Chapter 1031

Although Long Fei didn't know the magic function of the nectar of life in the eight wasteland tripod, he knew it was absolutely good! Isn't it a pity if it is consumed in this way?

But if you don't consume the life dew, the years God willow can't deliver energy to his golden elixir! He can't improve his accomplishments quickly!

Long Fei was struggling in his heart when he heard the old man laughing: "boy, don't worry too much. The nectar of life in the God cauldron is not a little bit, it's enough for you to spend a period of time. Moreover, the time God willow can plunder all life material vitality! The vitality it plundered will naturally turn into life dew. "

"Master, are there any other magical functions of time God willow, eight wasteland God tripod and life nectar?" Long Fei asked pleasantly.

"Of course! Now that I give you my inheritance, you will naturally know their benefits. "

As the old man spoke, he stretched out his hand to Longfei. A white light suddenly shot from the old man's fingertip, and then quickly disappeared in front of Longfei's forehead. Longfei felt that there was a set of cultivation techniques called Qingfeng xuanming Jue in his mind, and there were several extremely powerful secrets!

Although Qingfeng xuanming Jue is mysterious and powerful, it is still a little worse than Longfei's Longshi Taiji. He can't lose Longshi Taiji and re practice Qingfeng xuanming Jue. Therefore, this set of skills doesn't have much effect on Longfei, but those skills are very powerful, and these skills are also the spirit of time and the eight wasteland tripod And the use of life dew is very powerful for Longfei! Can completely act as the ability of Longfei to press the bottom of the box!

as like as two peas of dragon flying, all these secret arts were digested, and his heart was filled with joy. His eyes were looking at a small hillside not far away, but on the hillside, the desolation and inactivity of the hills, no plants, no animal, and all the other places in the great wasteland, were completely dead.

Long Fei smiles and suddenly reaches out his hand. In his hand, there is a green water polo full of vitality! Water polo is naturally made up of the nectar of life.

Then long Fei threw it, and the water ball suddenly burst open over the hillside, turning into a light mist, covering the hillside.

Miracle happened!

At first, the soil changed rapidly on that hillside. It was no longer gray as if it had been burned by a big fire. Instead, it became black land that could breed life. Even the color of the rocks changed and became moist.

Then there are countless tender green buds breaking out of the black soil. These buds grow in the wind. Some become grass all over the mountains, some become saplings everywhere, and some become brilliant wild flowers everywhere

Almost in the blink of an eye, the originally lifeless and lifeless hillside suddenly became full of vitality and green. Even the stones were covered with moss and ferns!

Just as these plants were growing up, Longfei suddenly let out a burst of "time God pupil - broken!"

In the roar, two emerald green lights suddenly appeared in Longfei's eyes, shining on the vigorous hillside, and then the miracle appeared again!

See the plants all over the mountains immediately began to wither quickly!

First the grass, wild flowers and leaves withered and fell, then the trunk withered, and finally the wind blew, the trunk turned into powder and scattered in the air!

In the same blink of an eye, the hillside, which was just full of vitality, quickly returned to its original lifeless appearance! Even the land and stones have become the original lifeless gray!

Give life between thoughts, reap life between thoughts! At this moment, Longfei felt that he was the Creator!

"Thank you for your kindness in passing on the art!" Long Fei knelt down in front of the old man without hesitation and said sincerely. Although the old man didn't accept himself as an apprentice, he had already received his inheritance, and they had the reality of mentoring.

"Ha ha, get up. You are not only a god cultivator, but also a descendant of elder brother Qingxuan. What you practice is long's Taiji. It's not suitable for you to practice my Qingfeng xuanming Jue any more. What you can use is those secret skills. So, I'm not qualified to be your master. You'd better call me master. Besides, I need you to do something for me when I pass on my inheritance to you. " The old man laughed.

"I don't know if there is anything you need to do? The younger generation must find a way to do it. " Long Fei said.

"I want you to be the leader of Qingfeng Valley! Pass on my inheritance to the disciples of Qingfeng valley. " The old man said solemnly.

Long Fei's face suddenly showed a look of embarrassment and said: "elder, it's not the younger generation's laziness. It's not easy to do this. You may not know that immortal Yuxuan, the leader of Qingfeng Valley, his wife Tian Wan'er and his daughter Xu Ruoshui are all my life-saving benefactors. How can I replace Yuxuan? Why don't I pass on the Qingfeng xuanming formula to immortal Yuxuan and then pass it on to the disciples of Qingfeng Valley? "

"Ha ha ha..." The old man burst out laughing, "you misunderstood me. I don't mean breeze Valley as you say

Long Fei couldn't help but be stunned and asked, "master, are there two breeze valleys in the world?""Of course, there is only one qingfenggu, but qingfenggu has 385 branches! The main gate of Qingfeng Valley is not in Tianyuan Kingdom, but in Qingfeng kingdom! Qingfeng country is called Qingfeng country because it was built by Qingfeng valley. The Qingfeng valley you just mentioned is not among the 385! This breeze Valley is just a bit of orthodoxy left by me at the beginning. It's not worth mentioning at all! If the thirteenth sect of the human race is the one you see in qingfenggu, isn't it a big laugh? " The old man said with some pride.

Long Fei listened to the old man's words just like listening to the book of heaven. The old man's words were beyond his expectation!

But after the shock, Long Fei was relieved. He was still one of the thirteen sects of the clan. How could he be so powerful that he would be trampled by wanliuzong, an unknown sect of Xiuzhen! It turns out that this qingfenggu is not even a semicolon of the real qingfenggu!

Long Fei suddenly remembers that Qi Minxiao once told him that the whole thirteen sects of the purple star Terran clan, it seems that only the Qingxuan clan is still fighting against the blood sucking demons, and all the other sects have surrendered. Doesn't it mean that qingfenggu has surrendered to the blood sucking demons? How can I be the leader of Qingfeng Valley?

Long Fei wanted to tell the old man about it, but when he saw that the old man mentioned qingfenggu, he was full of pride. Obviously, he had a lot to do with qingfenggu, and he certainly didn't know about qingfenggu's defection. If I tell him the truth, it seems that I am too cruel?

What's more, Long Fei learned the news from Qi Minxiao. Qi Minxiao is just an ordinary man, not even a monk. How does he know about the real world? It's just hearsay. He must be the same as himself. He also regarded the Qingfeng valley of Tianyuan kingdom as the main gate of Qingfeng valley!

Thinking of this, Long Fei didn't tell the old man about qingfenggu's defection to the blood sucking demons. He just threw his hand at the old man and said, "although I'm not talented, I'm willing to promise to be the leader of qingfenggu, but I have nothing to do with qingfenggu. Suddenly I ran to the head of qingfenggu. I'm afraid qingfenggu's disciples will beat me out? Besides, there must be a leader in Qingfeng valley now, and he won't agree that I am an outsider to replace him, will he

"Boy, you worry too much. According to the rules of Qingfeng Valley, the next leader can only be appointed by the previous leader, and the keepsake can be passed to the leader. But because I had an accident and left in a hurry, I didn't have time to arrange the next leader. So in the past few years, there must be no headmaster in Qingfeng valley. Even if there is a headmaster, he is not appointed by me, and there is no headmaster's token in his hand. He is also a fake headmaster! You can completely replace it with the leader's Keepsake! " Said the old man.

What the old man said was plain, but Long Fei was shocked. He didn't expect that the old man was the real leader of Qingfeng Valley!

He almost subconsciously said: "the elder is the leader of Qingfeng Valley?"

"Yes, I am the leader of Qingfeng valley. And although I am the 39th generation leader of Qingfeng Valley, I am the first leader to leave the earth and kill the purple star! All the 38 headmasters before me have been working on the earth all the time. " The old man said with some pride.

Long Fei looked at the old man with his eyes almost staring out. He pointed to the old man and said, "master, you You are one of the nine immortals who came from the earth to the purple star, Qingfeng immortal

"Hehe, when the blood sucking demons of Purple Star invaded the earth and harmed human beings, it was our nine old guys who chased purple star all the way."

The old man said here, suddenly looking at Long Fei, his face showed a trace of doubt, and said: "eh? Strange! Boy, your qi and blood seem to have the breath of the earth's human race. You should also come from the earth, but your cultivation level is so low that you can't travel in space. How did you get to purple star? Is it because my eyes are dim and my judgment is wrong that you are not from the earth at all? "

Long Fei couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "master, you're right. I'm from the earth. But I don't come through space by virtue of cultivation. I come by flying saucer. "

This time it's Qingfeng's turn. Shocked, he lost his voice and said, "what? Are you really from earth? "

"Master, I'm a real earthman, if I'm fake, I'll be sure to change!" Long Fei said with a smile.

The old man's face suddenly shed two lines of clear tears, but his mouth burst into laughter: "ha ha ha, unexpected, unexpected! I didn't expect that Lao Qingfeng saw the people in my hometown again before all the spirits were destroyed! Boy, is the earth OK? How is the development of the earth's breeze Valley? Has it developed? "

Long Fei can't help but feel embarrassed. He has been on earth for many years. He has heard of Shaolin, Wudang, Emei and Kongtong, but he has never heard of qingfenggu! Not to mention qingfenggu, he has never heard of qingxuanmen! These sects must have been annihilated in the long history of the earth!

As long Fei was about to tell the old man the truth, he suddenly hesitated.