Chapter 249

There is no doubt that there are powers in this world. These people can either see through objects, or pick things up, or predict the future, or discharge themselves.

Since the development of the world, every country has a special department to study supernatural power, that is, power. It's just that these departments are super top secret departments, which are unknown.

Guitian family is the main organization of the island to study powers. But now it's almost wiped out by Longfei overnight. It's strange that the island country is not in a hurry.

In addition to the turtle field family, what the island nation can't accept is that they used thousands of troops in order to catch the enemy. In the end, they not only failed to catch the enemy, but also killed more than 500 people and lost four Black Hawk helicopters!

Although the relevant departments of the island countries claim that this is a military exercise, since the beginning of the battle, the spy satellites put in space by various countries have been paying attention to it. They lie about deceiving the people of the island countries, but they can't deceive the intermediary departments of the world's major powers! The heads of the island countries can imagine that now the world does not know how many people are laughing at the island countries!

Shame! Endless shame! It's a shame. It's in outer space!

If we don't catch those thieves, the ancestors of the island will be shamed!

The emperor of the island kingdom patted the table, and the Prime Minister of the cabinet of the island was furious, claiming that he would find out the enemy even if he wanted to dig three feet! Then cut them to pieces!

Under the order of the head of the island state, the island state has set up a special task force, which can unconditionally mobilize the military and police forces of the island state and strive to catch the enemy in the shortest time.

However, the wish is beautiful, the reality is bony! After several days in a row, the ad hoc group not only did not find Long Fei and others, but also did not even have a clue!

That night, they found the place where long Fei and others detonated the plane, and found the bodies of five people from the ashes. After DNA identification, they confirmed the identity of the dead, and then by comparing the ruts on the ground, they determined that long Fei and others robbed each other's Hummer to escape.

They first followed the ruts, but when they passed a river, their clues were broken. After the car crossed the river, there was no rutting mark any more. It was obvious that the other side had erased all the marks. The ad hoc group also mobilized the national surveillance video to try to find the two robbed Humvees, but what made them crazy was that there was no shadow of the two vehicles in the national surveillance!

But although these guys can't find the enemy, they can be sure that they are all Chinese! At the same time, they took two documents with them. One of them was just stolen from the secret service of China by the Guitian family according to the order of the authorities. China's action can be said to be an act of revenge!

The use of Type 95 rifles by some of the enemy also proves this point. 5.8 caliber type 95 rifles, except for the Chinese military, have a small circulation in the world.

These guys don't know. They're only half right. Although China made a move, it was the Dragon special combat team that really dealt a fatal blow to the turtle field family!

Since it's the Chinese who did it, come to the Chinese!

The island government has ordered all parts of the country to re census the Chinese population remaining in the island country and re register them! Especially in the last half month, the Chinese who have just entered the island have been interviewed one by one by the relevant departments!

At the same time, the task force began to investigate Chinese enterprises, factories, hotels, entertainment facilities and so on! If there is any doubt, they will order Chinese enterprises to close down and rectify! They suspect that the enemy may be hidden in these Chinese enterprises.

However, with their efforts, all Chinese enterprises are filled with complaints, and many people begin to return home one after another. However, in order to prevent the enemy from escaping, the island authorities prohibited the Chinese from leaving the island!

As soon as this move was introduced, the Chinese living on the island immediately exploded, and the international public opinion was in an uproar. There are also many groups in China taking to the streets, even blocking the embassies of the island countries in China to protest against the Anti China activities of the island countries. The Ministry of foreign affairs of China has made solemn representations to the island countries, asking the island authorities to give up their stupid decisions!

Although the island states have decided in their hearts that the Chinese did it, there is no evidence. They dare not even tell the island people the truth about aosuidayue, which makes many island people feel confused! I really don't understand what the authorities have done!

Under the great pressure of international public opinion, the island authorities had to order the ad hoc group to give up this stupid decision, turn the investigation against the Chinese underground, and allow the Chinese with legal status to leave China.

After learning the news, Long Fei immediately realized that it was the best time to leave the island country, so he decided to leave the island country.

At this time, five days have passed since the fierce battle. Harris and other injuries have been completely stabilized, the rest of the time just need to rest. Of course, they can't go with Long Fei now. They are catching injured Chinese everywhere!

It is said that a guy was kicked out of bed and hurt his elbow when he was sleeping with his wife a few days ago because he was not satisfied with his wife. As a result, when he went to work the next day, he was taken to the police station by the police's road card. Fortunately, he had the proof that he was not in the aosui mountain area on a certain month, so he was released again!If Mansour and others go together, they will be arrested by the police!

After long Fei told Wu Xing about his intention to leave, Wu Xing also thought it was feasible, and they had to leave the island country as soon as possible.

Both Wu Xing and Long Fei have legitimate identities. They go straight through the proper channels and just go by plane. But before long Fei left, they had to deliver their goods through secret channels.

One afternoon at dusk, Long Fei drove Sakai Lily's Toyota business to a wharf. Led by a sailor, he went to a bulk carrier at the dock and went to the captain's office.

As soon as long Fei entered the office, a white man with a big beard turned out from behind his desk and gave him a big bear hug. He said with enthusiasm: "Oh, dear dragon! Long time no see. I miss you so much

"Oh, I've told you so many times. I really don't like your etiquette of hugging! Of course, if you're a beauty, it's another matter. " Long Fei said with a smile, patting big beard on the shoulder.

Dahuzi is the Thomson who provided arms for Longfei's operation. Thomson is an American and one of the top ten arms dealers in the world. He owns a shipping company and three large fleets. This guy is not only in arms business, but also in shipping business.

Three years ago, this guy sold a batch of arms to country X and gave them to the local armed forces. As a result, when the two sides delivered the goods, the price negotiation collapsed and they fought together. Thomson's men were not vegetarians. They beat the local armed men who were in charge of receiving the goods.

But their action completely angered the local armed boss! That night, they touched the hotel where Thomson and others stayed and assassinated Thomson and others!

Eight people died on Thomson's side in that war, and Thomson was shot five times. His men took him back to the hospital established by doctors without borders in country X.

He was operated on by Dr. Alberta, an expert in cardiothoracic and brain surgery. At that time, the operation was relatively successful, and the bullets were successfully removed. But because the bullets used by the local armed forces had been dealt with, Thomson's operation was successful, but it was inflamed after the operation! Not only the sutured external wound began to fester, but also the half removed liver and stomach began to fester!

At that time, almost all doctors of MSF sentenced Thomson to death.

At that time, Long Fei had just joined Doctors Without Borders and had just arrived in country X. he had only one piece of fresh meat and didn't speak much.

But Long Fei was not superstitious in the diagnosis of those international doctors. He didn't believe in evil. He gave Thomson a Chinese medicine prescription and personally prepared medicine for him.

At the beginning, Thomson didn't drink the soup made by Longfei at all. This guy looked confused, like a black fool. After smelling the bad smell, he wanted to vomit!

Long Fei didn't talk to him much. He just put the medicine bowl on the head of his bed and said, "good medicine can't cure diseases. Buddhism can't cure people. Or die! Or drink! Whatever you want! "

After that, Long Fei left Thomson's room without stopping for a moment.

Thomson watched Long Fei leave his back for a long time. He finally asked his servants to give him the medicine! This guy is willing to give up. Anyway, he's dead. How about a bowl of wine? This guy didn't believe that long Fei's medicine would work at that time. He just drank that bowl of medicine with the attitude of being a living horse doctor!

However, to Thomson's surprise, Longfei's medicine really worked! Less than an hour after a dose of medicine, his high fever subsided, and he felt that he was no longer as sleepy as before, as if he was going to die at any time. After drinking three pieces of medicine, Thomson went to check again, and the inflammation was cured! He's out of danger!

So Thomson's life was saved! Since then, Thomson has great admiration for Longfei, and Longfei has become popular in Doctors Without Borders and won the respect of many international doctors.

Later, after long Fei set up a refugee camp and a dragon special combat team, he became even more closely connected with Thomson, and almost all the food transportation in the refugee camp was handed over to Thomson. And Thomson also reciprocated, each time to provide Longfei's ammunition is the lowest price. And for Long Fei strictly keep secrets, never to dragon special combat team things revealed to a third person.

Now, after they met and hugged each other, Thomson walked to the wine cupboard, took out a bottle of brandy, poured a full cup for each of Longfei and himself, and said, "dragon, you are playing more and more now! Even brother, I feel inferior to myself! "

Long Fei took the wine from Thomson and said with a smile, "ha ha, where can I compete with my brother in this small business? Brother, this is a big international business

"Come on, don't make fun of me! Now the international situation is not good, and arms embargoes are being implemented all over the world. My business is becoming more and more difficult. To tell you the truth, I really admire my brother. Hahaha, he took the whole family away! What I didn't say is cruel enough, poisonous enough and delicious enough! I love it Said Thomson.

, ha ha, if you didn't give awesome weapons, I couldn't do it! Here's to you Long Fei is honest.