Chapter 1587

The second witness, Guo Sheng, was a skinny, waxy young man.

"Do you know Munchie?" Liu Wei went straight to the key questions.

Guo Sheng looks at Liu Wei for a few eyes. Subconsciously, he raises his hand, bites his fingernails, and nibbles: "recognize, know."

"What is your relationship?"

"Same as Students. " Guo Sheng looks very nervous. Before answering a question, he will be silent for a moment. He seems to be thinking, considering and making sure that every word he utters has no omissions.

"You are also the supervisor of Taifu? Is it the shade warden

"No, not..." Guo Sheng swallowed saliva and his fingers trembled slightly: "yes, it's the case supervisor."

There are three types of supervisors in Taifu. The first one, the most common one, is called Gongjian. Ordinary students pass the formal scientific examination, become Gongsheng and enter the University.

The second kind, called the shadow prison, is like Mengqi. It depends on his father's official position to obtain the qualification to enter the prison.

The third type is called the regular supervisor, which is also called the donation supervisor. The regular supervisor is a kind of good people who have no official in their body. The position of the supervisor who donates money is usually relatively small. After all, tens of thousands of liang of silver are spent, which is not affordable for everyone.

Guo Sheng is an example supervisor. That is to say, although his family has no power, at least he has money. Such a person belongs to an indispensable role in the shadow prison community. After all, these children of the officials want to have fun, and they always have a big enemy to pay for it.

"What is your relationship with Munch?"

Guo Sheng's eyes turned and saw the disembodied body in the hall. His tone became tense: "no, it's not good..."

"Why not?"

"He, he is always here, asking for silver Silver I, I don't want to give... "

"He threatened you? Rob you? "

Guo Sheng lowered his head: "poor, almost..."

"How much silver did you give him?"

"Add it up, over a thousand, over a thousand......"

"You don't care about so much money?"

"It's all my private money. I don't know at home."

"Are you happy that Munch is dead?"

Guo shengmeng raised his head with fear in his eyes: "no, I'm not happy, no, I'm happy, no, no, I, I didn't kill him, I didn't kill him..."

"Are you nervous?" Liu Wei squinted, "why?"

"I'm not nervous." Guo Sheng took a sniff and kneaded the tip of his nose: "I'm just afraid Although I have some small money in my family, I have no power. You You want to catch the murderer. I'm afraid. I'm afraid you'll wrong me I didn't kill, I didn't really kill... "

"How do you eat wushisan?"

Guo Sheng's eyes widened in shock and shook his head as hard as he could: "I didn't, I didn't, it was a forbidden drug, I, how could I take it How can I eat... "

"You are not only greedy for five stones, but also guide the children of the prison to eat with you, aren't you?"

"No, no, I didn't, I didn't..."

Liu Wei sneered: "before Mengqi's accident, you just had a good time. You were so excited. You had to find a woman on the street. Although Mengqi was dirty and absurd, he was at least a little measured. He said that in guanghanzhai that time, he hit the second child in a fit of anger. When he found out that someone had pointed out to him, he half pushed and half apologized. Finally, he tried again When retaliating against the second child, he also chose the hidden back alley, which shows that he is very considerate of his face when doing things. In other words, what is Mengqi's character? Even his parents know it today. Then how can a person who is so good at concealing the disguise be able to flirt with the women in the market all day long? "

Guo Sheng has been in a state of extreme uneasiness since he went to the hall. The more serious this situation is, the more powerful it is. Now Liu Wei is like a firecracker, trying to hide his deepest secret from the public. He can't help but cry in fear: "I didn't expect that. I've been eating like this all the time. After his accident, I wonder if it was the fifth time Shi San ate a lot, but later, I inquired about it. Yamen said he was killed. I didn't think so. It's OK. I thought it had nothing to do with me I really don't know, I don't know... "

Liu Wei turned her eyes to Du Minying: "when I saw Mengqi's body, it was two days later, and I had no time to extract the most intuitive thing on the body. But I heard that Mengqi had convulsions and frothing before he died. I think that was the drug-induced reaction of wushisan. Mengqi's death was the recurrence of the old disease, but wushisan was the one that inspired his old disease Toxicity, his malformed blood vessel, probably ruptured from this

Du Minying rolled up her sleeve and pointed to Guo Sheng: "if so, he is the culprit!"

Liu Wei sighed and pressed his hand down: "there are still two personal cards. Let's talk after listening."

The third ID card is Huang He, who is also the shadow prison of Taifu. His father is also an official. It's Meng Tai's powerful hand and foot. Huang He used to flatter and flatter Meng Qi, which is the most powerful of Meng Qi's dog legs.Huang He is a very smart man. After he was taken off the sack, his smart eyes began to turn around.

Liu Wei asked his name.

He immediately replied without saying anything: "the villain's surname is Huang Minghe, and Meng Shao has been a good friend for many years. Meng Shao was cheated by Guo Sheng to take the forbidden drugs. The villain also knows that, but the villain has tried his best to persuade him several times, but Meng Shao didn't listen. The villain said more than two words, and Meng Shao punched and kicked the villain. The villain couldn't help it, so he had to hide it for him. On the day of the accident, the villain was also in the teahouse. The villain stopped Meng Shao, but with the strength of the villain alone, how could he move the master Meng, who has four or five attendants? No, he had to watch him go downstairs. You adults, the villain did your best and hope that the adults can learn from him. "

Liu Wei chuckled and paced in front of Huang He: "if you can say that you are so passionate and righteous, then your relationship with Mengqi must be very good?"

"Yes, of course." Huang He said: "Meng Shao and villain are friends since childhood. Villains often go to Meng's house from early years. Nobody knows more about Meng Shao than villain."

"Then you know that he raped Hu Qiaoer?"

There was a trace of unnaturalness on Huang He's face. He carefully looked at the domineering Hu zizhuo and shrunk his neck and said: "this, how can villain know? It wasn't later that Mr. Hu blocked Meng Shao in the back door of Taifu and beat him. Did you know that. The villain also thinks that Meng Shao has done too wrong, but the matter has passed. The villain and Meng Shao are sympathetic. Naturally, they can only conceal it for him. "

Huang He said it was reasonable, but Liu Wei just looked him in the eye.

"Do you know Hu Qiaoer?"

Huang He quickly shook his head innocently: "I don't know. My lord knows. How can a villain know Miss Biao of Hu Shangshu's family? The villain's father is just a Beijing official of seven grades. Where can a villain have the qualification to communicate with the relatives of the second grade's family?"

"You don't know Hu Qiaoer, but how can I hear that a year ago, you asked your father to go to the Hu Qiaoer family to propose marriage?"