Chapter 1841

After drinking and eating, Xiaolan in white came out and glanced at Ye Tian with gratitude. After Ye Tian's acupuncture, his sister became much more stable, even like ordinary people.

"Miss Xiaolan, what's the matter?" Wu Xiaobo asked aloud.

"It's okay, I just came out to get some air." Xiaolan smiled slightly, and at the same time looked into the endless darkness, her face also became worried: "I don't know if I can get through tonight safely! I will take my sister and leave Merlin Town tomorrow morning. "

"You are from Meilin Town, how do you live outside?" Wu Xiaobo frowned, "I don't think the incident of Xie Chong will last long, you can stay in the tavern for a while, and after the incident, you can Back to Niutou Village."

"No, this matter won't be solved so easily." Xiao Lan shook her head: "All the girls in the village are dead, and only my sister and I are left. If we go back to Niutou Village, we will definitely have no way out!"

Wu Xiaobo frowned, and the people around him also changed slightly. What Xiaolan said made them a little nervous. After all, they had never encountered such a thing, but in their opinion, it is absolutely impossible for the bright world to be haunted by evil spirits.

At night, the sky was full of stars, and everyone in Meilin Town returned home early and fell into a deep sleep. If you look carefully, Dian Neng found that every door has a charm posted on the door, which looks a bit gloomy.

Su Qingya was lying in Ye Tian's arms, but she couldn't fall asleep all the time: "I always feel that something will happen tonight, Xiaotian, do you have such a premonition?"

"Why, are you scared?" Ye Tian smiled and said, "With me by your side, can't you feel at ease?"

"With you by my side, I'm naturally not afraid." Su Qingya put her arms around Ye Tian: "But I'm always a little restless, and I'm afraid something will happen tonight."

"Don't worry! Nothing will happen if I'm here." Ye Tian said with a smile: "What's more, there are spells pasted in the room, even if there is any evil spirit, I'm afraid they won't be able to break in."

Following these words, Su Qingya became more careful. With Ye Tian by his side, he could indeed feel at ease.

In the other room, Xiao Zi trembled and hugged Xiao Lan, her face was even more worried, she kept looking out the window, as if she was afraid that something would lure her away.

"Sister, this is Meilin Town, and Huang Daxian is in the town, that evil spirit will never dare to mess around." Xiaolan comforted: "Sister, just sleep at ease!"

"No! He will definitely come. There are only the two of us left in Niutou Village, and he will definitely not let us go." Xiao Zi's voice trembled, and she looked around vigilantly, as if the evil spirit was nearby, making him full of fear.

On the streets of Meilin Town, although the lights are bright, there is not a single pedestrian. If it is longer, there must be a lot of traffic, and everyone is dancing in the square, but now it is very different. Ever since such things happened in Niutou Village, Meilin Everyone in the town was tense, especially the girls, and they didn't dare to go out casually.

In the early hours of the morning, everyone had already fallen asleep, but Ye Tian woke up slightly. He looked outside and frowned at the same time. He didn't expect that Xie Chong really dared to come here, so he naturally sensed an unusual aura.

Xiaolan also fell asleep, but Xiaozi looked out of the window tremblingly. At that moment, he suddenly yelled: "Here he is!"