Chapter 393

Su Qingya was speechless, it could be disrespectful to the old lady, or it could ignore the Su family, but he would never forget his kind grandpa.

"Old Madam, are you playing the emotion card well?" Ye Tian walked in from the outside: "But isn't it a bit bad to play the emotion card now!"

"Ye Tian, ​​you are just a door-to-door son-in-law, you don't have a place to speak here, get out now!" the old lady said coldly, if it wasn't for Ye Tian, ​​his plan would have been completed long ago, but As for coming to the Guoan Group, he was a little humble.

"Old lady, I'm afraid you haven't figured it out yet! I'm the chairman of Guoan Group! I control the lifeline of Guoan Group! I'm the master here." Ye Tian said coldly: "Don't you even know the priority? clear?"

"You are just a door-to-door son-in-law! No equity, just a false job!" The old lady sneered and said, "If you want to try to be tough on me, I'm afraid you don't have the ability!"

"Void job?" Ye Tian shrugged: "Nearly 80% of the shares of Guoan Group have been controlled by me! Doesn't the old lady even know this?"

"What did you say?" The old matriarch looked at Su Qingya with a gloomy face, "He is just a door-to-door son-in-law, yet you let him control the equity! Do you want to betray the Su family?"

"Old Madam, isn't what you said a little bit off?" Ye Tian smiled and said: "The Guoan Group is not able to rely on the Su family, but your Su family wanted to deal with the Guoan Group and did everything possible. , can’t end now, and want to play the family card, it seems a bit inappropriate!”

"You..." The old lady's face was ashen: "You are just an outsider! I don't want to talk to you!"

"No, the real outsiders are you!" Su Qingya sneered: "If you want to rule the country and the security group to death, you are probably even more outsiders than outsiders!"

"Su Qingya, remember what you said today!" The old matriarch turned and left, with anger in his eyes. As the highest controller of the Su family, he naturally has a great desire to control, but he didn't Thinking that he would come here for nothing today and be humiliated by Ye Tian like this, this has never happened before.

The old matriarch was waiting to leave, Ye Tian looked towards Su Qingya: "Don't take it to heart, if you are merciful, Su's pharmaceutical industry will definitely make a comeback, and our Guoan Group will be in danger by then!"

"Don't worry, I still see the big picture!" Su Qingya waved her hand: "The old lady wants to play the emotional card for me, but I won't accept it! Since I was a child, the old lady didn't value our lineage. , I have no relationship with him at all!"

"Don't say that! I know that in your heart, you still hope that the Su family can be as good as before!" Ye Tianxiaozi patted Su Qingya on the shoulder: "But don't worry, when the Guoan Group is strong enough, the old lady will not dare to underestimate it. We are here!"

"Yeah, I believe you!" Su Qingya nodded quickly: "If it wasn't for your method, the Guoan Group might already be in crisis!"

The old matriarch and Su Qingyun left the Guoan Group, their faces turned purple with anger. When they came to the Guoan Group today, not only did they fail to achieve their goal, but they were sent to the army instead. Naturally, this feeling is very uncomfortable.

"Old Madam, this is actually normal!" Su Qingyun said helplessly, "We were the ones who harmed the Guoan Group first! No wonder they are!"