Chapter 1393

Hongjia village covers a small area and has few villagers.

But the rose field around the village is big and beautiful.

Liu Wei also because of this attention bright red, confirmed that he did not find the wrong place.

Hongjia village was in trouble during the day, and two strangers came at night. The villagers were very vigilant.

Liu Wei immediately introduced his identity, and then said the relationship with Xiaoli. The simple villagers relaxed and invited them to the village.

Liu Wei looks at Rong Leng for a few eyes, but she can't open her mouth.

Rong Ling then asked for her: "dare to ask if there is an old man named Bai in the village?"

The old man with the surname Bai is not in Hongjia village now, as Liu Wei and Rong Ling knew before they came. Xiao Li said that the old man with the surname Bai left the village many years ago, but he came back two months ago for the sake of ugliness.

In the absence of the old man, Liu Wei is still determined to run this trip, just to make sure that it is really his grandfather.

In the process of asking, the villagers answered some questions they knew. They probably thought that these two young men came to arrest the murderer, so they should know more about Uncle Bai's identity.

When Rong Leng asked Bai Shu's relatives carefully, some villagers said, "Bai Shu has a son."

Let Leng have a meal and immediately look at Liu Wei.

Liu Wei: "..."

Rong Ling holds her fingertip firmly in her hand.

Liu Wei took a deep breath and said, "it's normal. After all, decades have passed."

My grandmother has been living in Lingzhou for many years, but she has not remarried. In her old age, she suffered from the disease of stupidity. What she thinks about is still her husband who has been separated for many years.

Liu Wei admits how excited she was when Rong Ling told her that the old Bai surname Ji was changed to Bai because he missed his wife.

She believes in monogamy. She and Rong Ling, her mother and her father who died early, are both in love and one mind. Even if one of them leaves, there is still a blank in the other's heart for peace.

Liu Wei thought that their grandfathers and grandmothers were also, even if they were different from each other, even if time went by, they still cared about each other and loved each other.

However, it turns out that some people's feelings do not necessarily stand up to the waste of time.

It's normal that we can't hold on for decades and half of our lives.

My grandfather has been living in a foreign country for decades. When he met other women, he could be forgiven for becoming a relative or staying later.

But she had pity on her grandmother. She loved one person all her life. When she died, she was afraid that she could only pretend her grandfather. But her grandfather had a new family.

The villagers are still talking, but later, Liu Wei can't hear them. It's dark now. It's impossible to go down the mountain and back to the city at this time. The villagers are enthusiastic, but they are also afraid of life. After all, it's the first time to meet. No one has the courage to stay in their own home.

Finally, after some discussion, they opened the empty room left by Uncle Bai, cleaned it and let the two stay temporarily.

The house is very empty, except for a bed and two cabinets, there is nothing left.

The villagers brought clean bedding. When Rong Leng had laid it, he turned around and saw Liu Wei staring at the wooden cabinet. He walked over and hugged her from behind.

Quietly embrace, no words, but Liu Wei was comforted, she turned back and buried her face in the hard and warm arms.

In the quiet house, the hugs of the two became lengthy. Liu Wei didn't sleep that night.

The next day, just after noon, village head Hong and the people from the county government came back to the village.

Mr. Hong reported to the county magistrate and sent a letter yesterday. He could have come back in the afternoon, but he was worried about the remoteness of the village. If the people in the county yamen could not find their way, would they not come?

So he took a bite of his teeth and stayed in the city all night. This morning, he went to the Yamen and recommended himself to guide the Yamen servants.

Yamen servants are very dutiful. When they enter the village, they begin to investigate the cases of injuries. They record their confessions to each injured villager. They also meet Liu Wei and his wife here. Yamen servants are even more surprised. They greet them with a smile.

At this time, the villagers also introduced the identity of Liu Wei and Xiaoli to village head Hong.

After hearing this, village head Hong said that he had been neglectful. He said that Xiao Li had not mentioned to him that he would ask his family for help, but that they were not well received.

Liu Wei wanted to see the head of the village last night because she heard that the head of the village knew Bai Lao's current address. Whether it was his grandfather or whether he had a new family, Liu Wei decided to see him as soon as possible.

Village head Hong didn't want to disclose Bai Shu's whereabouts, but these two came to help specially, so he couldn't conceal them.

After hesitating for a long time, he finally told Bai Shu that he should be in Tongping County, Fuchang Prefecture. However, he didn't know where his specific address was. He only knew it should be near badalili.

Liu Wei listened, and looked at each other with Rong Leng, which was obvious.

Rong Ling holds her finger and says, "I'll be with you."


At the same time, the county side.Cheng Qi went to Rong Fu again to visit. This time, he took a letter with him.

The letter is for Ji Chundong, but before he saw Ji Chundong, he saw the old and the young in the yard.

Cheng Qi knows Xiaoli, but he doesn't know the old man around Xiaoli. He quietly asks the cloud in the hall, "who is that old man?"

Cloud wants to white his one eye: "you call respect some, that is the master of elder brother Rong. I didn't live here before. It seems that something happened yesterday. Xiao Li called him, and the two grandfathers and grandsons had been there all morning mysteriously."

Cheng Qi just asked casually and didn't care much. After getting the answer, he looked around and asked again, "what about Lord Ji?"

Cloud wants to point to the backyard: "make Cuju for yu'er."

Cheng Qi wandered to the backyard and saw Ji Chundong, a big man, sitting on a pony, busy with Cuju cloth and a baby on his back.

The baby Cheng Qi has seen twice. It's Liu Wei's little daughter. She has golden pimples in her house. Usually, everyone will hold her, but Cheng Qi is the first time to see Ji Chundong take the baby.

He thought it was funny, and he really laughed: "master Ji is singing a big show. How can he play a little girl? Who is the father of this child? "

Ji Chundong's murderous eyes sweep cold.

Cheng Qi smiled and froze. He was too scared to stretch his claws into the tiger's mouth. He coughed. He honestly handed out the letter in his hand and said respectfully, "it's from Yuanzhou. It's for you."

Ji Chundong took the letter, opened it and looked at two lines. He didn't notice that he frowned.

Cheng Qi teases the leisure son, probe to ask: "who wrote?" At the end of my eyes, I saw the sign of the letter. There was the word "father's words". I guess it was written by the adoptive father mentioned by Ji Chundong.

Ji Chundong didn't answer. He closed the letter a few times, got up and went to the room.

But when she got up, she started the baby on her back because of her big action. The baby girl was so charming that she didn't want to hum at once.

Ji Chundong quickly let go of his hands and feet, and he held the baby girl in his arms. He coaxed her twice and complained: "when will I take the baby back! It's killing! "