Chapter 937

In the small conference room at the dragon's home in Beijing, Li Guanghua continued to expound his views, while others listened quietly. Li Guanghua indeed put forward a new idea, which is worthy of their serious consideration.

"If we find the turtle field family at this time, I believe they will be happy to cooperate with us as long as we offer them conditions that will make them excited. Although many experts of Guitian family mysteriously disappeared, their accumulated wealth has not been lost, and what we lack most now is wealth, because we are fighting an economic war with the dragon family! It's not a fight for life! "

Although his seat is at the end of the conference table, Li Guanghua's pride rises in his heart when he sees that his grandfather, father, uncle and aunt all cast their solemn eyes on him. He seems to feel that he has become the owner of the Li family. At this time, he has the responsibility to lead the huge Li family through the difficulties and go to glory!

"Good! That makes sense. " Li Chaogang said excitedly, "Changhu, you are in charge of diplomatic work. You are familiar with the people in the island country. It's up to you to contact the turtle field family."

"All right, Dad. I know the foreign minister of the island country, qingshuimu, who will be the intermediary. I think we can easily reach a cooperation agreement with the Guitian family. " Li Changhu immediately nodded and said.

"Well, you'll contact Shuimu immediately." Li Chaogang said to Li Changhu, then he looked up to Li Guanghua and said, "Guanghua, besides the Guitian family, who else do you want to contact?"

"The evangelical organization of the United States!" Li Guanghua said without hesitation.

"Evangelical organizations? Why haven't I heard of it? " Li Chaogang frowned and asked. Li Changhu and others also cast their confused eyes on Li Guanghua.

Li Guanghua's father Li Changlong's face sank slightly and said, "boy, your idea is a good one. But I have to remind you that we Li Jiabi are a big family. Even if we want to find someone to cooperate with, we must also find a family or organization with similar strength to ours! You'd better not think about some small families or organizations that are not in the class. It's a small matter to lose our face. The important thing is that our capital gap is too big, almost tens of billions. Those little-known families and organizations can't afford too much money at all! There's no need for the Li family to bend over for three walnuts and two dates. "

Li Changlong had never heard of evangelical organizations before, so he took him for granted as a little-known organization. In fact, Li Chaogang and Li Changhu and others did not say it, but they thought so in their hearts.

"Grandpa, Dad. You misunderstood. This evangelical organization is not a small organization. It's a big Mac! It is said that their God level ninjas can even change like the monkey king. Unfortunately, all the masters of their family suddenly disappeared. Otherwise, a turtle field family will be able to wipe out the dragon family Li Guanghua said with a smile.

But this guy doesn't know that the super masters of the Guitian family, the God level ninja, the super level ninja, and even the owner of the family, Guitian DACAO, were suddenly eliminated because they offended Long Fei! These masters of the turtle field family were eaten by the lightning dragon at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean!

"Although in terms of force, the evangelical organization is not as strong as the tortoise family, but in terms of financial resources, the evangelical organization is much stronger than the tortoise family! They can easily raise tens of billions of funds in a short time! " Li continued.

Li Chaogang and others were all surprised that they could easily raise tens of billions? Is that possible? If that's true, how powerful is the organization?

"Since this organization is so powerful, it should be very famous, but why didn't we hear their names? We are not ignorant people. " Li Changlong said with a frown.

Li Guanghua said with a smile: "ha ha, Grandpa, Dad, uncles, the reason why you haven't heard the name of this organization is that the organization is usually very low-key and the identity of its members is very hidden. They have a scientific research institution, the external name of which is ODA Biotechnology Research Institute, while their internal name is olfy laboratory. This is a very mysterious laboratory. It is said that 30% of Western medicine in the world is developed by this laboratory. And 40% of the profits of Western medicine in the world go to the coffers of evangelical organizations! "

When Li Guanghua said about AODA Biotechnology Research Institute, people suddenly realized that pharmaceutical industry is also the pillar industry of the Li family. Of course, they had heard of the name of AODA Biotechnology Research Institute, but it was also the first time that they had heard that AODA Biotechnology Research Institute also had a name, called aofei laboratory, and there was a mysterious organization behind it, called Gospel!

"Well, in that case, we must contact this evangelical organization. Guanghua, since you are familiar with evangelical organizations, it's up to you to contact them. " Li Guanghua said as he patted the table.

"All right, grandfather, I will live up to the expectations of the public." Li Guanghua said confidently.

Li Guanghua once specially collected the gratitude and resentment between the evangelical organization and Long Fei. He knew that aofei laboratory had been trying every means to deal with Long Fei. If he took the initiative to find them and make an alliance with them, they had no reason not to cooperate with him.Next, the Li family thought of several medium-sized families in China that could be wooed. They arranged for people to contact them, and then Li Chaogang announced the end of the meeting. After the meeting, everyone in the Li family was busy!

I have to say that Li Guanghua's step is very accurate! Also found the key to solve the problem!

Needless to say, even now they don't know that the head of the Guitian family died in the mouth of the lightning dragon because of Long Fei. They are even looking forward to the return of the Guitian family. But this does not prevent them from eating Longfei's meat and drinking Longfei's blood! After all, Longfei almost reimbursed the whole Guitian family!

Therefore, when Li Changhu was introduced by qingshuimu and met kanren KAMIDA, the current head of the family, the two sides had a very pleasant conversation. Kanren KAMIDA made a loan of 4 billion yuan to the Li family on the spot to help the Li family stabilize the stock market and take this opportunity to defeat the long family.

At the beginning, when the main members of the Guitian family rushed to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean to participate in the special training, they left kanren KAMIDA, a Super Ninja, at home. Therefore, kanren KAMIDA has now become the only remaining Super Ninja of the Guitian family.

Li Guangfei got in touch with MiZuHua through special channels. Evangelical organizations always want to get rid of Longfei. In order to kill Longfei, they even spend nearly a billion yuan to hire the super experts of the killer alliance to kill Longfei. Now the Li family just ask them to borrow money to deal with the Longfei family. At that time, the money will be returned to them with interest. Of course, they won't refuse!

With a stroke of his pen, Boris lent the Li family 6 billion yuan at a time to help them get rid of the dragon family!

With these two funds, Li Guanghua was overjoyed. Under his own command, he smashed the funds into the stock markets of Li's group companies, which not only stabilized the stock market quickly, but also bit Longfei, making Longfei lose more than 10 billion at a time!

Changes in the stock market immediately attracted the attention of Long Fei. He immediately called a meeting of its operators to analyze the situation.

"Long Dong, I'll bet the Li family has got a huge amount of money! Today alone, they got more than 4 billion shares! The stock market, which has almost collapsed, has been brought back to life

"Long Dong, what are we going to do next? Are we going to continue to fight with them or cut the flesh and withdraw? Or wait and see? "

A group of traders are constantly talking.

Long Fei sits on the chair, hands on the conference table, index finger gently tapping the smooth table, also don't speak, just listen to everyone's analysis. Although the dragon family has lost more than 20 billion yuan, he still has a smile on his face. Long Fei believes that no matter how the other party pours, it must be him who wins in the end!

When everyone's voice gradually calmed down, Long Fei said with a smile: "the other party is just a reflection before death, we don't need to care. The money we lost today will be back in a few days. However, since the other party already has enough funds, it will not be good for us if we continue to fight with the other party, so let's not make any noise for the moment. Just wait and see. As a matter of top priority, we should first investigate where the Li family has raised such a large amount of funds. As long as I find the source of this fund, I can go straight to my door! Since they support the Li family, they are my enemies. I will never be polite to my enemies! Of course, you don't need to work behind the scenes. This is not what you are good at. You just need to keep a close eye on the changes of the stock market. You can make a little fuss, but don't invest a lot of money. When I order you to make a big investment again, we will launch a general attack on them again! "

Although Longfei is talking with a smile, people can hear the chill from Longfei's words!

After long Fei disbanded the team of operators, he recruited all the elites from the Publicity Department of Long's group for a meeting. Long Fei ordered them to investigate the itinerary of several important figures of the Li family in the shortest time, no matter what method they used, and pay special attention to where they went and who they met these days.

The elites in the Publicity Department of Long's group are not ordinary people, they are all the second generation of officials. They want to investigate a matter, which can mobilize the power of the official to a great extent, such as customs, police stations, industrial and commercial tax bank, etc.

Of course, no matter how powerful the Propaganda Department of Long's group is, it will take time to investigate this matter clearly. Instead of waiting for news at the headquarters, Longfei left Longcheng and flew directly to the United States. He's going to talk to the nick family about his sister's manslaughter of sardinson.