Chapter 833

When the electrician heard the hum of the grinding wheel cutting the cable, he immediately came to check, but the pathfinder was cutting too fast. Before the electrician came, he had cut off two of the five core cables, the power transmission circuit was cut off, and the whole Hexin island was in darkness, and the substation was no exception!

The electrician's eyes were not used to the sudden darkness. They suddenly became dark and completely blind. However, after the power failure, the squeaking sound of the power distribution cabinet disappeared, and the sound of the Pathfinder cutting the cable became clearer.

The electrician continued to walk forward in the dark, while touching the mobile phone from his pocket, trying to use the mobile phone for lighting. However, before he could touch the mobile phone, he tripped over the cable under his feet. The electrician rushed forward with a whoop. As a result, he bumped into the edge of the power distribution cabinet, his head was broken, his blood was flowing, his head was dizzy, and his mobile phone didn't know where to fall!

When the electrician covered his head with his hand and stood up cursing, the buzzing in his ear was over. Then the standby generator began to work, and the distribution room was bright again.

After getting up from the ground, the electrician rushed to the main line and found that the main line had been cut off, but the electrician who had been cut off was confused and couldn't think of it. At this time, the Pathfinder, who had cut the cable by remote control, re entered the shaft and returned along the original road of the channel. The camera carried by Pathfinder has night vision function and is not afraid of darkness at all.

The two electricians who had been guarding outside also rushed in. When they saw the scene, they were also confused. Break their heads and don't understand how the cable was cut! The guard of the whole substation room is like Tietong. How did the other party get in?

Xie Hei's preparation work is really full. It took only a little more than a minute from the power failure to the restoration of lighting!

However, this minute is enough for Long Fei!

When he informed Mansour to act according to the plan, he closed his eyes. When he found that there was a power failure, he immediately opened his eyes and rushed out of the door like a sharp arrow! Long Fei's vision is different from ordinary people, others can't see, but he can see!

When the lighting was restored, the four bodyguards standing at the door could not help looking at each other. A guy asked, "Hey, little plum, did you feel someone running past us just now?"

"You feel it, too? I also feel someone running past me. Hello, Lao Zhang, do you feel it? " Small plum uncertain said.

"No, I didn't feel anything. You two spent too much time in the evening, kidney deficiency, illusion? Although our gate is not locked, it is closed. Who can rush out of it and then rush past us in such a short time? Besides, there is no one else in the villa except Mr. Xie. Do you mean it was Mr. Xie who rushed past just now? " Lao Zhang said.

Xiao Li Zi and another security guard were also confused, wondering whether they really felt wrong.

At the same time, the same talk also appeared in the two security guards on the riverside road. One guy said to the other, "Hey, Lao Guan, I heard a bang just now. Someone dived."

"Bang? Why didn't I hear that? Lao Xing, are you deaf? " Lao Guan said.

"You're so deaf. You see there are ripples on the water." Lao Xing said, pointing at the water with his fingers.

"Where is the ripple? Why didn't I see it?" Looking at the surface of the water, Lao Guan said that because the river is flowing, the ripples caused by the dragon flying into the water disappear very quickly. When Lao Guan paid attention to it, the ripples could not be seen clearly.

"I did see the ripple just now and heard a bang. Would you like to report to team Xie?" Lao Xing said.

"Forget it, even if someone entered the water just now, he also ran away. At this time, he will inform team Xie again. It's no use but to find his own guilt." Lao Guan said with his lips curled.

When the security guards kept talking, Long Fei had already crossed the iron fence and the net from the bottom of the water, quickly dived back to the shore, and returned to the Mercedes Benz Spencer.

Since it's already 4:30 in the morning, it's almost tomorrow. So, instead of going back to the hotel, the three opened the champagne in Spencer to celebrate the victory

When the sun rises from the eastern horizon, Xie Mengyu finally wakes up from her sleep. She just stretches on the bed and suddenly feels something wrong!

"Where's the box? Where is the piano box? I was sleeping with it last night

Xie Mengyu sat up from the bed and looked under the bed. She thought that she was not honest when she was sleeping. She couldn't help but put the piano box on the floor! But she was shocked to find that there was no shadow of the piano box on the ground!

Xie Mengyu realized that the piano box was gone! It must have been stolen by Longfei!

"Poof!" Xie Mengyu vomits for a long time, and suddenly falls on the bed like a corpse. He looks at the ceiling with his eyes, but his body doesn't move, leaving his nosebleed body exposed to the air.

When Xie Mengyu got off work last night, she wanted to hide her piano and box in the dark room of her office's glass curtain wall. The place was very hidden, and she thought Longfei was hard to find. But when she put the piano in, she suddenly read something and separated it from the box. Just put the piano in the dark. He took the box back to his room.In Xie Mengyu's opinion, after long Fei found the piano box, because he was nervous, he might not have time to open it for inspection, so he took the box and left. When Long Fei goes back, he finds that there is nothing in the box. If he wants to steal it again, he will have no time. In that case, Xie Mengyu's idea would be meritorious.

But she forgot one thing. When there is a piano in the box, the weight is different from that when there is no piano. For a person who is not sensitive to the weight, such as Xie Mengyu, she may not feel it. But for Long Fei, a master who doesn't even need to weigh the medicine, even if it's a little bit of weight error, he can feel it! Besides, Niutou erhu is quite heavy!

After Xie Mengyu brought the piano box back to her room, she wanted to find a place to hide, but in the end, she took the box in her arms and fell asleep!

When the woman went to bed, she thought, "Long Fei, I'll sleep with the piano box in my arms tonight. I'll see how you can make me steal the box without knowing it!"

Xie Mengyu realized that after the piano box was stolen by Longfei, he suddenly thought of another thing, so he immediately blushed and began to check his body, and then carefully checked the bed.

I went to bed naked last night, and I was absolutely full of lethality to men! Long Fei is also a man in his prime. Who knows if he did anything to himself last night?

Xie Mengyu will check his body and bed again, found no blood, this just put down the heart. She is a real girl! Last night, Longfei must have done something to her! Since there's no blood, Long Fei doesn't do anything to himself.

After the woman found that long Fei didn't do anything to herself, she first took a long breath, and then she was full of loss! He is a real beauty, lying on the bed naked. How can long Fei be indifferent to him? Are you so unattractive?

The woman lay on the bed, stunned for a long time, then suddenly remembered to see if Qin was still there! So she quickly put on her clothes, too late to wash, wearing slippers, she went to her office. When she opened the dark grid on the glass curtain wall, she found that the Tauren had already disappeared without a trace. Needless to say, it must have been stolen by Longfei!

"Long Fei! What a dragon

Until this time, Xie Mengyu felt a little scared. Long Fei could sneak into his room, steal the piano box from his arms, and then steal the piano! She really can't understand how long Fei did it.

So far, Xie Mengyu and Long Fei's bet, she is completely lost. According to the gambling agreement, she should give the lute to its original owner Zhou Zuoli. Although Xie Mengyu feels very disappointed, she is the president of Xie group in the end! Can take up and put down!

Xie Mengyu went back to her room, washed and dressed, and informed the cook on the island to bring her breakfast. After eating, she went back to her office and began to work.

The first thing she did after work was to let Xie Hei meet her.

Xie Hei still knows that niutouqin has been stolen by Longfei again. But after he saw Xie Mengyu, he immediately knew the answer from the expression on Xie Mengyu's face, so he did not dare to ask more, just waiting for Xie to speak.

Xie Mengyu sat on his swivel chair and looked at Xie Hei across the big class table. Then he said without expression: "last night, Longfei succeeded again. He stole the lute again. I hid the Tauren and the case separately. I put the piano box in my room. Long Fei came into my room and stole it. Do you know what that means? "

Xie Mengyu certainly won't say that she put the piano box under the quilt, she just said that she hid it in her room.

Xie Hei certainly knows what this means, which means that if Long Fei wanted to kill Xie Mengyu last night, it was as easy as a palm!

"Mr. Xie, it's all my fault. I'm willing to take all the responsibility. You can punish me!" Xie Hei lowered his head and said in a deep voice. He has been a security guard for so many years, and has never encountered such a thing. He's going to die now, too!

Xie Mengyu was silent for a moment, and then said: "the punishment will be discussed later. Now tell me that you arranged so many people yesterday, don't you really have no awareness of the dragon flying to the island?"

Xie Hei carefully said the suspicious things he met last night, especially about his call to Xie Mengyu.

Xie Mengyu immediately understands that the person who answers the phone for himself and answers Xie Hei is long Fei! That bastard is really bold.

From the heart, Long Fei can steal niutouqin. I really can't blame Xie Hei. It's estimated that another security team leader will have the same result.

After thinking of these, Xie Mengyu waved to Xie hei and said, "forget it, you go back first."

Xie Hei is stunned, ask a way: "Xie always does not punish me?"