Chapter 2499

Not long after, the white tiger arrived at the cemetery, but his expression was a bit ugly.

"Who the hell is it? How did the investigation go? Why didn't you say anything?" Mr. Ye looked indifferent.

"Old man, this matter is probably not simple, not as easy as imagined." Bai Hu frowned: "I heard that it was done by the Gu family, and I don't know why they did it."

"Ancient family?"

Mr. Ye's expression froze, and there was fear in his eyes. The Gu family is not an ordinary family, even much stronger than the Ye family. I heard that there is an even stronger existence behind it. Why would such a powerful family do this? something like this happened.

At the same time, Jian Yu also came back and reported to Ye Tian.

After learning the details, Ye Tiantian looked at Old Man Ye: "Grandpa, you must know who did it by now. Let's go to the Gu family to seek justice. If we don't give a reasonable explanation, I will kill them." The house is full!"

"This..." Mr. Ye frowned: "Don't be arrogant, Xiaotian. Some things are not as simple as you think. They must have a purpose for doing this. Why don't you let me go there in person. After you understand the matter, you It's never too late to get angry."

"No matter what the reason is, the person who opened my parents' coffin must be dead." Ye Tian's eyes showed a cold light.

Faced with these words, Old Man Ye was pale and powerless, standing on the spot, not knowing what to say.

Not long after, Mr. Ye nodded and confessed to Ye Tian: "The Gu family is not an ordinary force. They must have a reason for doing this. If they go rashly, it may cause a fight between the two families."

"It turns out that this is what grandpa is afraid of. Since that's the case, I will go there alone. This matter has nothing to do with the Ye family."

After Ye Tian finished speaking, he walked towards the outside of the cemetery, with a strong killing intent in his eyes. Someone moved his parents' coffin, which was provoking him and the entire Ye family.

Old Man Ye frowned: "Little Tian, ​​listen to me, the Gu family is not something we can afford, even if you are a master of the Heavenly King Realm, there is a stronger existence behind them."

"I've made it very clear just now, old man, if you don't want to go with me, then don't go. Today I will go to the Gu family in my own name. I must seek justice. Who moved my parents' coffin." Ye Tian looked indifferent: "If you can't give a reason, there is no need for the Gu family to exist."

After speaking, Ye Tiancai resolutely left, his expression was even more indifferent, some things are like this, he will not be ridden on the head.


Ye Buhui suddenly made a sound, and looked at Ye Tian with seriousness in his eyes.

Following this shout, Ye Tian froze on the spot, smiled a little, and said to Su Qingya: "Take him back! You go back to the villa in the south of the city first, and I'll go meet the ancient family for a while."

Su Qingya showed concern, but she didn't stop Ye Tian. After all, this kind of humiliation was not an ordinary insult, it was even disrespectful to the deceased.

Mr. Ye was wearing a cane, but his expression was very haggard. He thought that everyone would be happy with this matter today. After Ye Tian worshiped, he could return to the Ye family to take over the power, but he never expected that the Gu family would act like this. It stimulated Ye Tian, ​​otherwise Ye Tian would not be so excited.