Chapter 365: Pride Blade

Chapter 365: Pride Blade

Li City University, Nanji District, 4:16 in the morning.

When Team War Tiger rushed to the running track of the university, they saw the same evil altar, robed monsters oftering themselves as sacrifices, and the crimson light beam shooting into the sky.

Wu Dahai didn’t let the chance to show off go. The robed monsters were effectively living targets that didn’t move.

He summoned lightning to strike down on the altar and its surrounding area, killing the robed monsters. Then Mischievous Monkey manipulated earth elements to flip the altar upside down. The beam of light instantly disappeared.

Mission completed, just like that.

The moment everyone wondered if things were too easy, War Tiger, Qing Ling, and White Rabbit sensed a powerful killing intent quickly approaching from the side.

War Tiger didn’t even have the time to warn the others. He leapt to the side, grabbing Wu Dahai and Fat Jun by their waists, bringing them to safety roughly but efficiently.

Qing Ling dodged to the right as well, tackling Songstress to the ground.

Activating Jump, White Rabbit grabbed Lovely Lamb and leapt more than ten meters away.


The moment the three sprang to action, an invisible current slashed vertically. The others didn’t have the time to react—they didn’t even know what happened. All they sensed was the air around them twisting suddenly.

Goldthread stood among his companions, turning to see one of them standing at the heart of the twisted air.

The man stared ahead wide-eyed, expression stunned and body unmoving.

“Old Xie?” Goldthread called out softly lest he triggered a terrible calamity.

The man named Old Xie didn’t say anything, nor did he show any reaction.

Then he split, literally, having been bisected from his head to under his nether region like firewood cut in half by ax.

Blood splattered in all directions, hitting all those around him and painting their vision red.

“Old Xie!” Goldthread shouted.


Another sharp current came, but horizontally.


Arms crossed before his chest, Dead Pig crouched down and shielded Goldthread and the others with his large, strongly-built body.

They heard the sound of blades cutting flesh open. Dead Pig scowled, but maintained his position.

Under the moonlight, his powerful muscles were as hard as metal.

Yet the next second, his steel-like body was torn open, splattering blood everywhere.

On his thick strong arms was a large, ugly gash, the skin and flesh torn to reveal the bones underneath.

She activated Jump immediately and tackled Fat Jun.

Narrowly dodging Wei’s slash, War Tiger continued to charge at the pride monster.

The slash, however, continued far to reach Fat Jun. He would’ve died if not for White Rabbit.


A second later, War Tiger’s blade collided with Wei’s.

A current burst from their feet, dispersing the blood fog for a short moment.

In terms of endurance, War Tiger was no match for the fighter type, but he was confident in not losing to anyone in terms of short-term explosive power.

Wei, however, had blocked his blade perfectly while standing in his spot, and it didn’t seem like he had exerted himself much.

Were all pride monsters like him?

What ridiculous power.

From a short distance came Songstress’ gentle, ethereal singing voice. She had activated Requiem.

Under the brim of his hat, Wei’s eyes twitched. War Tiger could sense the blade blocking his ease off a little.

Yet it was only for a fleeting moment. A second later, Wei exerted even greater power and threw War Tiger off balance. With a side step, he made a swing at an incredible speed.

The blade aura shot toward Songstress, catching her completely off guard. When she sensed the danger, there was only one second left for her to react.


A second later, she vanished.

After the aura flew past where she had been, it was Bone Man who appeared.

At the last moment, Bone Man had saved Songstress with Displacement, taking advantage of the delay in his reappearance.


Yet half a second after he reappeared, an aura hit him horizontally and cut his chest open.

Bone Man fancied himself a bold but careful man. He rarely made mistakes, let alone a fatal one like this.


What went wrong?

His eyes were brimming with shock, confusion, and frustration. He slowly looked down. Blood spurted out of his chest in large volume, dyeing his clothes red.

Diagonally, his chest split. Blood gushed out along with still-warm internal organs. While his torso hadn’t been completely cut in half by the blade aura, it was a close thing.

He collapsed to the ground, eyes wide even after his death.nove(l)bi(n.)com