Chapter 1976

Old lady Tang had a cold and light attitude towards her, obviously doubting whether she had done bad things in the countryside. She tried to keep everything at home from her. She didn't let her intervene in the affairs of her two stepsons and stepdaughters. It happened that she didn't bother to ask more questions.

Qin Yu knows that as long as she firmly holds Tang Jiankun in her hand, her position will be very stable and no one can shake her. What's more, she has a son, which is her biggest mace.

Seeing Yan Yan's name in the newspaper, Qin Yuzhuo thought, do you want to find a chance to meet Yan Yan in the future? With her current achievement, she should have a great future in the future.

People always have to plan for themselves, and I don't know if she still remembers herself. Thinking about these, Qin Yu looked at Tang Jiankun and Tang Jiabao fighting at leisure.

At this time, Qin Yu selectively forgot that she had not seen Yan Yan for ten years. And since she left Yanshan, she never looked back at Yan Yan again. Now where does the face want to be pasted after Yan Yan's success?

No matter what Qin Yu plans, it can't affect Yan Yan now. After the lively entrance banquet, she calmed down at home and caught the study of her cousins and brothers.

It's not her boasting. Although her cousins are older than her, the biggest banquet dragon can be a sophomore in senior high school. As for her brothers and pupils, it's even simpler.

Seeing Yan Yan studying with his brothers, the eldest aunt and stepmother Liu Fang walked away with light hands and feet. They all know that reading is the best way out for farm children.

Aunt Zhang Ping washed the fruit quickly. "Yan Yan, the elder sister, is not worried about the children's study hard. She has made a good start for our Kwai family."

Liu Fang's round face was full of smiles: "Yan Yan, this child is relieved. I'm relieved to have her looking at several children."

Before she married Yanshan, she was worried that her stepdaughter would be difficult to get along with. But after a few years together, I found that the child was very worry-free. Although you can't be intimate, you do have enough respect and courtesy for her.

In addition, she later gave birth to two more sons, Liu Fang's heart was finally relieved. When people's point of view is like this, if they don't have a child and become a stepmother, they are always a little nervous.

"When Yan Yan graduates from University, it's natural to stay in the city and work. She's the first one in our family to fly out." Zhang Ping sighed: "I also hope that in the future, the banquet dragons and tigers will go out and always nest in us. It's not promising."

Liu Fang is realistic: "our factory is doing well. Now the business has spread to several neighboring provinces. My sister-in-law can go and have a look more often."

"This is also true. When my family is not so busy, I also want to go out and see what it looks like outside."

My sister-in-law was talking. Yan Long looked out of the window and then looked at Yan Yan with a full smile. He collapsed his shoulder: "Yan Yan, you are so powerful. With you in front, if I lose the list next year..."

Thinking of the result, Yanlong shivered. He is the biggest of the younger generation. Unexpectedly, he has been pressed by Yan Yan since he began to study.

"When you were in grade one, I was in grade three, but when I graduated from primary school, you were already in junior high school. I finally went to junior high school, you were in senior high school, and now you have graduated, and I'm still struggling in grade two."

Thinking of Yan Yan's learning career, Yan long will sigh.

Yan Hu said, "brother, there are learning notes left by Yan Yan. If you still fail, mom will discount your legs."

Yan Wen held the pen: "that is, I will be the champion like my sister in the future!"

Yan Wu nodded: "yes, be the champion!"

Zhang Ping and Liu Fang outside were smiling when they heard this. The children have a heart. Of course they won't fight at this time. It's so easy to be the number one?

Yan Yan had a leisurely summer vacation for three months. In the second half of the summer vacation, she went out to travel with Yanlong and Yanhu for half a month.

Of course, she really gained a lot when she went out. Although he has the memory of his last life, Yan Yan's vision is not open. She spent most of her time in school and the Tang family and knew little about the outside world.

After walking around, she realized what it was to read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles.

Not only she, but also banyan dragon and tiger, grew up a lot after going out. Not only in terms of vision, but also in terms of being a man and doing things.

In early September, Yanshan specially pushed the list at hand and sent Yan Yan to the capital to study at university. Can he miss this highlight moment? Liu Fang wanted to go, but she had two sons who tripped and couldn't get away.

Yan Yan's college life is no different. Her roommates are easy to get along with, because she is the youngest, and everyone will take care of her more.

When she arrived at the University, her pace slowed down a little. She was no longer limited to the courses of her major. She was more on the way to attend other courses.

At that time, the stock market had already changed. Yan Yan also specially took Yanshan's ID card to open an account. Who let her not reach her age? After a few years, the income is good.

By the time she graduated from college, she had bought a house in the capital. At this time, she was just an adult.

When he was an adult, Yan Yan began to implement his plan boldly. Before, due to age restrictions, she couldn't do many things. Now she can be regarded as a bird flying in the sky.

When Yan Yan worked hard for her life ideal, Tang Jiayue was admitted to the University. At this time, she was 19. As for Tang Jiabao, after he failed in the college entrance examination, he fooled around with a group of friends all day.

Yan Yan didn't pay attention to the Tang family. In her heart, she had long been completely separated from the Tang family, and there was no relationship between them.

"Mr. Yan, here are the minutes of the meeting and the documents you need to deal with. If there's nothing to do, I'll go out first." The secretary put a stack of sub documents in Yan Yan's hand, stepped back and walked out of the office.

Yan Yan took the top documents and began to deal with the company's affairs one by one. Now the company is on the right track, and she has more and more things on hand.

"Wait, I remember whether the company will go to J Province next week?" Suddenly thought of something, Yan Yan asked.

The Secretary opened the itinerary: "yes, the company does have this arrangement. We will go to J province to investigate, invest and build a factory."

J Province, that's Qin Yu's hometown. Why don't you go and have a look? Yan Yan thought, "I'll go there next week. You can move my schedule back."