Chapter 1684

The atmosphere in the carriage gradually became awkward.

Liu Wei wants to play a round, but she doesn't know how to open her mouth.

So they went back to the courtyard in silence.

Zhong Ziyu went to the room to change back the face of the scholar who used to be a famous scholar. When he came out, he found that Yueshan Sheng was missing.

Liu Wei was writing in the hall. Zhong Ziyu sat down and asked her, "where is brother Yue?"

Liu Wei didn't raise her head, and said, "I'm out."

After a moment of silence, Zhong Ziyu asked, "where have you been?"

Liu Wei finally looked up at him this time. She took a deep breath and asked seriously, "Zhong Ziyu, do you really dislike Yueshan Sheng?"

Zhong Ziyu was shocked for a moment and said, "I like it. I like brother Yue very much."

Liu Wei smacked her lips: "not that kind of love, but that between men and women..."

Zhong Ziyu frowned and looked at Liu Wei's eyes as if he was looking at neuropathy: "what do you say?"

Liu Wei looks at him as if he is not a liar. She is not sure for a moment. She puts down her pen and talks with Zhong Ziyu face to face: "what did you do in the room yesterday?"

Zhong Ziyu is a little guilty: "you don't need to know."

Liu Wei snorted, "it's a mess in the bed."

Zhong Ziyu thinks it's absurd: "it's not what you think."

Liu Wei picked up her eyebrow: "then you can tell me what the situation is. To be honest, I think it's a little wrong since Yueshan Sheng asked you to wear his clothes yesterday. He seems to be getting better for you all of a sudden."

"I know." Zhong Ziyu has only his brother Yue in his mind. Yueshan Sheng has a better attitude towards him. Almost all of them can be distinguished. From yesterday to today, brother Yue talks to him more than they have combined in the past year. As a client, he is very clear.

Liu Wei did not understand: "why is that?"

Zhong Ziyu breathed and closed his eyes. There was a self mocking expression on his face: "why else, because of my face?"

Liu Wei frowned: "what do you mean?"

Zhong Ziyu lowered his eyebrows and eyes and said slowly: "I grew up with him. Chongming is our sister. Before the tragedy happened, the three of us were one family. That face is my own face. He has seen it countless times. When I laugh, when I am angry, when I am angry, when I am crying, he has seen it. He has deep and deep feelings for that face. Before, he was my brother. Chongming and I were brothers and sisters. How much he liked Chongming, how much he liked me. I ruined everything. I have no reason to use that face to confuse him , forced him to maintain his past feelings for me, so after Chongming's death, I never used the real face to show people. This time, it was an accident, but later I will put on a mask, I will not let him confuse, he should hate me, even I hate myself. "

This was a bit of a reversal, but Liu Wei understood and she understood.

Zhong Ziyu's original face is a memory. It's Yueshan Sheng's memory of the good memories of the past. If he still uses that face, Yueshan Sheng forgives him a long time ago. Because his younger brother and sister have the same weight in his heart. These two people are his relatives, the most close and close ones.

But Zhong Ziyu chooses to seal his face. He hopes that Yueshan Sheng will forgive him, but at the same time he doesn't want to take out his biggest weapon to bewitch him.

Liu Wei understands that this mentality is self atonement.

As Zhong Ziyu said, he hates himself.

The Wei couple will, of course, go on and on to find excuses for Zhong Ziyu for what happened in that year.

But Zhong Ziyu himself never had a moment to forgive himself.

There are some contradictions in this situation. In the past, everyone thought that Yueshan Sheng would not let go of Zhong Ziyu, so they tortured him in every way. But now they know that it was Zhong Ziyu, who never thought of letting go of himself, tortured him, and was himself all the time.

Liu Wei can't say right or wrong.

In an orderly society where people exist, it is natural that they make mistakes and are punished.

Yuechongming's death is a mistake. It's the biggest mistake Zhong Ziyu has made. He regrets his lifelong mistake. But he can't be punished. Did he kill yuechongming? No, if he did, he might have surrendered. He was willing to go to jail, accept punishment and atone for his sins.

But he can't even do it from the capital, because he didn't kill people. What can he do?

He can only close himself and punish himself in his own way.

He's crazy, he's twisted, he's evil, he's scary.

Liu Wei now believes that the most painful thing about yuechongming is not Yueshan Sheng, because Zhong Ziyu, for yuechongming, has thrown himself into the abyss of hell. He is the most painful one.

Liu Wei looks at Zhong Ziyu, who is sitting opposite, and doesn't know what to say.

Zhong Ziyu doesn't seem to think so.

"How many people did you kill before, remember?" After a long time, Liu Wei suddenly asked.

Zhong Ziyu looked at her and said, "I don't remember."

"Do they all deserve to die?" Liu Wei asked again.Zhong Ziyu sneered, "almost."

"Where's big girl and little girl's sister?"

"She is." Zhong Ziyu still remembers this man. His lips are full of sarcastic smile marks: "coerce a good man into a prostitute."

Liu Wei frowned.

Zhong Ziyu smiled: "she was sold to the brothel by her parents. She hated the procuress and her parents. But in the end, she became the kind of person she hated the most. After she redeemed herself, she set up a small restaurant, which was different from the brothel outside. In her restaurant, she didn't sell adult women but only young children. They were all seven or eight years old. She felt that children earned money and played children's guests The price of a man is ten times that of an adult woman. You mean big girl, little girl? I will tell you frankly that if I don't kill her, your two little girls will be her goods sooner or later. "

Liu Wei's expression became ugly. She listened to the two girls themselves about big girl and little girl's sister. In their words, father and mother are bad people, and sister is good people.

Zhong Ziyu changed his sitting posture and rarely talked to Liu Wei about the past: "I have never wronged her. If you don't believe it, you can find it now. It's the name of her flower, dan'er Niang of Guyong mansion."

Liu Wei was silent for a while, then looked at Zhong Ziyu: "so you think you are right?"

has the final say: "wrong, right, I do not have the final say, you has the final say, do you?" You think it's wrong. You think it's right. Anyway, I can't beat you. You suddenly ask me this. I guess what you mean. Do you want to send me to prison? When the situation is stable, you will be the first one to send me to prison, won't you? "

"Yes." Liu Wei is not afraid to admit it. She said straightly, "if you kill someone, you have to pay for it."

Zhong Ziyu sneers and disdains.

Liu Wei said again, "but if you say that all those people have been responsible for one side of the disaster, and death is not a pity, then after investigation, I will plead for you and ask for a light sentence, maybe ten years, maybe twenty years, and you can still come out in the good or bad life."

Zhong Ziyu doesn't care and doesn't speak.

"In fact, when I talk to you about this today, I don't want to talk about the past. Instead, I sympathize with you." Liu Wei suddenly said.

Zhong Ziyu looked at her and said, "Oh?"

Liu Wei leans over and says to him seriously, "you need to go to jail. You need an outsider to punish you. No matter you kill other people or Yue Chongming dies for you, your self punishment is invalid. It will only make you sink deeper and deeper. But when I help you, I can give you a punishment and a relief."

Zhong Ziyu looked at her in dismay, a little stupefied.

Liu Wei sighed: "don't escape from prison then. You can't get a chance until you finish those years of prison."

Have the opportunity to forgive yourself, and have the opportunity to let Yueshan Sheng forgive you.

"The chance to start over."