
Gu Jinzhu's heart skipped a beat. It was as if a tiny needle had stabbed into it, bringing with it a sharp pain.

She smiled faintly and said, "Thank you for the reminder, cousin." He turned around and walked away, but his steps were no longer as elegant and calm as before. Every step he took, his legs felt as heavy as lead.

Scenes of the past flashed across his eyes. Although his heart had long been dead, there was still a trace of burning pain.

She had grown up with that person, and had sung many melodies and played chess between the flowers. That person had repeatedly and affectionately guaranteed, "Zhu'er, I will not let you down, I will definitely marry you in this life."

Who would have thought that after hearing his words, he would turn his head and break his promise, destroying the marriage contract and changing his job to someone else!

Biden was a little worried, so she called out, "Miss."

Gu Jinzhu took a deep breath and suppressed the coldness in her eyes. Clenching the wooden box in her hand tightly, she raised her leg and stepped into the Xi Wu Courtyard.

The courtyard was lit up by lanterns, lighting up the surroundings with dazzling splendor. Servants could be seen coming and going. Gu Jinzhu hadn't even reached the door when she heard bursts of laughter coming from the hall.

The girl lifted the curtain and shouted, "Miss Biao is here!"

Turning the painting screen of the Water Ink Mountain's Cloud Wave Spindle, the eyes of the beautiful pearl lit up. The Yang family was the wealthiest in Lin An, and the Xi Wu Courtyard used to receive guests was even more magnificent. Countless pearls were embedded in the corners of the rooms, and they were reflected by the candle flame as bright as day.

Dozens of ladies were sitting or standing in the room. They were dressed extravagantly, and looked like a bunch of flowers. They looked like they belonged to a wealthy family in Linan City.

An old woman with silver hair sat in the middle of the room. She was dressed in a rich brown dress and had a touch of green flowers on her forehead. She looked benevolent and dignified. It was none other than the matriarch of the Chen family.

Jin Zhu's aunt, Lady Wang, and Lady Chen sat beside him, talking to each other with a smile on their faces. When they caught sight of Jin Zhu, their smiles immediately dimmed.

Gu Jinzhu slowly moved forward. When she clearly saw her appearance, the voice in the hall suddenly stopped.

The girl in front of him was slim and slim. Her black raven hair hung down from her shoulders and she wore a yellow willow dress. Her dress did not sway or reveal her feet. Her temperament was elegant and graceful as she moved, as if she had just walked out of a painting.

Jin Zhu went to pay her respects to Matriarch Chen. Before she could recover, Matriarch Chen extended a hand to her and said with a pained tone, "Child, why are you only just coming over?" After not seeing her for a while, how come she has lost so much weight? "Like a gust of wind can blow away …"

Gu Jinzhu tilted her body slightly to the side, avoiding Matriarch He's hand. She still obediently went down and smiled, "Thank you for your concern, Matriarch. I'm fine. I'm just missing my grandmother and my diet."

With that, Matriarch Chen's hand froze in midair. The old woman was stunned, a look of awkwardness flashing across her face as she took out a handkerchief from under her armpits to wipe the corner of her eyes. "Speaking of your grandmother, it's also my fault for being in such a bad condition. We've known each other for our lives, but who would've thought that she would leave just like that? I haven't even seen her for the last time …"

With her actions, the wives and wives surrounding her immediately surrounded her and tried to persuade her.

"Old Ancestor, don't be sad, the old mistress of the Yang family is in possession of her soul, I don't want you to be too depressed and hurt your body …"

Lady Wang persuaded as she glared at Gu Jinzhu, saying sternly, "Look at you, you ignorant child. You made the matriarch sad the moment you arrived. Hurry up and apologize to the matriarch!"

Lady Chen and Grandmother had indeed been close for many years, and their relationship was deep. However, after the Chen family had broken the agreement, Grandmother had asked to see Lady Chen many times, but the other side had avoided it, causing Grandmother's anger and regret to disappear.

She did not respond to her aunt's words and instead bowed to Lady Chen.

Madam Chen was over forty years old, but she was well-maintained. Her skin was white and plump, and the corners of her eyes drooped slightly. She seemed somewhat unkind.

Ever since Gu Jinzhu had entered, she had not even glanced at her. When she saw her saluting him, she only snorted coldly.

A lady by the side asked curiously, "Which lady is this from the Yang Mansion?" Why haven't I seen him before? "An inverted water spirit."

Lady Wang's smile faded and she said, "This is my niece. Ai, speaking of her, she is also a bitter child. Ever since her mother passed away, she has taken over my family. We have always treated her as our biological daughter."

"Is this the young lady of that official's estate?" That Madam's eyes lit up, she clearly didn't know about the matter between Gu Jinzhu and the Chen family, so she casually praised, "Truly a good appearance. I have never seen such a well-organized lady in the entire Lin An city. "I wonder which clan will have the fortune to be able to marry such a beautiful wife in the future …"

Lady Wang's expression froze as she subconsciously glanced at Lady Chen, who was sitting beside her.

Lady Chen's face turned ugly as she said coldly, "What's the use of being pretty?" "If you want me to look at the face of a married woman, I will take the next best look. The key point is that the body is sturdy, the waist and buttocks are well-proportioned, and the body is thinner than the body."

These words were really mean. All of the wives were silent for a moment before they looked towards Gu Jinzhu.

Gu Jinzhu's face was indifferent and her head was half bowed. If it was any other girl who was being looked at, she would have long been embarrassed. However, she didn't seem to have heard him as she quietly stood there.

Lady Chen looked at Lady Wang with a faint smile and said, "What do you think, biological mother?"

Lady Wang laughed complacently. "That's right. It's better for a girl to be more sturdy, just like our Yu'er …"

Before she could finish, she heard the little girl outside call out loudly, "Eldest Miss has arrived."

All of the wives burst out laughing, "This is really just like Cao Cao Cao."

Yang Qianyu, who was wearing a pink gauze dress, leisurely walked in, and she seemed to be attended by the Chen family elders. There was a bit of shyness on her brows, with half of her head lowered, she gracefully walked to Wang's side and said, "Mother, what are you talking about? "So happy …"

Mrs Wang looked at her daughter who was as beautiful as a flower, unable to conceal the joy in her heart. She clapped her hands and smiled. "Nothing. It just means that your body is sturdy, and your hips are round. You must be blessed …"

"That's right, I like your Yu'er. Look at her waist, all the branches and leaves of the Chen family will fall on her in the future, is she the ancestor?" Lady Chen had also changed her previous cold attitude towards Gu Jinzhu, smiling as she pulled Yang Qianyu over, as intimate as possible.

Yang Qi Yu blushed and stomped her feet, "Mother, you really …" "What are you talking about …" She turned around and swept a glance at Gu Jinzhu who was standing on the spot with the corner of her eye, and the corner of her mouth slightly curled up.

Gu Jinzhu acted as if she didn't see the ridicule in Lady Chen's eyes. Just as Lady Chen was about to say something, she suddenly interrupted her, "Lady Chen."

Lady Chen was startled and subconsciously turned her head.

Looking at her niece's cold expression, née Wang felt an inexplicable premonition in her heart. She hurriedly said, "Pearl, you go down first. The elders …"