Chapter 625

"Dragon, should I stand up and refute the rumor at once?" Said aldes, looking at Longfei.

Long Fei nodded and said: "OK, you can live on the Internet now, tell your fans that you are still alive, and tell them that TCM saved you! If I'm right, your fans are going crazy now! "

"OK, I'll start right away!" After she finished, she took out her mobile phone and began to live on her own we media!

Long Fei and others thought that all the rumors would be destroyed as long as aldes stood up to refute them. However, they soon found that they think things too simple!

Less than ten minutes after the TV program was broadcast, the Internet was full of news about aldes' death due to taking traditional Chinese medicine! Countless people denounce TCM! All over the country, and even in other countries, fans of ordess spontaneously gathered to smash traditional Chinese medicine stores, beat traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, distribute leaflets to drive traditional Chinese medicine out of the country, and then move bags of traditional Chinese medicine out of traditional Chinese medicine stores and dump them into the garbage can!

What makes Long Fei and others speechless most is that aldes proves that she is still alive by live broadcast or even online interaction with fans, proving that everything kukasa says is a rumor, but it's useless! Because someone pointed out that aldes who appeared on the Internet was not aldes herself at all, but a despicable Chinese medicine man who spent 500 francs to find a watch from a red light district. After making up, she pretended to be aldes and washed the floor for Chinese medicine!

These people even took a screenshot of the live broadcast of aldes, and made marks on her face to prove that aldes in the studio was fake. For example, aldessee's chin is not so smooth, aldessee's skin is not so delicate, and aldessee's double eyelids were not like this before

Fatefully, because Longfei used Xuming Shenzhen to cure aldes, aldes' appearance changed obviously. Although it became more beautiful, it was really different from before. That's why the online water forces call real aldessee a fake aldessee.

"Brother long, the French media are all in a mess. Everywhere are the news that odes was misdiagnosed by Chinese medicine and died after drinking Chinese medicine! These bastards are so mean Wang Xiaonan looked at the overwhelming news in the mobile phone and said, biting her teeth.

Long sighed to Tianze and said, "Alas, if this incident is not handled properly, I'm afraid the development of traditional Chinese medicine in the world will go back 20 years."

"Boer Entertainment's online water army is too strong. With their power, they can completely confuse black and white and right and wrong on the Internet. " Aldes turned off the live broadcast and said with some dismay. In the past four hours, she has repeatedly proved that she is ordess herself. She even said that she peed in bed several times when she was a child, but no one believed her.

"I think I should hold a press conference immediately to clarify this matter to the mainstream media." Said aldes, thinking for a moment.

Long Fei shook his head and said: "no, the French network is not our position. We can't defeat their powerful water army! They say you're dead, you're dead. Even if you are still alive, they have countless reasons to prove that you are not you! "

If this happens in China, Long Fei has n ways to reverse public opinion, and his weapon of public opinion is no weaker than those of the Internet water forces. But here in France, Longfei simply can't control the network public opinion!

"What shall we do? Can we just let things go like this? But if we continue to develop in this way, we will have a great impact on traditional Chinese medicine! " Wang Xiaonan said with a slight frown.

Long Fei showed a smile on his face and said: "ha ha, don't worry, the real is the real, and the fake is the fake. The fake can cover up the truth temporarily, but it can't cover up the truth forever!"

"Xiaofei already has a solution to the problem?" The Dragon asked to the sky in surprise.

"In fact, it's very simple to solve the problem. These online water forces are just employed by people. As long as we find the backstage and control him, we can immediately grasp the direction of public opinion!" Long Fei said.

Long nodded to the sky, and then looked at the direction of the second floor. Abu and others were resting on the second floor. He knew that if he wanted to control those behind the scenes, he would rely on the four young people who were resting.

When it was almost dark, Abramovich and others woke up. After dinner, the four people gathered in Longfei's room again. Long Fei gave them the weapons he bought. As it was only for investigation, the four men set out without submachine guns, but each with a pistol and personal communication equipment.

Because long Fei's arm is injured, so long Fei can't go with them. He can only hear from them at home. In fact, one day later, Long Fei's shoulder has appeared edema, and the whole right arm is also slightly purple, which is a sign of ischemia and hypoxia.

That night, Longfei kept running Longqi, trying to use Longqi to connect the broken blood vessels and tendons together. However, the quality of Longqi has changed, so the progress is slow.

However, to Long Fei's relief, at more than 4 a.m., he received news from Abu. The Dragon special combat team has made clear the internal structure of Reid manor and the situation of defense deployment. What surprised Longfei most was that Abramovich found that three important figures, including famored, kukasa and Thorpe, were all in the Reid Manor!"Chief, what should we do now? Do you want to arrest farmore and others immediately? " Finally, Abramovich asked Longfei.

"No! Red manor's defensive force is too strong, if you start now, it's too dangerous! Blockade Reid heights for a day! If a car leaves the villa, be sure to find out if the people in the car are farmored and others! If it's famored, or kucasa and Thorpe, follow them and find a chance to control them! If they don't come out all the time, just wait for my injury to heal and let's move together! " Long Fei said firmly.

"But, chief, your wound is so serious, when can you recover?" Abramovich asked anxiously. Long Fei's injury is very serious. If his arm is not good for a month, they can't watch Red villa for a month, can they?

"Don't worry, I've seen the weather forecast. It's sunny tonight, so my arms will be as good as ever!" Long Fei said with a smile.

"Chief, are you kidding me? The weather has something to do with your hairy arms? " Abramovich asked gloomily.

"because my wound is healed, I need to absorb the essence of the moon, so it's only a fine day." Long Fei said with a smile. Although he and Abramovich are brothers of life and death, for the time being, he still doesn't want to tell Abramovich the secret of the zodiac. It's not that he doesn't believe his brother, but that he knows that even if he tells Abramovich and others the truth, they won't believe it. In fact, sometimes even long Fei himself would not believe everything he had seen.

"Well, I hope the chief can get better soon." Abramovich shrugged his shoulders and ended the conversation with Longfei. Then, using the personal intercom system, he conveyed Longfei's meaning to Mansour, said and Harris.

Leide manor covers an area of nearly ten square kilometers, with rows of villas and buildings, as well as large orchards, mainly planted with grapes, kiwifruit and so on. Outside the manor is a broad artificial forest, and a two-way two lane asphalt road connects Reid manor with the outside world.

Mansour hid in a big tree in the woods, and constantly manipulated his tablet computer with both hands. As he issued instructions one by one on the computer, "Pathfinder 007" constantly searched every inch of land in the manor under his remote control. Abu and others got the news through Pathfinder 007.

As there is only one road leading to the outside of the villa, Abu and others only need to block this road to monitor the access of the whole villa.

They don't pay much attention to the cars entering the villa, but if a car leaves, they will find a way to lean up and find out whether the people in the car have a target.

As for how to stop each other's car, these guys have many ways, either go out to touch porcelain, or find a way to burst other people's tires. Anyway, they have to find out if the important people have left the Manor!

When Abramovich and others closely monitor Reid manor according to Longfei's orders, Longfei is also anxiously waiting for the arrival of Mozi star.

Last night, he received a call from Yan Hongwei, who told Long Fei that she and yingzi had dedicated their treasure to the country. And a mouse headed erhu has been sent to Paris by a man named Mozi star overnight. Long Fei calculates the time and Mozi star is coming.

Why did Mozi star send the mouse headed erhu instead of long Xiaotian and yingzi's mother and daughter? It's complicated.

It turns out that after Yan Hongwei, Xiao yingzi and long Xiaotian arrived in Yanjing together, with the help of long Xiaotian and Chen Rui, they quickly contacted the leaders of the State Administration of cultural relics. The leaders of the State Administration of cultural relics were overjoyed when they heard that yingzi's mother and daughter would contribute a Chinese Zodiac erhu to the country!

The Chinese Zodiac erhu is a national special cultural relic, one of the national treasures! National Museum has collected four erhu, I do not know how much face for the country! For a long time, the country has been spending huge human and material resources in looking for the remaining eight erhu, but there has been no news. I didn't expect someone to contribute today. It's really a surprise!

As Wan Xinliang and Xue Renyi may be disturbed by the outside world when they are repairing the Longtou Qin, they have strictly blocked the news, so even the State Administration of cultural relics did not know that xiaoyingzi's family would have a twelve zodiac erhu!

The leaders of the Cultural Relics Bureau immediately organized experts to carry out the appraisal, and the appraisal results soon came out. This is a real erhu of the twelve zodiac animals!