Chapter 667

While eating biscuits, tiger said, "I listen to my father. Auntie, didn't I call you and won't let you go home? Why are you back? "

"Silly boy, this is my sister-in-law's home. How can she never go home? Come on, let's talk as we go Liu Qing said while trying to lift the suitcase. The snow on the road is too thick for the suitcase to be dragged. It can only be carried. However, although Liu Qing is not delicate, she has too many things to carry.

"I'll do it." Long Fei reaches for Liu Qing's suitcase with one hand. Liu Qing smiles at him gratefully.

Looking at Liu Qing's smile, Long Fei felt a palpitation in his heart. Liu Qing's face without spots is really very beautiful and green, just like a flower in bud.

Huzi is short. He doesn't notice the eye contact between Longfei and Liuqing. He just frowns and says, "but when you come back, my grandfather won't let you go back to school! My grandfather found you a date. I want you to follow that man to work in the south! "

"Don't worry, my aunt won't go with him!" Liu Qing said with a smile. If she goes home by herself, she may not be so confident, but with Long Fei with her, she feels that all the problems are not problems.

Huzi looked up at Longfei and said, "aunt, is this your boyfriend in the city? How handsome! And you know kung fu! Bruce Lee

Huzi is also a Bruce Lee fan. When he talks about Bruce Lee, he has made a few moves.

Liu Qing blushed. At this moment, she really wanted to say yes to Hu Zi. In her heart, she even thought that if she could have a good life with such a person as Mr. long, even death would be worth it!

But considering the fact that long Fei already has a girlfriend, and her girlfriend is 10000 times more beautiful than her, she finally shook her head and said to Hu Zi, "Hu Zi, don't talk nonsense. He's my sister-in-law's teacher. It's not my sister-in-law's boyfriend. "

Huzi looked at Longfei and suddenly laughed, showing two small tiger teeth and said, "Hey, I don't believe it! My aunt can't tell lies. Is this uncle about your age? How can there be such a young teacher? Uncle, do you like your aunt

Long Fei felt embarrassed, touched Hu Zi's head and said, "Hu Zi, I'm not your aunt's boyfriend. I'm really her teacher. I already have a girlfriend. "

Liu Qing listened to Long Fei's words, but she couldn't help feeling lost. But she said to Hu Zi with a smile: "Hu Zi, do you believe it now?"

Hu Zi nodded and said with regret: "well, it's a pity. If only my uncle could be my aunt's boyfriend. By the way, auntie, the man your grandfather introduced to you is drinking in your home! My dad's here, too. You don't know what that man looks like. He's almost as old as my grandfather. There's a scar on his face. He's old and ugly. I don't know what my grandfather thought. He asked his aunt to go with him. My poor father is also a muddleheaded. He doesn't even advise him. If my mother is alive, she will definitely stop him! "

"No, let's go home now and drive the old man away!"

Liu Qing said to Hu Zi and said to Long Fei, "although Hu Zi's mother is only my sister-in-law, we have the best relationship. She not only never says that I am ugly, but also supports me to go to school. My tuition for high school was that she helped me dig medicinal materials in the mountains to save enough when I was in leisure time. Alas... "

With a long sigh, Liu Qing said, "if we could find our sister-in-law earlier that day, maybe she would not die. Even if my sister-in-law could call me to go to the health center with her that night, she would be fine.... "

Said, Liu Qing's face shed two strings of crystal clear tears.

"Auntie, you are crying." Hu Zi looked up at Liu Qing and said.

Liu Qing quickly wiped her tears and said, "I didn't cry. My aunt didn't cry. My aunt just thinks of your mother

"Aunt, I miss my mother too." Huzi even sobbed.

As soon as Huzi cried, Liu Qing was a little flustered and said, "Huzi doesn't cry, he doesn't cry. Huzi is already a little man. How can he cry? "

"That is, if a man bleeds without tears, he can't cry." Long Fei also said beside. In fact, at this time, Long Fei's heart is also a little heavy.

Fortunately, the child's mood changes very quickly, time does not defecate, and think of happy things, will also bring up Liu Qing's mood.

The three men walked into the village while talking. Long Fei looked at the scene of the village as he walked. The village is full of low grass houses, and most people don't even have a yard. The walls are mostly made of gray limestone, and the cracks in the walls are covered with moss. Some people's walls and roofs even grow saplings more than one meter high. But by this time the saplings had fallen leaves and the bare branches were covered with snow.

There was no one on the road. Occasionally, a barking local dog came out of an alley. After being yelled by the tiger, he immediately went back.

There are several old houses out of the melodious sound of erhu, as well as men and women singing. As the new year is approaching, most of those who work outside have already gone home, and those who farm at home are in their leisure time. Even the air seems to have a sense of comfort and leisure.Long Fei was not affected by the comfort and idleness of the village. He knows that behind this comfort and leisure, there is ignorance and ignorance, helplessness and panic in the face of disaster!

Three people are going to Liu Qing's home, tiger suddenly pointed to the front and said: "sister-in-law, you see, it's * * milk! What happened to her leg? "

Long Fei looked up and saw a woman limping forward in front of the wind and snow. She was bloated, her gray coat was patched, her shoulders and hair were white, and she was carrying a five Jin plastic bucket, as if she would fall at any time.

"It's really my mother!" Liu Qing whispered, then yelled at the woman in front, "Mom! Mom! It's me. I'm back! "

Liu Qing ran over while shouting, held the limping mother and repeatedly asked, "Mom, what's wrong with your leg? Oh, how come your head is broken? How come your hands are blue? What the hell is going on? What happened? "

Liu Qing's mother looked at Liu Qing for a moment and then said, "are you a big girl? Oh, no black spots on your face? So beautiful? "

"Yes! The freckles on my face were cured by my teacher. You see, this is my teacher. His name is long Fei. Mr. long, this is my mother. " Liu Qing quickly introduces Long Fei to his mother.

"Good aunt." Long Fei bowed slightly to Liu Qing's mother and said respectfully.

Liu Qing's mother saw that long Fei was dressed in a suit and a suit of city people. She couldn't help feeling embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

Liu Qing chuckled and said to Long Fei, "teacher long, my mother grew up in the countryside. She doesn't know much about the etiquette outside. Don't blame her."

"No, No." Long Fei said quickly. Long Fei just wanted to say a few more words to Liu Qing's mother, but Liu Qing's mother took Liu Qing's hand, pulled Liu Qing aside, and asked in a low voice, "big girl, do you want to make it clear to me that he is the boyfriend you are talking about outside?"

Although Liu Qing's mother's voice is very small, but Long Fei's ear power is excellent, so I heard it clearly. Long Fei can't help but subconsciously knock on his temple, thinking that he really should bring Lin Su Su or Wang Xiao Nan. As long as they can come, everyone doesn't have to misunderstand their relationship with Liu Qing. It is estimated that some people will misunderstand their relationship in the future.

"No, Ma! You're thinking about something. He is my teacher Liu Qing said.

"Then why did he come with you to our house?" Liu Qing's mother asked suspiciously.

Liu Qing had expected that long Fei would come home with him. Her parents would ask her this question. She had already thought about the reason, so she immediately said, "Mom, Mr. long is not only a school teacher, but also an entrepreneur. By the way, he came to visit our hometown to see what good projects there are."

Liu Qing's mother nodded as if she believed or not, and said, "Oh So it is If it's not your boyfriend, it's not your boyfriend. "

Long Fei can't help but feel depressed when he looks at Liu Qing's mother's face not far away. Originally, he thought Liu Qing's mother would be very sorry when she heard that she and Liu Qing were not lovers. I didn't expect that people didn't like him at all!

Liu Qing heard his mother's tone, afraid that long Fei would be angry, and quickly whispered: "Mom! How can you talk like that! What's not my boyfriend? Like teacher long is not my boyfriend, you are very happy, or you don't see teacher long at all. It's not good for Mr. long to hear that. "

"No. Your father asked someone to tell you an object at home. If you bring back a boyfriend now, how can your father and I explain to others? " Liu Qing's mother said.

"What object is not the object? I haven't graduated yet! What are you talking about? " Liu Qing pursed her little lips and said.

"Well I don't think it's suitable. If you don't go to university, you can do anything. You've been to university, and it doesn't cost us a cent. It's not appropriate for us to call you back. But your father is stubborn. We can't listen to him! Besides, our marriage is a change of marriage. After you get married, their family will also marry their daughter to your brother. Your brother is nineteen this year. He is in the countryside and his age has reached the mountain ridge! If you don't find another daughter-in-law, you'll have to be single all your life! " Liu Qing's mother said with a sad face.