
Looking at this fellow, Bing Lanyue secretly cursed in her heart. This old man should be at least a dozen years old, otherwise, he would not be this big. Furthermore, it looked at him with a gaze that clearly knew that the weapon in its hand was a weapon.

Bing Lanyue swallowed her saliva. There was a cold glint of Egg Eggs on her face, it truly was a narrow path to meet again. She could only give it a try. After aiming the crossbow at the tiger, the fellow immediately revealed her fangs and roared at Bing Lanyue.

That earth-shaking voice carried a bloody stench that made Bing Lanyue feel nauseous. Was this a warning? Calming down, Bing Lanyue told herself that his crossbow had already been coated with light poison, if it was hit continuously, she should be fine.

The poison would take half an hour. As long as he endured for half an hour, he might be able to obtain a piece of tiger skin! But where? A tiger's head is too hard to shoot, it would only waste weapons.

There was a lot of meat on the tiger's butt, but it was well protected. Furthermore, this tiger was already prepared for battle, unlike the other tigers in the zoo, who were completely unprepared. It looked like they could only shoot sideways.

However, Bing Lanyue swallowed her saliva. At her current position, she could only face the tiger in a stalemate, but she could not shoot at the tiger's side because it was a blind spot!

It was all his fault, he did not have a sprain earlier and had twisted his leg later on. Even if Monarch Moli was not there, he would not have climbed onto the roof like he did in the ancient times so he could only fight it out with the tiger.

Gritting her teeth secretly, Bing Lanyue cleared her throat and said to the tiger: "Brother Hu, where is the rabbit meat that I left for the slut? Can you eat that and then go home to rest?"

As expected, the tiger looked at the rabbit meat on the fire in the direction that Bing Lanyue pointed, but because it was afraid of the fire, it turned its head towards Bing Lanyue and bared its fangs, as if it was a cold threat.

"No, no, no. I definitely don't have any intention of stealing your food. As long as you can negotiate with us …" Before Bing Lanyue could finish her sentence, the tiger had already pounced towards her. Bing Lanyue quickly jumped up from the bed, limped to the other corner and quickly pulled the trigger to shoot the crossbow.

"Whoosh!" "Whiz!" "Whiz!" The sound of the wind breaking filled the air with the smell of blood as Bing Lanyue shot ten poison arrows towards the side of the tiger.

Unfortunately, because the tiger's body was too big, the poison arrow did not kill the tiger immediately. Instead, it completely infuriated the tiger. Bing Lanyue started to panic, but she did not dare stop and ran out the door as the tiger chased after him relentlessly.

In the darkness, Bing Lanyue's injured leg was twisted again. This time, the pain was more than twice as severe as the first time. She did not dare to stop for a moment, and quickly escaped. There was a burning sensation on her body, and Bing Lanyue knew that it was the tree branches that had cut her clothes.

Bing Lanyue did not know how long she had been running for. When she turned around, she could no longer see any more tigers around him, so she gradually calmed down.

At this time, the surroundings were suddenly surrounded by a circle of green eyes. As the sky was dark, Bing Lanyue did not know where she was.

Bing Lanyue, who had just escaped from the jaws of death, had now fallen into a pack of wolves. She gritted her teeth.

Because of the pain in her leg, this time Bing Lanyue was unable to stand up. After all, the pack of wolves were only able to feel around, and managed to find a tree branch. However, this thing had some use, it was easy to deal with one, but difficult to deal with a pack.

Wolves were teamwork animals and were good at strategy. They carefully surrounded Bing Lanyue because they were skeptical by nature, and the moment they confirmed that Bing Lanyue was not a threat, they would swarm over and eat their own prey.

In a desperate situation, Bing Lanyue's desire to live was especially strong, and she shouted towards the surroundings, "Monarch Moli! Monarch Moli! Hurry and save me! "

In the mountains, Bing Lanyue's slightly fearful voice reverberated, as if the wails of a dead person. The wolf pack was shocked by Bing Lanyue's voice and stopped in their tracks. Bing Lanyue clenched her teeth and stood up. Even if she had to die, she would bring down two or three wolves with her.

A sudden gust of cold wind blew from above her head, and before Bing Lanyue could even react, she was already being hugged by the waist. The warmth and strength of the arms made Bing Lanyue feel safe, as a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

He's here, Monarch Moli actually came! At this moment, Bing Lanyue did not feel that Monarch Moli was someone despicable. He treated him like a god and calmly wrapped his arms around his neck so that he wouldn't be thrown down.

Monarch Moli's lightness skills were excellent, in the blink of an eye, he had already brought Bing Lanyue out of the pack of wolves, and stopped on top of a gigantic old uncle.

Seeing the scar on Bing Lanyue's face, Monarch Moli opened his mouth painfully, but his voice was surprisingly gentle and gentle, "Sorry for making you suffer!"

Hearing these words, Bing Lanyue's nose soured. She, who originally wanted to say "thank you", suddenly felt wronged, and hammered her chest with all her might, saying, "Why is it so unlucky to be together with you! If I die, then go and collect your debts from someone else! "

Monarch Moli also did not move, allowing Bing Lanyue to knock on her chest. She suddenly and fiercely pulled her into her embrace, and blamed herself: "It's all my fault, it's all my fault!"

Bing Lanyue cried. Since young, she was the type of woman who was strong enough to not have any friends, but now, she could no longer hold back and cried. The sound of her crying resounded through the valley, making people feel that it was extremely strange.

Towards Bing Lanyue's reaction, Monarch Moli could only gently stroke her back, consoling her while silently accompanying her. After the woman finished wiping his tears and mucus, she took out a handkerchief from her sleeve and wiped her face.

Seeing Monarch Moli's actions, Bing Lanyue snatched his handkerchief away. Because her nose was blocked, and her voice was choked with sobs, Bing Lanyue said bitterly, "Don't think of taking advantage of me, I'll do it myself!"

The originally sorrowful atmosphere was made a little funny by Bing Lanyue's words. The corner of Monarch Moli's mouth twitched, but she did not say anything in the end. Instead, she held Bing Lanyue by the waist and firmly landed on the ground, saying, "Let's go back!"

Because she had relaxed, Bing Lanyue felt that her entire body was in pain. She nodded and leaned on Monarch Moli's chest, listening to his forceful heartbeat.

Returning to the thatched cottage, a group of servants knelt down. Monarch Moli's face was covered in a layer of frost as he said, "You lot of you couldn't even protect Miss, what's the point of keeping you here?!"

"Wait!" When Bing Lanyue heard Monarch Moli's anger, she immediately opened her eyes.

Monarch Moli looked down at Bing Lanyue, and then said gently, "It's not good for them to protect you, I want to punish them!"

"How? Kill them? " Bing Lanyue thought that if the little girl inside her General's Estate made a small mistake, her mouth would probably be sewn shut. If she fell into Monarch Moli's hands, wouldn't that mean she would lose her life?

"Yes, suicide! That is the answer I gave them!" Monarch Moli was afraid that Bing Lanyue didn't understand, so he gently pulled her closer to him.

"No!" If we do it like this, who will send us down the mountain tomorrow? " Bing Lanyue was not going to do it, this world was too despicable, to the point where it could easily kill people, even though she was a servant, wasn't she the one who gave birth to parents?

Monarch Moli frowned slightly. It had been a long time since a cold glint had appeared in his eyes as he said, "Tomorrow, there will be a new person who will protect us from leaving the mountain. As for their mistake, they should be punished.

Bing Lanyue was unwilling to accept this in her heart, because of the pain on her body. If you don't want them, then just give them to me. Since my inner courtyard is missing people, I'll take care of them when I leave them by my side! "

"Are you serious?" Monarch Moli squinted his eyes, he did not know that Bing Lanyue really wanted to save them, but if it was another lady, would she be able to return all the grievances and grievances she had suffered to them by three or even a hundred times?

Bing Lanyue had a serious face, her eyes widened a little as she said, "Of course I'm serious, could it be that this is fake?"

"Since you like it, I can find some other better people to go over to. These people can't even protect you, so it would be a waste to keep them!" Monarch Moli did not retreat at all, because of the wounds on Bing Lanyue's body, he wished that she could kill all the tigers and jackals on the mountain to alleviate her hatred.

"No!" I want them. If it's not them, then I must be eaten by tigers or the first wave of wild wolves! " Bing Lanyue clearly remembered that before the tiger came, the wolves that came to this place had all arrived at the same time.

"Wild wolf?" When Monarch Moli arrived and saw that Bing Lanyue was not around, he suddenly heard Bing Lanyue's despairing call. At that time, he did not ask his why they were not guarding her at Bing Lanyue's side.

"Yeah, a pack of wild wolves came first, and then the tigers took advantage of the situation to enter. In the end, it's all because my roast meat was too fragrant, otherwise, how could I have provoked so many jackals and tigers?" Bing Lanyue shrugged her shoulders. She was actually speaking very seriously, but Monarch Moli sounded like she was boasting.

Monarch Moli's mouth carried a light smile, and his charming eyes revealed a gentle look, "Since you've already said this, if I don't forgive them, then I'll be too cruel. Since you like them, then I'll listen to your orders."

Bing Lanyue looked at the ten people here, and a happy expression appeared on her face. These people naturally had some ability to stay by Monarch Moli's side, with them by his side, how could they not be troubled?

"Come and show me your wound!" Monarch Moli placed Bing Lanyue on the bed, and then undid the bandage on her ankle. Her originally delicate, jade-like feet had become as swollen as a steamed bun, causing the space between Monarch Moli's eyebrows to wrinkle even further.

"Be gentle! "It hurts!" Bing Lanyue cried out in pain, but her heart was filled with gratitude for the pain, because at least she was still alive, and could feel it.