Chapter 1594

"What I mean must be clear to everyone."

"Because some of my mistakes these days have affected the reputation of the cherroth family, I have stepped down from the post of patriarch of the cherroth family."

"According to the tradition of the cherroth family, my son should take over the position."

Seeing Lu Tianlong make an eye to show his attitude towards himself, rose has some confidence in his heart and once again accentuates his language.

In the past two days, he has also investigated Lu Tianlong in various ways and learned some things he had done before.

Although some places are not reliable, there is one thing that makes Ross happy. There is something Lu Tianlong promised others, and he has always been able to do it.

Before he promised rose, rose abdicated, will let Rose's son inherit this position.


After Rose's words, there was silence.

More than a dozen clan elders look at me and I look at you. All of them are hesitant.

Yes, according to the tradition of the cherroth family, when the master abdicates, his son will inherit the position.

If there are no sons, the elders will choose the right person to succeed.

Therefore, after Ross abdicated, it is indeed in line with the tradition of the cherroth family to inherit the position by Muller or dodge.

"Rose is right. Since he admitted his mistake and offered to give up his position as head of the family, his son should succeed him."

Finally, an old man in his seventies spoke.

"Yes, it has been the tradition of the cherroth family for thousands of years. It should be done."

"Although Ross has made some mistakes, he has paid a price, and I think it's more appropriate for Muller or dodge to succeed as patriarch."

A few more people spoke in agreement.

Lu Tianlong observed and found that they were all the older members of the clan.

One of them even came in a wheelchair, with no eyes and no spirit. It belongs to the kind that abides by the tradition.

"I don't think it's appropriate!"

A younger old man suddenly said out loud that he was still in his sixties, but he should be considered younger among the group.

"The mistake Ross made this time is not a minor one. We in the cherroth family have never been insulted like this."

"Some of the family's secrets are even known by outsiders. It's like having a handle in their hands."

"If Ross is forced to make some kind of agreement with those outsiders, isn't our cherroth family under control?"

"Muller and dodge are Ross's sons again. Maybe they are involved in these things..."

The meaning of this clan is very clear.

Because of Ross's mistake, the cherroth family has a handle, which is held by Lu Tianlong.

Lu Tianlong can use these handles to coerce Ross into doing something harmful to the cherroth family.

Muller and dodge are Ross's sons, and the coercion may be just as useful for them!

"Yes, I agree with you that the cherroth family can not have these stains, and they must be borne by someone."

"It's a good thing for rose to take the initiative, but if his son is allowed to take over the position of patriarch, it is still unclear."

"If you let them take the responsibility together with their father and son..."

Another old man said, this is more cruel, actually is to let the rose father and son three people carry the pot together, carry all the things down.

If the father and son are pushed out, those scandals can completely clear the relationship with the cherroth family.

"Asshole, I've stepped down from my position as patriarch and have taken on these things. Why involve Muller and dodge in it?"

Rose is angry.

He has now been forced to give up the position of patriarch.

This group of people should be in a bad mood. Taking this opportunity, they not only want to take him down, but also implicate his two sons?

"Don't think I don't know your careful thinking. Do you think your son will have a chance if my two sons can't take over the position of patriarch?"

Rose gritted his teeth and stared at the old man who was talking, and said hard again.

The old man of that clan also has a better son, who is very good in all aspects of the family.

To put it bluntly, if Muller and dodge can't succeed as patriarch, the old son of that clan has a good chance!

"Rose, don't talk nonsense. I'm just talking about things."

"According to the present situation, your two sons are not suitable for the position of succeeding patriarch now."

"Don't think I don't know. You certainly don't want to give up the position of clan leader and let your son succeed. You can still control them from behind, right?"

This clan is also very big tempered, slapped on the table, stood up and said angrily.To say that he is not selfish, it is true.

Since there is a son who is capable of being the head of a clan, he still has such a good opportunity. Naturally, he wants to fight for it.

The point is that no one else can say anything else for the sake of the family.

"You fart! My son's succession to the position of patriarch is due to his adherence to the tradition of the cherroth family, and the other is that they have such ability! "

Rose said angrily.

"Tradition? Well, tradition is tradition. Now the situation is different, so we have to discuss it differently. "

"And you say your two sons are capable?"

A trace of irony flashed across the old face of the people.

"Do you mean your eldest son, Muller, with a bandage on his head and about to be disfigured, has the ability, or do you mean your little son, Dodge, who is short tempered and does things rashly, qualify?"

The family meeting of the cherroth family, which was originally in a bad atmosphere, has now become a fighting meeting between Ross and the young family.

The two of them were blushing and thick necked, and the quarrel was about to spread outside.

This is very interesting for Lu Tianlong.

I didn't expect that this kind of disharmony would also appear in the family meeting of this super family.

But think about it, the position of the super family's owner is definitely at the top of the pyramid. One is not willing to give up, and the other is trying to fight for opportunities.

This is also inevitable.

"You say, rose, you think your two sons are very capable, don't you?"

The old man glanced at Muller with bandages on his head and dodge, who seemed to be childish on his face, contemptuously said.


Rose seems to have been hit in the hole.

Muller has been beaten several times by Lu Tianlong and his people these two days. Now his head is broken, his nose bone is broken, his mouth is also cracked, and his teeth are missing.

Now I'm wearing bandages. It's embarrassing to look blue and blue.

Dodge, to say nothing of it, has left an impression on outsiders in the past two years that he has always been a small child, capricious, impulsive and irritable.

Such a character is obviously not suitable for the position of head of the cherroth family.

"Uncle Ronald, did you despise me just now?"

Just then, Dodge, who was sitting there, suddenly opened his mouth and looked at the old man. His name was Ronald.

"I don't despise you. I just don't think you are mature enough." This is Ronald's family leader.

"Immature? Well, you think I'm not as mature as my cousin, do you? "

There was a hint of gloom on Dodge's face.

The cousin he mentioned is the old son of the Ronald family, who is also the leader of the younger generation in the cherroth family.

"That's nature!"

This time Ronald didn't have any humility and a firm nod.

"Ring the bell."

Just then, the phone that the Ronald people always put on the table suddenly rings.

When he answered, his face suddenly changed, and he turned to dodge in great anger.

"Don't look at me like this. Just sit in your seat and wait until the meeting is over. Otherwise, my excellent cousin will not know what will happen."

There was a grim light in Dodge's eyes.

All the people present were shocked.

Even Lu Tianlong was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Dodge was such a cruel guy.

If that's right, he must have thought that this Ronald would prevent their brother from becoming the head of the cherroth family, so he kidnapped his son ahead of time!


Ronald still wanted to talk, but looked into Dodge's eyes and suddenly understood.

This guy is a heartless master. Before, he was impulsive, self willed and grumpy. He was just pretending to be!

"And you."

"You'd better make sure that at what age you should do what you should do."

"You all have sons and grandsons, and daughters and grandsons. It's good to enjoy the happiness of peace and stability."

Dodge glanced at the rest of the crowd.

He does not look at all like a young man in his twenties, but rather a murderer who has experienced countless murders and cruel means.

"Dodge, how are you talking to your elders?"

Another irascible old man couldn't hold back his anger. Seeing dodge talking to him in this manner, he slapped him on the table.

"Uncle Rodrigues, do you think I'm wrong?"

Dodge turned to look at him with a grim smile on his lips.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that you have a beautiful foreign training girl who is just 18 years old this year, right?"

"I just got the news that her body was found in the mountains and died naked. It seems that she was insulted.""But don't worry, no one can bully us in the cherroth family. I'll find out about it."

Dodge said with a gloomy smile.


Everyone's face changed!

Rodrigues are going crazy. They are going to rush to dodge.

He knew that Dodge, the bastard, must have arranged for someone to do something to her granddaughter.

Beside Lu Tianlong frowned slightly. He knew that Dodge was cruel, but he was cruel to this extent.

In order to take the position of head of the cherroth family, he has gone crazy! , the fastest update of the webnovel!