
Gu Yiqing nodded. Without further ado, she mounted her horse first.

Yun Xiang opened her mouth at the back, almost wanting to say that it would weaken the young miss's spirit and could she rest for one more day. But after considering the young lady's scruples, she closed her mouth in the end.

After getting on the carriage, Yun Xiang felt sorry for her young mistress who had worked so hard yesterday. She spread out the brocade bed bedding, which was so thick that Gu Jinzhu had to lie down. Like this, the bumpiness of the carriage was reduced.

Bea lit a bronze incense burner and placed it at Gu Jinzhu's feet. She had a headache last night, probably because of the cold, and a chill went through her body, making it impossible for her to wrap herself tightly in the blanket.

During the rainy season of June, it was already raining heavily in Jiangnan. The sky was dark and the air was filled with a humid and cold atmosphere. The rain outside the car never stopped, as if it was never going to stop.

Even though Yun Xiang had already pulled down the curtain of the carriage, there was still a cold wind blowing in through the window with a drizzle. Although Yun Xiang had already pulled down the curtain of the carriage, there was still a cold wind blowing in through the window.

Gu Yiqing was in a hurry, so she deviated from the main road and took shortcuts.

The terrain became increasingly desolate and remote. After travelling for more than half a day, he still hadn't seen any inns. At noon, he could only stop in the wilderness to eat something.

He and his attendants carried dry rations with them, and they were used to being in the wild, so he did not mind.

Yun Xiang and Bi Meng, on the other hand, were worried. It was raining in the wilderness and they couldn't pick up food from the ground. They hadn't expected such a difficult situation, as they thought that they would be able to rest in an inn just like they did with the Old Madam of the Chen family, so they didn't prepare much food.

Yun Xiang could only use the stove to make some soup to dispel the cold and also take out the several colored pastries she had prepared earlier. Unfortunately, Gu Jinzhu wasn't feeling well, so she could only barely eat a few mouthfuls before lying down.

Gu Jinzhu was sleeping so heavily that she didn't even know if the car was stopping or walking. Her whole body seemed to be floating in the clouds. After who knows how long, she suddenly heard Bea cry out, "Wow, the girl seems to be having a fever. Why is her face so red …"

"Really?" Yun Xiang was startled and immediately rushed over. She extended a hand to cover Gu Jinzhu's forehead and her expression changed the moment she touched it, "Heavens, Miss really has a fever. It's so hot …"

The two girls immediately became flustered. Yun Xiang was afraid that Gu Jinzhu would faint, so she called out softly while trying to help her up.

"What should I do, what should I do …" She kept muttering to herself.

She hurriedly went to rummage through her bag. When she was about to leave, she prepared a small bag of commonly used medicine. There were those that suffered from headaches, coughs, and bruises. However, when she searched through the bag in the corner, she didn't find the medicine bag.

Under the call of the fragrance, Gu Jinzhu opened her eyes and only glanced at her once before closing them again.

Yun Xiang's heart was burning with anxiety. Her daughter's eyes were misty and her cheeks were red. Even her breath was scorching hot. She didn't know why it had suddenly become so hot.

Bi Feng was so anxious that she almost cried, "No …" None... "Where did it go? I clearly remember leaving it here …"

She opened all the parcels, almost all the carts, but there was no sign of the life-saving package.

"Think about it. Did you put the medicine bag in your bag when you went out?"

"I let go! I clearly let that little pendant …" Bea's voice stopped, and her eyes widened.

She remembered, she had told the little pendant to send the medicine bag to the carriage, but when Miss Chen's little girl came over, she forgot about it.

Right now, the food and clothes that Miss Chen had sent were all here, but the medicine bag was missing. Could it be that the medicine bag hadn't been delivered at all?

Bea was so anxious that tears finally rolled down her face. When she found out, she couldn't help grumbling. No wonder Miss Chen cursed her for breaking her leg!

She hurriedly stopped the car and told Gu Yiqing.

Gu Yiqing was also somewhat surprised. Gu Jinzhu had only been out for two days and she had already fallen ill?

He lifted the curtain and saw that Gu Jinzhu was still unconscious. There was a touch of captivating red on her white face. She looked like a peach flower in March, adding a touch of glamour to her beauty.

He pulled her wrist and concentrated on her pulse, his brow furrowing.

Gu Jinzhu was a young lady who was raised in a deep room and had never left her house. Her body was already weak, and as soon as she left the house, he hurried along his way.

He hesitated, then put his hand on her forehead and tested the temperature.

While Gu Jinzhu was still in a daze, she felt a touch of cool and refreshing feeling on her forehead. It was as if she was soaking in a top quality jade. The cool feeling made her feel extremely comfortable.

She couldn't help but rub herself against him. A scorching, soft breath brushed against his palm, causing his movements to pause.

Gu Yiqing retracted her hand. There was no expression on her face, which was as handsome as the moon. She only said lightly, "She has caught a cold. Cover her up tightly, don't let her be affected by the wind."

Yun Xiang hurriedly pulled the carriage curtain tighter, the gaps in between them completely blocked up. She then pulled out a blanket and covered Gu Jinzhu's body with it.

Gu Yiqing let Bi Bei receive some clean water and covered Gu Jinzhu's forehead with a soft towel, but the medicine side was in trouble. He and Xue Yi were both martial artists with strong bodies, so even if they brought the medicine, it would only be powder used to treat wounds and stop bleeding.

Now that he was in the wilderness, it was too late for him to return. He only hesitated for a moment before instructing Xue Yi to find a secluded forest to stop. He then sped away through the rain.

Although Yun Xiang and Bi Meng were anxious, they couldn't do anything about it. They could only change their wet clothes and take care of their young mistress.

The rain did not stop until the evening. Gu Jinzhu had been in a coma, and she would occasionally talk in her sleep. The fragrance of the rain became more and more anxious as she opened her collar and soaked it in water to wipe Gu Jinzhu's body clean, but the temperature did not drop.

It was drizzling, and the sky was getting darker. It was almost completely dark, and Gu Yiqing still hadn't come back. There was the strange cry of a bird in the forest, and she was anxious and afraid. Fortunately, the servant outside had been there all this time, so she put down some snacks.

The black-clothed servant looked terrifying, and he was also a bit fierce. However, he was truly devoted to his duty, and had always been standing by the side of the carriage.

Bea looked at the man who had been standing like a javelin in the rain, soaked to the skin, but never moved, hesitated, and finally, reluctantly, handed the umbrella from the car.

"Here, this is for you …"

The man was stunned for a moment, as if he had not expected her to speak to him.

Bea, still afraid of him, threw the umbrella into his arms and let the curtain fall.

The man held the umbrella. Although his face was still expressionless, he still opened the umbrella.

The sound of horses galloping could be heard in the distance. In the blink of an eye, they had arrived like a gust of wind. Gu Yiqing jumped down from the horse, grabbed a bag of medicine, threw it in Yun Xiang's arms and said, "Fry this."