Then he jumped from tree to tree.

At this time, the villagers of Heishui village and Baisan village that Chen Tai found had already entered the mountain. Some people entered the mountain from other fork, and some people followed Chen Tai to the fork of Tongyue village to find Xiaoli.

Of course, I didn't find it.

Chen Tai is angry at the child's disobedience. Finally, he has no choice but to let people go ahead.

Xiao Li believes that if Chen Tai doesn't see himself, he will definitely go to the mountain to find himself, so he is very relieved not to wait for them, but now he regrets a little.

He didn't know that the mountain was so deep. He thought that the mountain had been separated. Each area was contracted by different villages, which was basically not too barren.

But now he's on the way to the wild level of the jungle. He can't tell the southeast from the northwest.

Anyway, he couldn't find his way. He simply went on with his intuition. He finally found that there were traces of mining in front of him.

Several trees were cut with axes at first sight, so it proved that he had reached the contracted area of a certain village.

If there are people, there will be a way.

This time, Xiao Li dare not walk blindly again, for fear of delaying the search for his younger sister. He walked along the open road with the deepest trace, and wanted to find someone to ask for directions first.

As soon as he left, he walked into a red garden.

Nose can also smell strong rose fragrance.