Chapter 1326

"It worked."

At the moment when she took off her mask, Liu Wei was relieved and absorbed for a long time. She looked very tired.

In fact, it's not just her. Xiaoli and Yunxi are not so good.

They are all too tired to talk, especially for Yunxi, who took part in the operation for the first time, today's everything is like a dream, and he is still awake.

Rong Ling is still in a coma. The medicine he added later is overloaded. He will sleep for at least three to five hours.

Because it is not suitable for moving now, Rong Ling is still sleeping in this temporary "operating room".

I haven't eaten all day. Now my heart is falling. Everyone feels the protest in my stomach. Fortunately, when I rent the yard, the magistrate of Song County carefully left them the cook, so I can eat at any time.

After eating some simply, Liu Wei went back to the operating room. She had to wait for Rong Ling to wake up. She had to follow up the information feedback after the operation in time.

Cloud wants to get close to his brother and look at his brother's unswerving appearance. He asks curiously: "really, put your chest Is it cut? "

Yunxi himself thinks it's amazing. If he didn't know that the operation was to save people, he thought Liu Wei was murdering her husband.

The visual impact of the white knife into the red knife really overthrows all of his previous 20 years.

Yunmi and Yunchu are also curious. Although they are still apprentices, they have a lot of curiosity.

Yunxi slowed down for a while, and then began to talk about the operation process. He began to sleep calmly. How to open the chest, how to find the position of the internal organs through the bloody wound, and how to find the opportunity of stitching in the human flesh with his hands full of blood. At first, he spoke slowly, then he spoke quickly, and then he was excited. This was an unprecedented experience He is eager to share with others.

Rong Leng woke up at night when he was ugly. When he woke up, he was still in chaos. His eyes could not be focused, his mouth could not be opened, and he could not move.

Liu Wei pays close attention to his situation at any time. Seeing that he is conscious, he immediately reminds him: "take your time, don't worry. The medicine has just passed, and the body function is still in a state of paralysis. It will take a while to recover."

Just want to move hands and feet of the tolerance edge stopped, obedient did not move, eyes are toward the direction of Liu Wei.

He saw a hazy figure, but because he was too dazed to see the face of the figure.

Liu Wei took a wad of cotton at the head of the bed, moistened it with water, ordered some lip flaps for him, and said: "the operation was very successful, and then came the post-operative re examination and recuperation. Now tell me, apart from the pain in the wound, what's wrong with you?"

Let Leng dun for a while, lips pucker, pucker to some moist, just light slow way: "still, ok..."

Liu Wei felt his head painfully: "how can it be ok? It's not good anywhere."

Rong Leng didn't make a sound. Now his vision is restored. He can see Liu Wei's face and see the exhaustion of her eyes.

Then he glanced out of the window and asked, "when is it?"

"Ugly time," said Liu Wei

Rong Leng touched her hand with his fingertips.

Liu Wei holds his warm palm and clasps it with his fingers.

"Take a rest." He said.

Liu Wei "en" voice, but sat down, sat at his bedside, obviously intend to accompany the night.

Rong Ling is now in a special situation. He knows that Liu Wei can't rest assured and doesn't give much advice. He talks about gossip: "when can it be free of pain?"

Liu Wei looked at the white bandages that had been wrapped around his chest for several times, and estimated, "at least tomorrow."

"When can I go down?"

Liu Wei thought about it and said, "it will take four or five days. Now don't think about it."

"I feel that I am in good spirits," said Rong Leng, a little disappointed

Liu Wei smiled, and Rong Ling saw her smile and smiled softly.

For the rest of their lives, they enjoyed the short relaxation. Rong Leng made every effort to relax Liu Wei. Liu Wei also relaxed as he wanted.

After that night, Rong Ling slept again. The effect was repeated. Although he didn't fall asleep, he still had the effect of hypnosis.

At dawn, Liu Wei dozed off in a daze until Xiao Li knocked on the door.

Xiaoli had a good sleep last night, so she came to find her mother to change shifts in the early morning. After Liu Wei was waked up by her son, she didn't want to leave. Xiaoli pushed her out of the house directly and put the clown in her mother's arms. "Let your daughter sleep with you more," she urged

Ugly didn't wake up at all. In the early morning, he was quarreled by his brother. Now he was transferred to his mother '.

But this sleep, unexpectedly directly slept to the dark.

What's terrible is that Liu Wei, who has been sleeping shallowly, still feels that she only slept for a quarter of an hour?

When she wakes up, Liu Wei sees her daughter, who is on top of her head.Ugly now lies on the side of her mother's pillow. Her white, tender face is close to her mother's ears, and her short, fat fingers are gripping her earlobes. There is a hole in her earlobes. The little guy is looking at the hole, and he wants to put his fingers through it.

Liu Wei was so tossed by her that she woke up.

When she wakes up, she first slows down, then sits up, grabs her moving daughter in her arms and looks down at her.

The ugly toothbed grinned very big. She gave a "ah" and put her knuckled fingers on her mother's lips and patted her mother.

Liu Wei kissed her little hand and asked vaguely, "when is it?"

Of course, ugly couldn't answer, so she climbed up and rebelled in her mother's arms. After a while, her little mouth smacked twice, and her round eyes suddenly fixed on her mother's chest.

Liu Wei purrs the hair on her head. She smiles and asks, "hungry?"

The ugly blinked at her.

Liu Wei is not sleepy now. She gets out of bed and goes out to look for food with her daughter in her arms.

When she went out and saw that it was dark, she was confused. She saw that Yunxiang had just come to take the milk bottle. Seeing that she was outside the room, she said with a smile, "I thought you had to sleep for a while, just wanted to take the little night out to feed."

Liu Wei asked, "when is it?" Take over the bottle, try the temperature, and put it into her daughter's mouth.

Ugly now drink animal milk, goat milk, milk, dog milk, for taste.

After wandering in the sea for a month, Liu Wei had no milk for some reason, but now the clown is not so picky about food. It is estimated that only these animal milk with poor taste can cry any more, so she forced herself to get used to it.

"It's time." Cloud wants to say, the face shows a smile again: "allow childe to wake up in the evening, small Li says, did not repel the situation that worsens, so did not wake you."

Liu Wei's eyes brightened after hearing this, holding her daughter and lifting her legs, she went to Rong Ling's room.