Chapter 2238

"Mom, my uncle personally invited us, we have to go." Ye Tian said: "Otherwise, wouldn't it be a disgrace to my uncle?"

"That's a good statement!" Lin Xiuying nodded: "Then go! It's just a good time to relax, and you can also talk about the family."

Zhao Daguo nodded quickly, with a look of joy.

"By the way, this is a local product I brought from my hometown. It tastes good." Zhao Daguo took out a bag full of scales, which looked a bit like potatoes, but not quite like them.

"What is this?" Su Qingya was slightly curious: "Why haven't I seen it before?"

"This is called silkworm potato, and it tastes great." Said Wang Xiaomei, who was Zhao Daguo's wife and a native of Zhaojiazhuang.

"Ceremonial potato?" Su Qingya was overjoyed. The things he had never seen before were naturally quite novel. Ye Tianqu frowned slightly, and looked towards the bag: "Where are these silkworm potatoes planted?"

"Of course it's on the mountain. We have not only mountains but also water." Zhao Daguo boasted: "It can be said that it is a mountain and river, and it is absolutely beautiful!"

"I am afraid that the silkworm potato has such a sinister aura because it is sitting on the ground of the grave!"

Ye Tian smiled slightly, and said half-understood.

Zhao Daguo was also shocked: "Xiaotian, you have good eyesight, you can tell that there are indeed many mass graves on that mountain, but this kind of silkworm potato is only found on the mountain, so it is hard to eat it ?”

"It's impossible! Everyone in our place ate it, so how could they not be able to eat it?" Wang Xiaomei said repeatedly, with a simple and honest face.

"I didn't mean that, cousin, please don't misunderstand." Ye Tian said with an embarrassed smile, "I think my cousin has gone up the mountain to dig silkworm potatoes in the past few days, so his face is not good-looking!"

"He couldn't have hit a ghost!" Wang Xiaomei was startled, and was terrified by Ye Tian.

"Xiao Tian, ​​don't talk nonsense." Su Qingya reminded repeatedly.

"I don't think Xiaotian is talking nonsense." Lin Xiuying said: "If others say that, I still don't believe it, but Xiaotian understands this aspect, and there is absolutely nothing wrong."

Zhao Daguo's face changed slightly, and he looked towards Ye Tian: "That's not bad. I did go up the mountain to pick silkworm potatoes a few days ago. This kind of wild one is the best, and I even got a little sick!"

"I'm afraid there are unclean things on the mountain!" Ye Tian frowned slightly: "In the future, don't go there lightly, so as not to cause or cause death!"

Zhao Daguo and Wang Xiaomei were quite frightened, they are honest people, and they care more about these things.

"Xiaotian, are you sure you read it correctly?" Su Qingya asked repeatedly!

"Of course I'm not mistaken." Ye Tian nodded.

"Cousin, Xiaotian knows this very well. Don't go to that mountain in the future. The place is very evil, so don't provoke anything." Lin Xiuying said.

"I was reminded today, so I must pay attention in the future." Brother Zhao nodded.

After dinner, Lin Xiuying arranged beds for them and asked them to stay in the villa for one night, and they went to Zhaojiazhuang with their family tomorrow.

It was very late at night, Lin Xiuying and Ye Tian were standing in the corridor, seeming to be talking about something.

"Xiaotian, I think my cousin is asking for something, that's why he invited us to Zhaojiazhuang. You have to be mentally prepared." Lin Xiuying said with a smile: "Their family conditions are not very good, and I heard that their son is not good enough. If you can help One hand, as much as possible to help."