8 Chapter 8: Mommy!! Help!!

"Jing run!! Get ready !!".

Jing runs to his room.Tang Xi opens the door.

"Good Morning Ananya!".

Ananya smiles at her "Xi.. good morning!!".

Tang Xi steps aside for her to enter "Jing...Will be here soon..I am really sorry...Today he might come late.. ".

Ananya chuckles "Its Ok Xi...I can wait...".

Tang Xi gets a fresh juice"Please wait for me..I will bring him.". She nods and goes to Jing's room.

She opens the door and sees Jing got entangled his head in a shirt...and laughs

"Baby..How many times I have told you ..First open the first two neck buttons at least..and then wear if you are in hurry..".

Jing inside the shirt shrugs his shoulders tired "Mommy!! Help !!".

She helps him wearing his shirt and makes him ready.

They gets out and sees Ananya still waiting patiently with a smile.

"Sorry Ananya..I..".

She laughs "Xi..Why are apologizing?? Its really ok..Jing is really good at flute..He can cope the notes easily ..Don't you worry about getting late..He will catch up with them fast..Right Jing??".

Jing hops to Ananya happily " Yes Ananya Aunt!!".

Ananya lets out a laugh and looks at Tang Xi "See..He is really good...".

Tang Xi nods satisfied "Then I will meet you guys after your class ends".

Ananya lifts Jing "Then Lets go!!".

Tang Xi bends towards Tang Xi circling around her neck kisses her cheek "Bye bye Mommy!! I will wait for you!!"

Tang Xi replied him with a kiss "Ok..Mommy will come..".

Tang Xi prepares fresh juice...breakfast..lunch for both of them and gets ready to go out.

She gets in her small car and drives to pick Jing from his flute class.

Tang Xi is really overwhelmed with her normal life filled with lots of happiness.

For 3 years her face will always have a simple smile from her heart.

She parks her car and takes the breakfast inside.She stood outside the classroom and stunned hearing the flute which was played by Jing...

She sits there watching him mesmerized.

Its been a month he joined his new school and flute class. She thought it would be too yearly for him to do extra classes.

And she often got worried how can Chinese kid would get interested in playing Indian Flute? At first she thought he was just asking for fun..

But now seeing how good he was playing by suppressing his breath..She is really stunned.