9 End of the Banque

"I'll ask again, what is your relationship with Richard-sama?" demanded the icy Beauty of Winter, glaring those icy-blue colored eyes straight at Maria, who was suddenly reminded about something. In the novel, it was hinted that before Elsa fell for the crown-prince she once had feelings for someone else.

'So that someone else must've been Richard-sama. Unlike the other love rivals, Elsa didn't immediately fall for the crown-prince, but gradually grew feelings for him throughout the years, since her first crush, Richard-sama, was out of the picture, but now the plot of the story has changed.' Maria sighed to herself; she could smell the trouble that was brewing and she knew there was no way for her to escape it.

"What exactly is going on out here?" questioned a familiar voice as everyone turned towards the direction the voice came from. Both Maria and Mai were taken by surprise, yet very happy and surprise, to see their respective sibling coming to their aid. Also, standing along with them was Richard, who was wearing a not so pleased expression.

"Really? You're bulling my sister again?" Michael stomped his way over to Maria and pulled her to his side, showing off his overprotective side while glaring daggers of hate directed at the crown-prince.

"Bully her? Do you have any proof? Did anyone here see me bully her? 'Cause last time I checked, it was always your precious sister who caused problems for me," Alan, the crown-prince, argued back as the stare off between the two boys became more intense; lightning could literally be seen flashing before their eyes.

"Foolish little cousin, I didn't know you were this petty. Maa, I fear for Astral in the future, if it's going to be lead by such a childish, arrogant, and petty brat, who doesn't even know how to be a gentleman to a young lady." Richard's words were sharp like a blade, eyes cold, smile charming yet also deadly. His words seemed to have gotten under Alan's skin, who looked as if he was about to say a retort back, only to have four-eyes stop him, shaking his head at the crown prince.

Clicking his tongue in annoyance, the crown-prince shot one last glare in Maria's direction, taking his leave, four-eyes following right behind him. Seeing the crown-prince leave, the other girls, except for Elsa, took their leave as well. Elsa, on the other hand, walked up to Richard and curtsied before him.

"Richard-sama, it will be an honor if you save me a dance." Elsa was the Diamond Academy's ice-princess, cold and expressionless, yet at this moment she was acting the part of a shy maiden as she shot the crimson haired boy a bashful look. Only to have Richard completely disregard her, walking around her as he made his way towards Maria.

"Sorry, but it seems I'm down to my last dance, and I already reserved that for Maria-chan." He beamed that beautiful and enchanting bishounen smile straight at Maria, ignoring Elsa's presence completely. Hearing those words, Michael narrowed his eyes at Richard, feeling suspicious of him. Maria's face was red as a cherry. A concern Mai was trying to fan her down. Isis seemed to have picked up on something happening between her friend's younger sister and the Scarlet heir, yet remained silent, an amused smile on her face.

Though the one who took Richard's open display of affection for Maria the hardest was definitely Elsa, whose expression turned stiff as she uttered, "M-Maria-chan?!" Pure disbelief was written on her face before hardening, returning back into the ice-princess as those icy-blue eyes glared at Maria and promised nothing but vengeance. Without another word, Elsa exited out of the garden, but her hate towards Maria rose up a notch.


Back at the banquet, Richard kept his promise as Maria felt like she was Cinderella dancing with Prince Charming. Though she messed up a lot, stepping on his feet and missing a few steps, Richard just laughed and said, "I find your stumbling very cute. It's part of your charm. No need to feel embarrassed." Once again, Maria was blinded with roses and sparkles when Richard smiled down at her. Unaware of how on that night, she was envied by a lot of girls and became public enemy number one.

On the sideline, both Isis and Mai took notice of all the looks the dancing young couple was receiving. "A lot of girls here are glaring at Maria which is not a good sign, nee-san. When school starts, will Maria be bullied a lot?" Mai asked her older sister, who had her eyes glued on the blushing Maria, who once again messed up.

'She is not going to have an easy school year, especially with all the attention she drew tonight. The road this girl must walk is filled with many thorns, but I see something great lies in store for her.' Isis said nothing but smiled at her innocent adorable little sister. "Mai, your friend is very special. What will you do if others start to bully her?"

"Don't worry, nee-san, I'll definitely protect Maria-chan!" Mai grinned and pumped her small fist into the air. Isis couldn't help but giggle and pat her energetic little sister on the head. Both sisters found their little moment interrupted when they heard some sniffing and turned towards the direction of where it was coming from.

"Maria...My sweet Imoto didn't even save a dance for her nii-chan but instead with some boy. She picks some boy over her handsome nii-chan! Maria~!" Rolled into a ball was none other than Michael, weeping tears as he watched his precious little sister smile and blush as she danced with the Scarlet heir.

"Michael-kun, I sense some strong competition in the future for you. Seems someone will be snatching away your cute Imoto in the future," Isis teased her friend, watching how a look horror took over his handsome face.

"No! Over my dead body! Maria promised to marry onii-chan~!" protested Michael while little Mai couldn't help but sweat-drop at Maria's older brother, who had a serious sister-complex.

Though the night was magical and came with its ups and downs, Maria was smiling by the time she returned home with her onii-chan. Who for some reason was depressed and uttering death threats towards a certain redhead?

After Shirone and Kuroka tucked her into bed, Maria's mother walked into the room and sat on the edge of the bed. "So I take it my little Maria enjoyed herself tonight?"

"Yep~! I even made a new friend!"

"That's wonderful, okaa-sama is happy that her precious Maria made a friend. It really puts my heart at ease that when you start school in two days you won't be on your own." Maria was all smiles and giggles until it dawned on her that in two days she would be starting school which brought along a lot of dread and anxiety.

'Something is telling me that I'm not going to have an easy school-life,' thought Maria, before her mother kissed her on her head, wishing her good night.